Do you want to start the new year already having made progress?

Do you want to avoid the typical American holiday weight gain?

Do you want to be able to enjoy the holidays, enjoy the food, enjoy the drinks, and literally get away with it?

Great, then pay attention to these holiday recipe changes that will save your physique, health, mental health and get you a running start to the New Year goals!

First off, understand what these hacks are for are to eliminate certain foods that will wreck your gut, leading to you getting SICK, getting a gym injury, or depression, anxiety, autoimmune issues, etc. All of these are directly tied to POOR Nutrition and a few specific ingredients, FLOUR(wheat/white), and Sugar(refined).

This is also to eliminate calories/carbs in certain dishes so you naturally keep your calories/carbs lower without any effort because these foods will either be super filling or low calorie.

So Lets begin!

The first dish you want to always make during holidays is my famous PALEO DEVILED EGGS!

Super simple to make, packed full of protein and good fats that will trigger the hormones that make you feel full, so you and everyone else naturally consume less calories! Win Win! You eat less, naturally, no effort!

For a quick refresher before we get into the recipes, this is how you do the week, and day of the holiday!

Got it! Follow those rules! Save the link to this blog, and image so you can remind yourself!

Now lets get to the reasons you’re here!!!

Paleo Deviled eggs


Paleo mayo (not traditional junk mayo)

Mustard that’s sugar free


Turkey bacon to top

How to make:

Boil the eggs. Peel the eggs. Slice in halves, dump the yolks into a big bowl. Stir in mayo(amount depends on your amount)Stir in mustard. Whip it up very well.

Use spoon to scoop the egg mix into the egg halves.

Sprinkle with paprika on top

Cook 1 slice of turkey bacon or 1 beef patty. Rip into tiny pieces and top eggs


These bad boys are delicious, and they hack your hormones and body and lead to you naturally eating less because you will be too full.

But remember, you still need to eat a full plate of protein when it comes to dinner time/lunch time with fam before you dig into the good carbs, and pies Im about to show you how to make.

Low Carb Crust and Delicious Healthy Pie Filling.

Pecan Crust (This is amazing and I LOVE this one)

Heres how to make it:

1 cup pecan pieces (frozen)

2 Tbsp melted Grassfed butter (Kerrygold at store)

2 Tbsp Maple Syrup or Honey or 2 tbsp Monk Fruit

1. Take pecans out of the freezer and measure them into a food processor (you can use a blender, but be careful not to blend them down too small). Pulse the processor until the largest pieces are as big as lentils or split peas.

2. Add the butter and the sweetener (Maple Syrup or honey). Stir until it’s mixed evenly.

3. Dump it into a pie pan, and push with your fingers to cover the bottom and sides. It should be the right consistency to mold the crust to the pie pan evenly.

Nutritional Analysis: Whole crust is 1058 calories, 41 Carbs(Good Carbs), 100g Fat(GOOD fats), 10g Protein. This Equates to 132 calories, 5g carbs, 12.5 grams of Good Fat, 1.25 grams of protein per slice.

If you use Monk fruit its about 960 calories and less carbs.

Compare to Normal Pie Crust. 1800-2000+ Calories with 216g Carbs(Blood Sugar spiking, Body Fat Promoting, addictive kind), 108g Fats(not so healthy kind), 9g protein.

That means if you choose the Pecan Crusted over a normal pie crust you save Almost 100 calories per slice and eat 22g less of carbs per slice. Thats a WIN! And even more if you use Monk Fruit.

ALMOND FLOUR PIE CRUST (This is my personal crust choice this year)


2 cups of almond flour

1 egg, 1/4 tsp sea salt

2 tbsp coconut oil or Grassfed Butter

1tbsp Maple Syrup or Honey or 1tbsp monk fruit


1. In a food processor or bowl, briefly mix almond flour and salt.

2. Add in melted coconut oil(butter), Maple syrup(or honey) and egg and mix until a ball is formed.

3. Press dough into a pie dish. Note: this pie dish was larger than the standard 9″ size, so the crust didn’t extend as far up the sides but you get the idea.

4. Bake at 350 degrees for 8-12 minutes.

I will say the Pumpkin pie recipe below tastes better with the almond flour crust, but I also have listed a crustless option to save calories. Yes, I have thought of everything.

So we talked Crusts, lets talk PIE.

Most peoples favorite pies are Apple and Pumpkin so take either one of these pie recipes below and put this filling into can be made using any one of the crust options above, or go crustless to reduce calories like the one below.

What I mean is to put this same filling into a Almond crust, a pecan crust or just go crustless.

PUMPKIN PIE!!! (This comes out amazing even with no crust, just butter pan and cook crustless for less calories)

But personally this one is AMAZING with the Pecan Crust and even Amazing’er if you stack the Cherry Pie on Top. OMG!


3 eggs

2 cups pumpkin puree

½ cup Maple Syrup or Honey or for less calories 2/3 cup Monk Fruit(I’d do just shy of 2/3 cup its sweet)

½ tsp. salt

1.5 tsp. cinnamon

½ tsp. nutmeg

½ tsp. ground ginger

¼ tsp. allspice

¼ tsp. cardamom

¾ cup Unsweetened almond or coconut milk

1-2tbsp of Grassfed Butter or Coconut oil


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Grease a glass pie dish with Grassfed Butter or coconut oil.

3. In a medium-sized bowl, slightly beat the eggs.

4. Add in the following to the eggs, hand whisking after each addition to combine well: pumpkin puree, honey, salt and spices, milk.

5. Pour batter into prepared pan and bake for approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes. You can check if toothpick inserted into center comes out relatively clean, but after 1 hour and 10 minutes, it should be done. You should check at an hour to make sure it’s not burning, if it is, it might need to come out early. You want the pie to set, but you don’t want the top to brown/burn.

6. To serve, slide a silicone spatula under each piece (rather than a metal cake server/cutter), which keeps the pie piece from breaking. (Your first piece may be less successful since it’s hard to slip a spatula under when there’s no room, but I haven’t had problems with any piece thereafter).

7. Serve warm or cold, with whipped cream or ice cream (optional).

You can use that same Pumpkin Pie filling recipe above and put it in your Pecan Crust or Almond Crust, or you can go Crustless. Just make sure if you are using crusts to bake them for 10mins first before adding the filling.

Now lets talk Apple Pie

CHERRY PIE! My NEW FAVORITE!!! (stack this on top of the pumpkin when you eat, OMG!)

Use the Pecan Crust with this its PERFECT!


7 cups fresh or frozen pitted cherries (or just 2lbs frozen cherries)
1/2 cup organic maple syrup
1/3 cup + 1 tbsp arrowroot starch
1 tbsp vanilla extract

To serve:
1/3 cup coconut whipped cream (optional)
(recipe below)

To make the filling, combine the cherries, maple syrup, arrowroot and vanilla in a large saucepan. Bring the heat to medium-high and cook, stirring often, until you get a very thick mixture.

Transfer filling to prepared crust and bake for 25-60 mins. Check, Stab with fork, it may not come out in perfectly clean sliced pie pieces, but thats ok, a lil messy is worth the clean deliciousness. Cool pie completely before serving, then serve with a dollop of whipped cream (if using). Or like I mentioned ON TOP of the Pumpkin pie!
Serves 6-8


Whipped cream, cranberry sauce are both packed with BAD sugar. So here are some smarter recipe options that are quick and easy.

Whipped Cream


– 4 cups fresh berries (a mixture of your favorite)

– 1 lemon

– 1 can full fat coconut milk (14 oz.), refrigerated for 6 or more hours

– 1/2 Tbsp. vanilla extract

– 2 Tbsp. raw honey

– Dash of cardamon (optional)


1. Place the can of coconut milk in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours (or overnight). This will cause the cream to separate from the milk. Open the can of coconut milk and scrape out the cream into a medium sized bowl. Hint: I always open the can from the bottom and pour the milk out into a separate container before scraping out the cream. You can use the saved milk for other recipes.

2. Add the vanilla and raw honey (and a dash of cardamom if desired). Whip the cream with a hand mixer for about 3-5 minutes. Place the bowl in the fridge until ready to serve.

3. Wash berries and place in serving bowls. Squeeze the lemon juice and pour over the berries – use as much or as little as you like. Place a big scoop of Coconut Whipped Cream alongside the berries and serve.

4. Use to top off Pumpkin pie, apple pie etc.

Cranberry Sauce


12oz Organic Cranberries

3/4 Cup Fresh Squeezed/juiced Orange juice

1/2 Cup Honey


1. Mix all 3 ingredients into a pan and simmer on medium heat. Stir often, simmer until the sauce thickens and the cranberries all pop.

2. Refrigerate.

3. Serve at room temperature.

So there you go, there are the tricks and tips by trading out the terrible ingredients with smarter choices. I found all of these recipes by doing a quick google search “Paleo___recipe”. Be sure you do the research to find your favorite recipe and make a healthier, smarter version. Make sure you follow all the Holiday RULES and you will have an great time, get to enjoy some good foods and you will stay lean through the holidays.

My mission is to educate you, inspire you, to live better and live to your full potential.

You follow these rules, and you will literally be getting FIT through the holiday season while the other 99% is getting fatter like they do every year.

Men, If you like what you’ve read, youll love my book “The Shredded Executive” it teaches you step by step how to get ripped, just like this article but in more detail and includes macros, mindset, nutrition hacks, and workouts.

Theres also a womens version called “Booty Gains” because most women want a defined body, with a nice booty. So ladies, I’ve got you too!

Both books found on Amazon

If you are lucky enough to live local to me in Orange County, California come train in person. If you are out of the area I do have a big online coaching business as well msg me on facebook for info or questions.

Follow me on facebook, message me

Make sure you share this article with your friends and family. So they know what to expect from you, and so maybe they too can jump on board with you. Be willing to be the weird one, the disciplined one that stands out. When you are rocking that physique that stands out, they will start to understand and be inspired by your lead.

Have an awesome holiday Shredders!

Daymond Sewall

Want To Learn The Secrets To Building A Great Booty?

🚨 Ladies, want to know the secret to getting a nice booty?🚨

Incase you are new here, don’t know who I am, I’m the author of two books, the 2nd one being “Booty Gains”.

So this is my specialty along with getting people defined/ripped.

So pay attention.

If you want a nice 🍑 this is what you need to do to develop it.

Those of you with good booty genes will get there faster than those who don’t have good genes.

But either way, here’s some key things you need to know and do if you want booty like an onion that makes men cry. 😭🤣

Step #1. Hit your macros!

Nutrition is your number 1 priority.

For two reasons:

#1. Most of you need to drop some serious body fat to get that tight, round, sexy booty, that you want.

So you need to drop body fat, so you stop looking like a busted can of biscuits and start getting peachy🍑. 😜

#2. You need a significant amount of Protein, and good fats for your body to function optimally and so you can build muscle.

So DIET is #1. Without mastering this, blasting off body fat, the rest of the tips are pretty much useless because you’ll never look the way you want until you master food and cut bodyfat.

Step #2. Fix your psoas

This is a hip flexor muscle you need to roll DAILY, especially before training booty/legs.

Because if this is tight, it shuts off/reduces glute activation.

Which means when you train booty/legs/squats/lunges/etc, Your quads/hamstrings are overcompensating for the glutes not firing and they get over developed. Which means your butt stays flat and weak.

So roll these daily. Blog here showing you how to fix psoas, and prevent back issues.

Ever see those girls with huge quads and hamstrings and no ass?

Now you know why, tight psoas. Most chiros, trainers don’t even know this.

So roll them DAILY!

they get tight daily from long periods of sitting

Step #3. Mind muscle connection.

You gotta mentally focus, feel your glutes resist as you are lowering on lifts, feel them squeeze and lift the weights.

The more you improve this connection, the better development you get.

Don’t just lift reps, actually FEEL your glutes moving the weight.

You might need to lower the weight a lil bit til you master this mind muscle connection.

Step #4. Train booty often and progressively overload.

Ideally you want to train booty a few times per week. Using different methods from compound lifts, bands, cables, etc.

But make sure form is good, mind muscle connection is locked, and slowly over time progressively overload.

Progressive overload basically means consistently pushing your body to new levels.

3 main ways, more reps, more sets, more weight.

I personally prefer reps til a specific number then bump weights.

For example

Lets say you can do Barbell Hip Thrusts for 4x8reps

Set 1. 135lbs x 8 reps

Set 2. 135lbs x 8 reps

Set 3. 135lbs x 8 reps

Set 4. 135lbs x 8 reps.

Each week you want to try and increase by 1 rep per set minimum

Next week 9 reps

Next week 10 reps

Next week 12 reps.

Once you’ve progressively overloaded and can do 4 full sets of 12 reps, bump the weight.

Now start over at 8 reps with more weight.





And follow the same weekly progressive overloading goals.


Great! Let’s move on.

Step #5. Be consistent

Losing body fat is fast if your diet is on point and training is intense.

But building muscle is a slow process.

Both goals require consistency.

Some of you genetically gifted women will have a booty FAST, others it might take you years fighting those poor booty genes. But it’s still attainable and you have to be consistent.

You gotta workout regularly and eat right regularly to GET fit and stay Fit. And especially if you need to build 🍑it.

So there’s 5 quick tips to building that booty.

If you have any questions post below or send me a dm.

Let’s get sexy 🍑

Coach Daymond

Got Back Pain?

Do you suffer from chronic low back pain?

Does your back pain prevent you from working out, training hard, and getting results?
Does your back pain keep you from enjoying your life?

Well then listen up!
Because I’m about to drop some info on here that most chiropractors, doctors, trainers, coaches, and so called experts DONT KNOW.

But first you have to understand what is creating the back pain, then you need to learn how to FIX it. It is NOT hereditary, its not because you are old, its because you’re inflamed and misaligned. To deal with inflammation, perhaps items like mr hemp flower can be used.

The #1 cause of all aches, pains and injuries, is always attributed to your inflammatory DIET! Foods like bread, pasta, pizza, tortillas, chips, cakes, cookies, bagels, pizza, sugar/processed carbs, fast food, soda, restaurant food, etc is all inflammatory.

This inflammation is like pouring syrup all over your computer keyboard(muscle cells), making them all gunky, stuck together, and the areas that were already tight/knotted/pre-existing issues get flared up! Which means PAIN!!!

Heres a video explaining more in detail why

Just know, if you make bad food choices you’re basically eating to create an injury. Because you arent going to escape it. And the inflammation can last WEEKS after one bad meal. Its never worth it.

So keep your diet CLEAN! Animal Protein, veggies, nuts, seeds, and occasionally fruit.

Otherwise, the tricks Im going to teach you arent going to help. Youll still be like a sticky keyboard and inflamed.

The #2 Cause is a severe misalignment of certain muscles/joints. The main one is your Psoas muscle below. See where that muscle attaches? Right onto your spine!

And it gets tight from excessive sitting/commuting/running/biking/jumping/sports etc. So they must be addressed DAILY!

So heres a quick 1min video teaching you how to fix this
How to fix back pain!
Now Im going to post some images to give you a glimpse so watch this
Step #1. Find your Psoas which is right inside your hip bone.

Step #2. Then lay on a kettlebell, a softball, a sledge hammer, a softball, or the edge of a dumbbell right on top of your Psoas. Not on the bone, just inside of it. It is going to HURT, so expect it, and suck it up. wiggle leg back and forth, rock fwd/back a lil to get inside the tissue. Do this for a few minutes each side. Ideally 5-10, but even just 2-3 will help.

Spend a good amount of time on these because they will be tight, guaranteed. If it hurts, its tight and knotted, suck it up and keep going.

Once you are done there, we are going to move to my Quad rolling technique. This is very agressive, but very effective. Men use 95-185lbs, ladies 60-135.

Step #3 is to get a barbell, sit down with legs bent 90 degrees, then roll the barbell from above the knee all the way to the hip. Stop on the sensitive spots and break those knots down. You want to do this for a good 5-20 mins.

Step #4. Do a very thorough warmup then go kick some ass!
You want to do this before any leg training days, boot training days(ladies), and especially before any sprint/hiit workouts/sports.

You Eat Clean, and do regular soft tissue/mobility work, you’ll never have back problems again. EVER!

You will look better, feel better, train better, perform better.

I’ve literally taken clients who were debilitated, extremely worn discs, bulging discs, on epidurals, pills, and taught them these things and they eliminated all their problems, pain and now train like BEASTS!

Like I said in the beginning Chiros, doctors, trainers, coaches, dont know this, most are highly uneducated when it comes to nutrition/inflammation/gut health/muscular imbalances. But lucky for you, you know me, and I just taught you how to cure your problem. 😉

Share this with all your fitness friends and anyone with back pain issues!

If you are interested in Personal Training or Online Coaching shoot me a text at the number below.

Give Her A Gift

Let’s Talk Relationships…..
One thing I learned years ago is that no amount of money $$$, Abs, success, impact you are having on the world, how amazing your purpose is, NONE of this will matter if your relationship isn’t on point. 

You’ll still be unhappy.  
So to have a happy and fulfilled life, your relationship needs to be a top priority.  Your #1 focus daily. Society tells you “The kids come first” hence why 50-80% of society is divorced.

Now, I don’t air my dirty laundry publicly, so many of you don’t know I am actually married.  But have gone through my own relationship troubles over the past few years.   Which we have kept mostly private.    

This pain I’ve experienced is what led to my discovery of a program called “Bulletproof Husband” that teaches you WHY your relationship failed(its mostly your fault guys), how to fix yourself, and how to show up in your marriage the right way.  

All things WE ARE NEVER taught. Hence the 50% D rate nationally, and 72% in my area.  

Now I’m no certified expert on relationships, but I’m LEAGUES above the avg person.  I’m basically an uncertified semi-expert now.  Lol

But still learning, growing, applying myself.  

This quote right here in the image about “hearing her” is one of the TOP reasons for relationship issues.  But at the root of their problems are HIS issues.  

Here’s why, most men CANNOT do this.  Men are wired to be logical, problem solving, thinkers, who protect and provide.  Women are feelers, more emotional. 

I say men cant do this because most of us are damaged emotionally from suppressing our pains over a lifetime. 

from childhood men are taught to suppress their emotions.  “Boys don’t cry. Be a big boy.  Don’t act that way.  Toughen up.” Etc.  

So we learn suppress everything.  We suppress for YEARS, for decades!

On top of that MOST are damaged emotionally from childhood by parents divorce, abandonment, abuse, neglect, or getting picked on as a kid.  All of which we also suppress.  

For example:
I grew up 100% fatherless. Each and every day I hoped he would call, send a letter, show up.  Show up to a practice, a game, something.  But not once, never happened.  Every day the pain grew.    
 Which led to me feeling “unwanted. Not good enough. Unloved” by my father.  
Which hurt every day more and more.  That pain led to me becoming very angry. I got in Lots of trouble growing up.  

Then it affected how I behaved in all my relationships.  Her expressing herself/correcting me triggered those old wounds(like gunshot wound), and just like someone sticking a knife in your bullet hole, you REACT to avoid the pain/feeling and it’s never good. 

Most men have these wounds(bullets) and many others.  

These wounds are always present and drive all of our behaviors.  ALL OF THEM.  Especially how we show up in our  relationships.  

So when our women bring up issues, or certain life situations happen(kids, deaths, life stresses etc), those wounds are triggered, and we automatically REACT!  

By arguing, exploding, justifying, getting triggered, become controlling, often narcissistic and reacting in ways that shut her down.  

So she never feels heard, understood, gets to express herself, feels rejected, feels unloved, unappreciated, hurt, doesn’t get her needs met.  

Now, deeply hurt men, are often angry, assholes, but this typically doesn’t come out until it’s triggered.   They’re typically easily triggered. 

Having Kids usually bring out the asshole, here’s why. Ever Notice most divorces happen after they have kids, within 3-8years old?

 I’ll explain why.  It’s not kids fault, it’s parents fault.  But theres a logical reason for this.

When you are in a relationship with just you two, what is it like?

When a relationship is new you are 100% invested in one another, constantly dating, investing in the relationship, doing thoughtful things, spending lots of time together, going on trips, having good time, lots of sex, hes listening to her and hearing her, spending lots of quality time together, every thought is about doing something with or for their partner.  etc.  

So both of you are getting your needs met, your love tanks are FULL.  Youre happy, fulfilled, and feel you can take on the world together.  So you marry this person.  

Then you have kids. Remember, hes still got those suppressed wounds.  She may have many of her own too.  But let’s just be men and take responsibility for our part.  

She may get pregnant, many of the things she was doing for him, the relationship, may have stopped or greatly reduced.  Which starts to trigger some of his old wounds. (Not good enough. Unwanted. Unloved. Etc) Hes no longer getting his needs met, is feeling forgotten, rejected, unimportant, etc. Any negative feelings can easily trigger those wounds. So the asshole starts to appear.  

Then the baby is born, and all her attention is on the child.  Hes completely neglected(in his mind) at this point.  The asshole appears more.  

Now there’s no alone time, no dates, no getaways, no time invested into the relationship, no physical touch, lots of fatigue and time invested in the care of the new baby.  

Day by day his tank is more and more empty.  The wounds are being triggered.  He’s miserable. Unhappy.  Hes angry maybe resentful. He’s an asshole.  He doesnt quite understand why, but hes really unhappy.

When she tries to express herself, bring up something he explodes, won’t hear it, yells, argues, gets angry, gets frustrated, and basically rejects her.   

Over time, her tank is now getting empty.  

He is feeling unwanted, unloved, not respected, and he’s being an asshole.  

Shes not getting her emotional needs met, so she feels unloved, unwanted, unappreciated, starts getting angry and resentful.  

Now because she’s resentful, nothing he does it right.  Everything is wrong.  From how he washes dishes, changes, diapers, even how he breathes annoys her. lol.  

Now she is triggering his wounds even more.  He’s getting triggered, exploding, arguing, yelling even more.  

They begin to hate eachother.  And you know how this story ends.  D.  
Thats just a quick example.  (i’ve heard literally 100s of stories just like this in my course 800 men are in)

So how do we avoid this?  
In one word, “HEAL”. Speaking to you MEN first.

He needs to heal.  Dealing with his shit from his childhood, and past hurts/relationships/deaths/ and whatever else he’s been suppressing.  

Because a HEALED man shows up differently.   A healed man doesn’t react, explode, argue.  A healed man is not an asshole to his queen.  

A healed man can HEAR her.  He can understand her.  Is curious about her, how she feels, and can listen when she’s trying to express herself.  I healed man can handle her wave of emotions and be solid.  

 A healed man can meet his woman’s emotional needs.  And a woman that is heard, appreciated, valued, understood, SHINES!!!!!!! Her tank is full and she shines like a diamond!!!

And when she is SHINING, she will support, encourage, push, appreciate, respect, and affirm her king.  And she is also very sexual. 

 Which is everything men need!  

So my kings, the lesson for you today, is to HEAL!  

We are men, we take responsibility for our actions, behaviors, and we GROW from them.  We LEAD our families.  

I will write another blog teaching you how to heal soon.  But for now I just want to plant this seed that Im going to continue to water.

Just know, youre not the asshole you think you are or that she may currently believe you are, you are just hurt and need to heal. 

That’s the good news, you can fix this and show up SOLID and be the man SHE needs and your family needs.  

Your emotional state is also what leads to your food, drug, or alcohol issues.  All of which effect your physique and health as well.  Which can also be a factor in your relationship issues. On the other hand, if you’re drowning yourself in alcohol or drugs, you can still recover from it with the aid of sites like

So your lessons here for now, put your relationship first, heal from your shit.  

Mastering your emotions by doing emotional work regularly is the key to YOUR personal happiness and in your relationship.  

I will tell you first hand, I’m completely different now.  I no longer get triggered.  I’m calm. Relaxed.  Peaceful.  Patient. Empathetic.  All things I never was before.  For those of you who have known me for years, you know what I mean.

When you men get there, you’ll HEAR her, youll be able to listen to her perspective, her feelings, understand her, and it will come very naturally. So give her this gift of feeling safe, secure, and fully able to express herself.  She will get her needs met, and then she will feed yours.  😎

And youll go from troubled waters to POWER COUPLE.

I promise.  

Lead from the front men.  


Coach Daymond

Find all my links here


Ok, So lets talk to the ladies!

(men you can learn from this too, share with friends)

As a fitness professional is is literally my DUTY to make women more lean, toned, defined, attractive and confident.

I know for a fact that almost every single one of you reading this email are unhappy with your body, probably in many ways. You hate your thick, flabby arms. You hate the belly that is sticking out which may be confused as you being pregnant. You hate the cellulite on your legs. you hate the muffin top hanging over your pants. I get it, I hear this every single day.

But many of you are confused how what being Toned/Defined really is. Because of how you are marketed to by tv and magazines.

But before we go there, lets talk some facts. Since the 1970s things have changed dramatically on how the average women used to look.

50 years ago the average female had a 25 inch waist.50 years ago it was rare to see an overweight/obese person.50 years ago almost all women were in bikini shape.

What happened?

Processed food/Sugar.

And today, women are the exact same height on average 5’3″ and 171lbs!Today womens average waist size is a 39 inch waist!

Do you know how much a TONED woman that height could and would typically weigh? About 105lbs up to 115lbs if she is really really muscular legs and booty.

These weights below are just average estimates to give you an idea where you could be, likely be once you get toned. A massive stretch from todays average 171lbs. you’re talking an extra 50-60lbs the average women is carrying today.
I know you dont want to be average. I know you dont want to be 171lbs and have a 39 inch waist. embarrassed to be seen naked, or at the beach/pool in summer. I know you dont feel confident in your clothes. I understand.

Now lets get to what being TONED/DEFINED really is. Most women are under the impression they need to just BUILD muscle and they will get this look. FALSE!

Being defined and toned and simply having LOW BODY FAT levels. Typically in the 14% range. The average female today is about 35-40% or more.

So what this means is, to get Toned, your job is to LOSE FAT!

You already have abs, you already have the lines in the arms/legs, you just cant see it because their is a layer of fat covering it all up. So you gotta lose fat!

You may not want to be as lean as having abs, cool. Being really lean, where abs are visible, is typically between 10-12% body fat range.

Maybe you just want the vertical lines to appear, you still gotta burn fat. You just may be satisfied around 14-16% body fat.

How do you LOSE fat?

Simplified in one quick phrase…….”Limit calories daily. Burn calories daily”

What does this mean?

A. Limit your calorie intake daily, creating a calorie deficit. By eating the top two most important Macronutrients, Protein and Fats. Yes you read that correctly. Fats are HEALTHY. Forget everything the govt or doctors say. They are highly uneducated.

The only way the human body will burn fat is if you create a Calorie Deficit. No matter how perfectly clean you eat, if you dont LIMIT your intake, and create a deficit, you will never lose an ounce of fat. Period.

We slash the calories from the most inessential Macronutrient, CARBS (fruit, potatoes, quinoa, beans, oats, grains, etc.). Yes, you read that correctly, INESSENTIAL, remember I told you to forget everything they told you?!

This doesnt mean forever, we carb cycle, specific amount of days low, then a day high to refeed, using CLEAN carbs only, not garbage carbs.B. Burn calories every day. Yes, you read that correctly. We are designed to MOVE, not be sedentary workers, and netlfix bingers. But in order to create the calorie deficit to burn fat, after you have limited your intake, you must BURN!


How do we burn?


NO!!!! Not cardio!

By prioritizing lifting! Lifting intensely!

Then once your diet is on point, lifting is on point, then you can accelerate the fat burning by adding in some sprints, HIIT, etc. to increase your burn.

But only after the first two are prioritized and on point.

You do that consistently and you end up looking toned/defined like my client up on this email who used to be obese and has a few kids.

So to recap:

Being toned/defined is FAT LOSS, getting to low body fat levels. You can be light on the scale and have high body fat % and be squishy/untoned. We call that skinny fat. Its the exact same process to get toned for you too, you’re just closer to it than the average girl.

lose fatDial in your diet (meat and veggies) mainly most days.Lift intensely (do multiple exercises per set, limited rest)sprint on top of all that to accelerate.Be consistent, results take time. But youll get there faster, the faster you do exactly like I said.

If you like what you read, share this.

If you are interested in Personal Training(Orange county area) or Online Coaching (US only) where we design your nutrition, teach you how to eat, how to hack meal prep, and design fat melting workouts so you can get TONED, shoot me a text 949-632-3458

Msg me on Instagram
Msg me on facebook
Committed to Making America Sexy Again
Until next time!
Coach Daymond


Eating Out guide

We all love to eat out at restaurants but statistics and my experience proves, those who eat out the
most tend to WEIGH the most. So eating out has to be done correctly. Intelligently. Strategically. And
Ideally kept to an absolute minimum in most cases. Save it for special occasions, date nights, etc. Not
for everyday living.

The more food YOU cook at home, the more CONTROL you have over the portions, ingredients, calories,
which means you have more control over YOUR RESULTS. You’re here for results, right?! Yes or yes?
Then you have to EARN those results by putting in the EFFORT.

So the same rules ALWAYS apply when it comes to eating, PVF, Eat Clean, Drink Smart, Be disciplined
and LIMIT your intake.

So you know I like to teach you HACKS for everything, so theres definitely some hacks to eating out
which will make your life easier, cheaper, and you get to stay fitter!
So when it comes to restaurants heres the rules:

1. Workout.

2. Eat before you go.

3. Send the Chips/Bread back

4. Order Smart/Or drink only.

5. Order Low cal high alcohol drink.

6. Limit yourself.

7. Go Home/Hydrate/Or finish off that date

So lets dive into these.
Remember, When it comes to your body fat levels, Losing/Gaining, this is ALWAYS a calories game.
ALWAYS! What did I say? ALWAYS!

So everything Im telling you is to LIMIT your intake, naturally. By hacking your hormones, and making
smart choices.

I would first try to always pick a STEAK HOUSE that way the choices are easy. But you can follow these
rules anywhere, steakhouses just make them easier because they specialize in protein sources.

1. Workout.

This is is a given, you should be working out everyday. You gotta burn calories daily. But especially on
days you are eating out at restaurants, socializing. Because your calorie intake is going to be HIGH!
So that morning, get up early, and go BURN calories for a good 90 mins. Run Stairs, do a intense sprint
workout, or go to the gym and just crush it. You want to burn like 800+ ladies, and like 1000+ guys.
You must get your OUTPUT up so you don’t store any of the intake you put IN.

Got it?

Yes or Yes.

2. Eat before you go.

This is a body hack, a hormone hack, always, always, always eat before you go eat. This spikes certain
hormones that make you feel full so when you show up you aren’t hungry. Then you can just order
another healthy meal and pick at it, or order a drink(not if you are recovering alcoholic).
By ordering a drink and no meal, you easily cut back your calorie intake.

But eat before you go, like, right before you go. If dinner is at 6, you are eating at 515 before you head

Got it?

Yes or Yes?

3. Send the Chips/Bread back

You know the restaurant is going to serve some kind of addictive like crack carby food once you arrive.
So tell the waiter “No thanks, I don’t eat that. Can you take that back please?”

Because if its in front of you, you will eat it. You don’t have the willpower(yet). So set yourself up for
success by sending the carbs back.

Got it?

Yes or Yes?

4. Order Smart/Or drink only.

Eating clean is the highest form of self respect, being at a restaurant is no excuse to eat garbage. One of
the fastest ways to get a gym injury, or completely fall of the wagon nutritionally and gain weight back,
is by having “Just one bite”. One bite will trigger a BINGE!

If you had the willpower to stop, you wouldn’t be here right now, you’d already be ripped. But you’re
here, with me, about to get your body SEXY, so what does that tell you?

You aren’t there yet, and you need to avoid that one bite. Those foods are highly inflammatory and
addictive. Which is why if you don’t follow these rules you WILL suffer the consequences of getting hurt
in the gym from being inflamed, or gaining 5-10lbs from that bite that leads to a binge for days.

Just tell everyone “Im allergic to sugar/bread/pasta/pizza/dessert”

When they ask what happens just say “I get fat!” lol

So order more PVF. Order some Steak and broccoli, fish and asparagus, chicken and mixed veggies. Etc.

Or Just go ahead and just order a drink(save some money and calories). You already ate right before you
went, so you’re good. Because you never want to drink without getting some protein in your belly.
Helps keep your blood sugar in check.

So eat clean!

Got it?

Yes or Yes?

5. Order Low cal, high alcohol drink.

News flash, alcohol is very High calorie! Very! You can easily consume 1000s of calories from just pure
alcoholic beverages alone. Which is why it is vital that you make SMART choices.
We want the lowest calorie, highest alcohol choices. Why? So you drink less calories!!! Calories game

Red Flags to avoid….

All mixed drinks, flavored drinks, margaritas, most martinis, beers, sweet wines, ciders, strawberry
daiquiris, Pina coladas etc. These are all Sugary, high carby, high calorie garbage.

So heres my recommendations:

Wine/Liquor ONLY

Wine, dry reds, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc

Liquor (shots, on rocks or with a squeezed lemon/lime)
Vodka, gin, rum, Tequila, whiskey etc.
These are lower calorie, higher alcohol choices, so they get the job done and save you some calories.
So drink SMART!

Got it?

Yes or Yes?

6. Limit yourself.

Your whole childhood your parents told you “finish all your food so you can be big and strong” Well,
now look at you, just big. LOL. We gonna fix that. Just wanted to throw a joke in. I’ve been fat before, I
know first hand how crappy it feels.

But really though, you do NOT have to finish your food, or your drinks. Its perfectly ok to leave your
plate or glass full. You are there for the experience, love, friends, family, conversations, human
connection, not to fill your belly or get shitfaced.

So limit your intake wherever you can. Personally when I go out, I order wine/whiskey and I milk it for
HOURS sometimes. Lol. Its just dinner, you don’t need to be getting sloppy and embarrassing yourself
or your partner anyway.

(Now when im out going hard/dancing/festivals/clubs/ that’s a different story, that’s SHOT, SHOT,

So limit your food, limit your alcohol. But have a good time, be present, be engaged with conversations,
enjoy the night, you don’t need to be a rigid stick up your butt person. Be fun just be smart and limited.

Youll be happy you did the next day, when you are not hungover and you feel good. So you can go
workout, and continue your getting sexy journey so you can look better naked. Lol

Got it?

Yes or Yes?

7. Go Home/Hydrate/Or finish off that date

Then head home(uber If necessary) and finish off that date with a bang/pew/pow/oooh oohh if you
know what I mean.

Do NOT go home and graze on food. Alcohol sometimes triggers a hormone that makes you hungry,
DON’T EAT. Hydrate and take your butt to bed!

Make sure before you drink a lot of water. One of the big reasons hangovers happen is from
dehydration, so make sure you drink a lot of water before bed. So your body gets the fluids it needs and
you wake up feeling good so you can kick ass the next day.

Got it?

Yes or Yes?

Easy steps right?!

Remember its always calories game. As long as you play the game smart youll be able to eat out, drink,
have a good time and STILL GET RESULTS!

Awesome, right?

Yes or Yes! Great! Now lets go!

Coach Daymond


I CARE ABOUT YOU, so before we dive in, Im probably going to say some things you arent going to like, or maybe you will, just know, its because I CARE ABOUT YOU and I want you living YOUR BEST, and longest life.

Im saving humanity! Im saving Americans!

So lets go!

Ok, if you havent realized it by now this entire C flu situation actually has NOTHING to do with the actual flu itself, its just a tool for a much bigger agenda.

If you havent realized that by now you ARE NOT paying attention. But thats another blog, today we are going to talk about what ACTUALLY creates health and you how you can get started right now so you NEVER have to worry about getting a cold.

But before we begin put your thinking caps on and ask yourselves these questions:

Why are they enforcing masks when theres proof they DO NOT WORK?

The only thing they do work at doing is creating a toxic environment for the person wearing them.

Why arent they telling you you need to workout?

Why arent they telling you you need to lose body fat? (avg american is obese)

Why arent they giving away free zinc, vitamin C, Magnesium, Iodine to make your immune system strong?

Why arent they hiring professionals like myself to speak on fox news/cnn/msnbc or local stations to teach you how to get healthy?

Why arent they telling you get get daily sunshine to produce vitamin D when its a KEY component to health, strong immune systems, and longevity?

Why is their only solution a drug? Drugs dont create health

Why are the manipulating case and death toll numbers?

Why are they trying to mandate and force a stick for a disease with almost a 100% recovery rate?

Where did the seasonal flu go?

Why arent they giving away free gym memberships?

Why is the only solution multiple doses of the most deadly stick in the history of the world?

(62,181 as of a few days ago see for yourself…..share.html )

Why arent they promoting natural immunity when that is how WE GOT HERE after millions of years of our species being on earth?

Did you know the avg age of these so called C deaths is 78?

Whats the life expectancy of Americans? 78

Did you know that the CDC says that the average labelled death has 4 comorbidities on average?

Did you know that they also say ONLY 5% of the claimed deaths were from true C, the other 95% had those 4 comorbidities? Fact.

Whats 5% of 620,000?

Do you know how many people die from flu annually? 40,000-80,000 every year.

Why are they banning drugs like HCeeQ and Ivrmctn when they have been PROVEN by doctors worldwide to work?

Why are they silencing doctors who have been trying to teach you how to get healthy?

Do you really know who owns the Pharmaceutical companies? Do you know they also own the media? Do you also know they own our federal reserve? FACTS. But we arent going down that rabbit hole here today.

I just want you to use some common sense, use your brain, turn off the tv, and look at whats going on.

Now that I have you using your brain, lets teach you how to actually get HEALTHY so you never have to worry about getting sick and especially dying from a cold.

So lets talk about some things you can start doing TODAY so you never have to worry about getting sick, getting comorbidities, or dying from a cold.

#1. Lose weight

Look, Im the fitness professional, health and fitness are what I eat, read, bleed daily. The average american PRE C was carrying on average 50+lbs of excess body fat. The average woman is 5’3 and 171lbs! A fit woman at that height would be 105-120. There is a massive difference there.

What are the reasons people get complications with getting the flu? Being overweight, having blood sugar issues, having comorbidities.

Honestly, the flu is how the weak get weeded out by nature.

It may sound mean, but life is all about survival of the fittest and if you are obese, have comorbidities you are in a WEAKENED state. And if you have these things that means you are mentally weak, undisciplined around food. Garbage diets = Body fat and disease. Facts are facts. So you may not like what I just said, but it doesnt matter, this is reality.

Healthy people dont die from a cold. Only those that have been eating garbage for decades, have lots of health issues, and in most cases almost 80% severely obese die from a cold. Really, they didnt die from the cold, they died from their comorbidities but you get my point.

But even though women are 171lbs, the average male is also 50lbs more than they were just 60 years ago. Today the avg man has a 40 inch waist. This should be a 28-32 if he was FIT.

In both examples, this is a lifetime of poor nutrition, bad choices, in most cases NO exercise, for years and decades.

In my opinion this is disrespectful to yourself, and to all of those people who love an depend on you. Its honestly failing yourself and them. Truth is truth. Without health you have nothing.

So I dont care if what I just said hurt your feelings. It needs to be said, needs to be heard, and Im ok with being called the a**hole today if it saves your life, your kids, lives or your parents lives tomorrow. So go cry it out, then come back and finish reading this so we can get you healthy.

So step 1 is you need to lose weight. You do this quickly and effectively by following the PVF rule, every single meal, you eat “Protein and Veggies First”

I dont care if you like veggies, eat them.

I dont care if you like protein, eat it.

Your body NEEDS them. And you need to eliminate all the garbage you’ve been eating thats made you weak, obese, and susceptible to getting sick or creating comorbidities.

“If it came directly from an animal, or a plant, eat it. If it didnt, DONT”

That means stop eating bread, pasta, cereal, cakes, cookies, soda, coffee creamers, sugar, processed foods.

Meat and veggies. Fish and Veggies. Treat food like business.

Step #2. Get sunshine

Do you know what almost all people who have comorbidities and complications with a cold have in common?

Very low, dangerously low Vitamin D levels. Sunlight touching your skin creates vitamin D naturally.

It also helps with fat loss, building muscle, metabolism, mental health, mood, anti depression, anxiety and literally every thing that goes on in your body. So 15-20 mins a day get some sun. In winter months supplement if you’re in cold areas.

We dont have a “Flu Season” what we really have is a

“LOW vitamin D-and and increase in garbage food intake because of holidays/parties season”

Wrecking their health, crushing immune systems strength and opening the door to viruses/bugs that are literally in our environment 365 days per year.

You are more microbe than you are human, did you know that? You have ON and IN your body TRILLIONS of bacteria, viruses that outnumber your human cells by 10 to 1. fact.

So the reason flu starts to increase during the fall/winter months is because of Vitamin D deficiency and garbage nutrition. FACT.

So get your sunshine and supplement where necessary. Get your D! 🙂

Step #3. Supplement These nutrients

There are a few key micronutrients you need to help your body function optimally like its designed that you are almost guaranteed to be deficient in.

Vitamin C, Zinc, Magnesium, Iodine, Omega 3s. These are vital for every single cell, hormone, function in your body and because of most Americans diets that are basically all processed/refined garbage, most Americans are severely nutritionally deficient. Overfed but still malnutritioned.

Im not going to go into detail on what they do, just know YOU NEED THIS to be healthy and even if you think you eat clean, you’re still deficient. They are vital for FAT loss, along with building health and healthy immune systems. Theres MANY more but these are the most important. Youll get many other nutrients from your new clean diet of protein and veggies. 😉

Vitamin C. Grapefruit seed extract

Magnesium 4tabs daily

Zinc 2 tabs daily

Iodine 5 drops minimum

Omega 3s. 10-20 caps day.

Along with all of this make sure your hydration levels are on point.

That means a minimum of a gallon per day ladies

2 gallons men.

Hydrations is vital for your health and bodily functions.


Look, your body, your life, if you really feel you want to get it then do it.

But before you do you better know that these DO NOT PREVENT spread, so whats the point?

What I just taught you is WAAAY more effective. And Isreal just did a study proving natural immunity is 13x more powerful than the stick

But also know the facts, and Ill post video PROOF below so you can see it with your own eyes and hear it from DOCTORS. Ive researched the hell out of this and it is 100% all bad news.

All brands of the stick contain TOXIC ingredients. Besides the DNA changing, toxic spike protein producing, software they are programming into your cells, they also have Graphene Oxide (poison), Aluminum, Stainless steel, and lethal PARASITES! PARASITES?!!! WTH!?

So if you’re cool with injecting that into your blood stream to protect you from nothing and you’re ok with dealing with the potential side effects of neurological disorders, facial paralysis, strokes, heart attacks, myocarditis and death, then hell, do your thing. Im just informing you. Over 62,000 reported deaths, over 1million reported serious injuries.

Watch this video

Heres the link to Dr Young who did this study of the vials

Like I said, you’re life, your choice. All Im going to say is if you do decide to get it, make sure your affairs are in order.

I want you ALIVE, FIT and HEALHTY, and that does not come from a drug. EVER.

It comes from EFFORT you put in and nature. FACT.

So with all this said this is all you need to do, Lose Weight, get sunshine, eat clean, and supplement well.

You do this and you will be FIT, Lean, vibrant, healthy, and have a strong immune system that will fend off diseases.

If you like what you read and need some help losing weight and transforming your health, message me about personal training or online coaching.

You can find me quicker on social media, if you want to debate me, cuss at me, or just say thank you, you love me and hello you can find me here. Or for info on coaching, thats the fastest way to contact me.

Just remember, the only reason im in your face is because I CARE ABOUT YOU.

Heres my facebook

Heres my instagram

Coach Daymond

9 Supplements I use daily and recommend!

I get asked all the time “What supplements should I take? What can I take for ____results? What fat burner do you recommend? Whats the best protein shake?” etc.

So I thought it was time to write a blog, and give you direct links on where to purchase it. Yes, some Im affiliated with, some not, but they are all LEGIT supplements I LOVE, recommend and take PERSONALLY.

But first, understand this 99% of what you see, read about, hear on ads/tv/radio/podcasts is literally PURE GARBAGE. Even most vitamins and minerals, 95% are synthetic trash. Magazines are often owned by supplement companies and they use their articles/copy to sell more of their own products. So NEVER trust the hype, its almost always bullshit. Ask me first.

I often see new products hit the market and I will personally buy them, test them, so that way when my clients or others ask I have personal experience with them. And in my experience, like I said, its almost always trash and bs.

But there are a few that are staples in my recommendations, and daily regamine

Most of what Im recommending are the basic essentials, raw materials, your body needs to function OPTIMALLY. Give your body what it needs and it can function and heal at its fullest potential. Most of you are severely nutritionally deficient. You’ve spent decades eating garbage, depleting your body of these nutrients, never replenishing, so you’ve slowly been deteriorating over time.

You’re not old, you’re severely inflamed from the garbage food, and severely nutritionally deficient. So your body is breaking down, you feel tired, weak, lazy, aches, pains, anxiety, depression, sleep issues, skin issues, autoimmune diseases, chronic diseases, and death are all tied to this.

So my recommendations are to replenish some of the most VITAL nutrients you need so your body can rebuild, repair, and run on all 8 cylinders because right now most of you are a broke down dump truck. lol. If you dont feel and look like a ferrari, your NUTRITION is to blame. Not your age.

So if you were hoping Im about to tell you some magical pill, powder or drug thats going to expedite your success, you’re in the wrong place. I do not believe in drugs and there is no secret sauce. The secret sauce to your health and physique goals come from MASTERING your nutrition. Eating CLEAN, true clean.

What do I mean by “TRUE CLEAN”? Good question. Most of you think certain foods are healthy and they are absolute garbage.

“Foods like what?”

Foods like pasta, whole wheat products, ezekiel bread, 7 or 9 grain bread, cereal, granola, protein shakes, protein bars, flavored supplements(sucralose), crackers, sports drinks, fruit juices, Yogurt(sugar bomb), smoothies, diet soda, 100 calorie snack packs, Peanut butters(cuz you eat the jiffy crap), spinach wraps(made from wheat flour), gluten free junk cookies/muffins etc, dried fruit(most have added sugar), canned soups, etc. These are all made with some kind of bad sweetener or a sugar.

I probably just listed your entire meal plan, huh? LOL. This is NOT true clean, this is junk food disguised as health foods.

REAL clean is eating foods that come directly from a plant or an animal. Foods like Steak and broccoli, chicken and cauliflower, Eggs and spinach. And small amounts of fruit occasionally, nuts, seeds, etc. THAT is real clean. And I know almost 100% of you reading this DO NOT do this.

And if you want to become your absolute BEST version of yourself, you MUST EAT the right foods to become the BEST version of yourself. Eat garbage, look and feel like garbage. Common sense, right? Yes or Yes?

Keep in mind, if you do what Normal people do, you will have excess body fat/obesity, and diseases like normal people do. Dont be normal people. The human body is designed to live 120-180 years if treated right, Americans only live to 78 and spend the last 20 of those years dying slowly on meds and suffering. Having never lived their full potential because garbage in = garbage out. Dont be normal.

I want you living beyond 100, fit, sexy, energetic, confident, with healthy hormonal state and vibrance. That only comes from EARNING it through proper nutrition and active lifestyle.

So lets begin with the basics that will make you BETTER!

Click the blue words for the direct links to products.

#1. Multi Mineral/Multi vitamin

Like I said above, you’re severely nutritionally deficient, even if you actually eat clean(which almost 100% of you are not) so for overall great health and performance you need a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, so a good multi will give you some nutrients so you can turn this sinking ship around.

The ONLY brands I recommend, because most others are full of synthetic trash, are Mega Food and Garden Of LIfe. These two typically have good products with nutrition that actually comes from fruits, vegetables, grains, NATURE and not made in a lab by a man synthetically.

Mega food multi

Garden of life men’s multi

Garden of life womens multi

Take these daily and give you body the nutrients it needs to function!

#2. Magnesium

This my friends is in your Multi, but its not enough, we need MORE to keep up with our busy, active lifestyles. This stuff is lifechanging. Its estimated that 80% or more of Americans are extremely deficient and scientists say “every day that you are deficient you are dying”. Thats how vital this mineral is!

Being deficient in this causes sleep issues, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, asthma, blood clots, bowel diseases, kidney disease, liver disease, migraines, fibromyalgia, cramps, muscle pain, nerve problems, pms, infertility, osteoporosis, tooth decay, muscle spasms, seizures, heart issues, headaches, weakness, ADD/ADHD like behaviors, low testosterone, memory issues, brain fog. The list goes on and on.

But this mineral is responsible for 300+ biochemical reactions in the body including sleep, digestion, metabolism, energy and muscle contractions, which are vital for your health, activity levels, and results. Its also responsible for strong immune system.

Think its important?


So for this one I recommend only two brands

Mega food magnesium (take 4 per day minimum)


Liquid Magnesium (do 4 droppers).

I personally do Both of these daily, the liquid before workouts, the Mega Food before bed. You will perform better, train harder, have more energy, have more mind muscle connection, get better muscle contractions, and sleep like a champ. Youll experience what we call “Magnesium dreams” because they are so deep you slip into another dimension and usually wake up thinks “WTF was that?!” Because whatever is going on in your mind subconsciously you will dive into in your sleep. No joke. Im dead serious, youll know exactly what I mean when you start taking this and experience Magnesium dreams. I’ve ridden Care Bears through outer space that had laser guns. Im serious they are whack!

So Tablets 4 or more per night, liquid 4 droppers before workout daily for optimal health and performance.

#3. Zinc

Another magical mineral that has 100s of responsibilities in the body. Being deficient leads to low hormone issues, slow wound healing, poor immune system, osteoporosis, neurological disorders, poor sexual health, vision loss, blood pressure, diabetes, learning and memory.

But the big ones are Testosterone(men), immune health, bone strength, healing, sexual health. IMO.

So I recommend this daily as well.

Zinc take 2 tab with your magnesium before bed.

#4. Omega 3s

This is a Fat that is VITAL for optimal health and bodily functions. Being deficient in Omega 3s creates depression, anxiety, brain fog, hormonal issues, learning issues, excess inflammation, poor cellular communication, accelerated aging, wrinkles, digestive disorders, etc.

Omega 3s control gene function, regulate your immune system, impact the efficacy and speed of metabolism and a vital component of the cell membrane that covers every one of your 100 trillion cells in your body.

Think they are important? HELL YES!!!

This is a major deficiency that is a major cause of depression running rampant in America, one of the nations top disabilities. Supplementing this one thing alone can completely change your mental health. (given you stop eating garbage too)

So we love it for its mental health benefits but also because it creates healthy looking skin, great hormonal balance and optimal metabolism.

Now I recommend supplementing fish oil to get your Omega 3s. Most stores have very overpriced products. The most economical, quality brand that has been my go to for a decade is Kirkland

Now my recommendations are going to sound crazy for this one but this is because I guarantee you’re extremely deficient, and for optimal mental health and metabolism when you are eating clean and training hard you need a lot to keep you in check. So women 10+ capsules per day. Men 20+.

If you are currently in a state of depression, anxiety, do more than the recommended amount until it starts to subside then drop to the recommended.

This is something your doctor DOES NOT KNOW. Ive written an entire article on Depression if you want more info click this

Heres another option take 8 ladies, 16 men


#5. Iodine

This is another vital mineral that most people are deficient in. Being deficient in iodine means slower metabolism, low energy, thyroid issues, cancer, fatigue, weakness, hairloss, dry flakey skin, feeling cold, slow heart rate, trouble learning or remembering, heavy or irregular periods.

But the real reason Im recommending this one is to fuel your Thyroid, metabolism, prevent cancer, and increase your energy. The other benefits are just cherry on top.

Now this one you can find on Amazon but my favorite one is Mary Ruths Take 3-5 drops daily.

This mineral is awesome! Make sure you add it to your regimen daily for optimal results!

#6. Psyllium Husk

This my friends is a hack for many reasons. Your gut is like your second brain and keeping it healthy and in check is the secret to creating optimal health and physique. Psyllium husk has 2 main purposes in my recommendations.

Its Fiber, which is crucial for your gut health, digestion, microbiome(gut bacteria), bowel movements. And when you are on a Fat Loss journey, you must keep your calories in check, creating a calorie deficit. We subtract those calories from your Carbs to create the deficit because protein and fats are a PRIORITY.

When carbs are low, or at 0 if you’re being aggressive, you need to supplement Fiber to keep your body and health in check. Being fiber deficient can lead to tons of issues. So keep your second brain on point by using this when carbs are low. BTW carbs to me mean veggies, fruit, not garbage bread/pasta/etc.

But the second reason its important and a hack is because the fiber makes you FULL. So when dieting, cutting carbs and creating a calorie deficit, by supplementing with 2-4tbsp of PH daily, you will naturally feel fuller, and not hungry. Which means its easier to keep your diet on point.

Heres the Psyllium husks

#7. Preworkout

Now we have discussed all the things you need to get your health, body working optimally, now we talk about how to pump up your workout intensity. Preworkouts have stimulants and other ingredients to that make you PUSH harder, focus better, train harder in your training sessions. Harder training plus tight diet = Sexy!

But MOST preworkouts, although they work well have some bad ingredients. The main one Im speaking of are sugar and sucralose. Both will trigger inflammation, injuries, and cravings which we all know you wont be able to fend off and will be face deep in cake within the hour after working out. lol.

So we avoid those. I personally recommend using a high stimulant Fat Burner capsules as your preworkout because you skip on the sweetener. Because for some people with bad sugar addictions, even using stevia can trigger cravings for more garbage sugary/carby foods. So if this is YOU, stick to capsules ONLY. Or Green tea, coffee(black/butter).

Understood? yes or yes?

Heres some capsules I recommend.

Blade capsules are one of these stimulant capsules im speaking about. I’ve never actually tested these but I have tested a few of their products and was always pleased with them, so I trust them.

Methyl… is an ephedra based intense one. I take two when I use these, warning, they are intense so Id recommend only if you workout before work/early in the day. Otherwise you’re not gonna sleep if you take them after 12pm. The site I linked here has many different kinds other than Hellfire, so feel free to try others.

Note, Fat Burners DO NOT WORK, do not burn fat. All the ads and marketing you see is bs. The ONLY thing that burns fat is creating a calorie deficit. So you can load up on fat burners and eat garbage and still get fatter. We only use these as a preworkout to get the most out of your workout. Because these fat burners often have very similar stimulants in them as the ones in actual powder form preworkouts.

But there are a few that are actual powder preworkouts that I have tested that work well, and dont trigger cravings because they dont use Sucralose or sugar.

Altius Tastes ok, not sweet enough to trigger cravings, but doesnt taste bad where youll make the bitter beer face. lol

Pure pump This one is great, get unflavored only, the other has sugar. Its unflavored and tastes awful. So if you’re cool with that, get this one. If you’re not, squeeze some lime or lemon in it or go with the Altius.

Those are really all youll need when it comes to preworkouts. Remember to always read ingredients lists and avoid all things that use sucralose as sweetener(almost all flavored products on market use it) and sugar in all its forms. Dextrose, maltodextrin, sugar, evaporated cane syrup are the most common used.

#8. Glutamine

If you’re training 7 days a week like you should be, you’re gonna need a super clean diet, great supplementation, sleep to be able to keep up. Glutamine is one of those supps that can help speed recovery. Now it is often flavored which is also using sucralose, so for this find one that is just plain powder. Put 10-20g in water. Its tasteless. Take before or after workouts.

This will help you recover quicker. Note some preworkouts already have some in them, so you may already be getting some in that, but it doesnt hurt to have some more.


On top of recovery it helps with blood flow, pump, and muscle growth.

#9. CBD

This is Cannabidiol, from Hemp not Marijuana. No high, just health. Your body is filled receptors that are designed to create a state of homeostasis(balance) in your body. We are so designed to have cannabinoids that moms produce them naturally in breast milk.

Over time, we become depleted, body gets stressed out, eating garbage food, and our systems get all out of whack. CBD helps get them back in check. Which is why people start to sleep deeper, reduce feelings of sadness/loneliness, reduce anxiousness, have more clarity, have more energy, have more focus, have more motivation to workout.

I actually call this stuff “Bombshell Bottle” because when women have been taking it long enough, their systems get back in check, they start working out, losing weight, taking better care of themselves. Doing their hair, nails, makeup, and carrying themselves better and often just get hotter! I see it all the time.

My personal Favorite is the Cinnamon I use this one daily. Note, even though this is HEMP the Full Spectrum(black lid) has trace of THC which has health benefits(pain relief) so if you drug screen for work DO NOT GET the full spectrum black lid bottle. Get the THC free which is the “Broad Spectrum”(white lid) which has the THC removed, 3rd party tested and proven. So no worries. But if you dont get drug screened get the FULL spectrum its best.

CBD Cinnamon is my fav

If you have any questions on these reach out to me personally on my cell


Join as a VIP customer to get member discount, its free to join.

I use this as part of my preworkout regimen because it increases focus, reduces inflammation, and speeds recovery. Most people tend to burn more calories in their workouts because of this.

So that sums it up!

Notice I didnt recommend any protein powders, protein bars, shakes, meal replacements, bcaas, drugs, or anything else? Thats intentional. These are all unnecessary, harmful, or pure garbage.

What Im teaching you is to make you the absolute BEST you, naturally. Doing it the HEALTHY way.

So make sure you save this link in your notes in your phone for reference in the future, send this to your friends and gym buds that are on that fitness journey too.

Lets recap my 9 (no particular order)

#1. Magnesium

#2. Zinc

#3. iodine

#4. Fish Oil (omega 3s)

#5. Psyllium husk

#6. Glutamine

#7. Preworkout

#8. Multi Mineral/vitamin

#9. CBD

Hope this helps you level up!

If you are ready to get coaching to take your body to the next level, msg me

949-632-3458 for information about in person or online coaching.

Committed to #MakingAmericaSexyAgain

Daymond Sewall


“7 Tips To Burn Fat Faster In Your Workouts!”

So, when it comes to being “Toned, Defined, Lean, Ripped, Shredded, Abs, More Visible muscle, Weight loss” you’re all seeking the same thing, FAT LOSS, this is why we all want to know how much weight can you lose with oatmeal diet?

We all have different goals, different desires, some want to be looking shredded and freaky, others want to be lighter and not so lean. Regardless, it all requires FAT LOSS. Its all the SAME process, just different degrees of it.

You already have the lines in the arms, legs, abs, shoulders, etc, you just cannot see it because its covered by a thick layer of FAT. If you are thin, yet not defined, you are what we call “Skinny fat”. No big deal, its completely 100% your creation and your elimination.

So if you want to become more aesthetic, sexy, defined, ripped, confident, and feel better about yourself stay tuned. Im about to give you 7 steps you can begin taking today that will make your effort, sweat, dedication, PAY OFF with more results FASTER.

Heres 7 Steps you MUST do to make your workouts MORE effective so you can eliminate that extra, embarrassing body fat, so you can look and feel the way you really want.

#1. Track your macros.

If you dont know what that is, or what yours are you failed before ever stepping foot in the gym. Fat Loss requires your DIET to be on point. If its not, you’re pretty much wasting your time in the gym. You wont out train your diet. Fat Loss requires a consistent calorie deficit to burn fat. No deficit, no loss. Even if you’re training 2-3 hrs per day.

So step 1, get obsessed about your food. Macros are simply your Protein, Carbs, and Fats measured in grams. You eat a specific amount to achieve your calorie goals.

For Example:

2200 calories (Deficit for most guys) is 55g carbs(mainly veggies), 220g protein, 122g fat. The 55, 220, 122 are your macros to hit 2200. You can do this many ways to achieve your calorie goals, this is just one example.

But you must know your macros, and weigh, track portions, to achieve those macros to hit your calorie goals. Because fat loss WILL NOT occur unless you CREATE a calorie deficit. You are overeating if you are not tracking. Overeating calories but undereating your protein, and fats in most your cases. Which means more body fat or no results for you.

“If you eyeball your food noone is going to be eyeballing you” lol. Its funny but its true. Most people who workout for 2-3 hrs every day and look terrible because they neglect their nutrition.

Dont be MOST people. Get obsessed with giving your body good nutrition and the proper macros.

Download the app MyFitnessPal

Heres some quick macros Id recommend starting with.

Ladies 1500 calories. 15% carbs, 35% protein, 50% fats. Which will be 56g carbs, 131g protein, 83g fats.

Men 2200 calories. 15% carbs, 35% protein, 50% Fats. Which is 83g carbs, 193g protein, 122g fats.

You wont hit numbers perfect, just get close, calories are king, just make sure your protein and fats are close and you’re not going over calories.

Your nutrition is everything! So eat clean and track your s***!

#2. Get off the cardio.

What?! Yep, cardio is NOT how you burn fat. I mean, you can, but youll have no butt(ladies) and scrawny upper body(men). Contrary to what all tv, magazines, and other bs is telling you, cardio is NOT the ideal way to burn body fat. I like to say “CardiNO”

You melt fat, build muscle, look awesome through a Calorie deficit + Intense weight training. This = Fat Loss. Not boring steady state, endless hours of cardio. If anyone is telling you you need to do this to achieve your fat loss goals, RUN from them. They are uneducated, uninformed, and in MOST cases drug users so do LOTS of cardio and get away with it because of the drugs they use to help them retain the muscle. Either way, RUN from them. Ill teach you better ways below.

The reason we avoid endurance, steady state Cardio is because it causes muscle loss. Its muscle wasting, wrecks your thyroid, wrecks your hormones, can damage your metabolism, causes cravings, increases cortisol, takes forever, is boring, ages you faster, and honestly makes you look terrible.

That sexy body you want requires muscle. So NO endurance forms of cardio. An occasional run or bike ride is no big deal, you just dont want to make your primary mode of training, cardio. CardiNO!

So get your ass off the treadmill, elliptical, and get in the gym and lift. Im about to teach you how below.

#3. Do intense forms strength training.

You can LIFT, and turn your lifting session into a calorie melting session by doing Supersets, trisets, dropsets, giant sets etc. Multiple exercises back to back, minimal rest.

My personal fav is Tri sets.

3 moves performed back to back, no rest.

For example:

Pullups 10x, Bench press 10x, Squats 10x.

Rest 45 seconds repeat for 4 rounds.

Pick 3 more moves, do 4 rounds.

Pick 3 more moves, 4 rounds.

Thats one workout session! Youll get WAAAAAY more out of that than you will walking or jogging on a treadmill and look much hotter.

This will get your heart rate high, melt calories, increase your deficit(if diet on point), save you time spent in gym, and is much more fun. Also gives you a good endorphin high when its all over.

#4. Do Sprints(HIIT).

Now I told you NO endurance cardio, but there is a form that will accelerate your fat loss efforts IF your diet and weight training is on point, and that is doing sprints or HIIT(many forms of this). You add this ON TOP of your awesome diet and sick lifting sessions and this will accelerate your fat loss results.

This is a form of HIIT(high intensity interval training) and works the same muscle fibers as lifting, spikes fat burning hormones, and has an afterburn effect.

Throw in 10 sprints after each lifting session, during your session at end of a set, or you can even do just pure sprint workout days.

They are amazing. Have you ever noticed how incredible the olympic sprinters look? They look AMAZING compared to olympic marathoners. The marathoners are emaciated, often look 50+ when they’re like 25-30, and its just not as attractive as the athletic builds of the sprinters. Sprinters lift, eat right, and sprint!

Now you can sprint, do box jumps, plyos, burpees, sleds, parachutes, ropes, medicine ball slams, running stairs, etc as forms of your HIIT. These are all awesome, acceptable, and highly beneficial to helping you look better naked(lets be real we know thats why you’re here)

I just like to say Sprints because its the form of conditioning that sticks in your head and gives you a visual. But its short bursts of intense work followed by a limited amount of recovery. You can do this outside, on hills, on fields, in sand etc. High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT Im sure you’ve heard this many times before.

Add this to your dialed in nutrition and weight training.

#5. Burn Calories everyday.

Yes you read that right, 7 days per week. You must to create a deficit. Most of you only workout 2-3x per week, youre never going to hit your goal. NEVER.

You need to train and burn calories DAILY!!! You wont be beastmode all the time, you might have 2-4 days youll just be doing an active recovery day, but you MUST BURN. You have to burn calories in a workout daily otherwise you are not going to create a calorie deficit and burn fat. No train, no loss.

If you want to rest, sleep more, take a nap, go to bed earlier. If you want a rest day, rest day, then you must FAST on days you take off. Yes, that means starve on your rest day. Fasting is healthy. But you must create deficit.

So hold yourself accountable, TRAIN or FAST on the days you dont.

Your choice. Im just giving you the hacks to get there the fastest.

#6. Become a morning person.

“Im not a morning person”

Well, you’re not in shape either and this is one of the reasons why.

You’ve been putting yourself last, at end of day, after work, after kids, after life, and you end up missing more days than you show up. You are missing workouts due to work issues, or exhaustion and using the “ill go tomorrow”. No you wont! You’ve been saying “tomorrow” for decades and clearly its not working because you’re still out of shape.

Right or right? So that means you need to do something different.

Suck it up, force yourself to get up early, and go workout first thing. Dont even eat, drink some water with pink salt, take some preworkout/coffee/tea and go!

Fitness success comes from discipline and consistency, so by forcing yourself to get up early and go train, youll be more consistent, which means more success faster. It takes 66+ days to form a habit, so if you force it for 66 days to get up early and train first, it will eventually become WHO you are. Once its a habit its easy to stay on course.

Is it going to suck? Absolutely!

But do you know what sucks more? Being fat. Being insecure. Hating the body you live in. Being embarrassed. Lacking confidence. Feeling gross naked. Being disgusted in the mirror.

They’re both hard, choose your hard. You will have days you drag your ass out of bed and days you are pumped and ready.

Regardless of your feelings GET UP, and show up for YOURSELF every damn day!

#7. Surround yourself with fit people.

You know the saying “you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”?

Well this especially applies to your fitness. If you hang around 5 obese people, you will be the 6th. If you hang around 5 lazy people, you will be the 6th. If you hang around 5 out of shape people, you will be the 6th. This is a fact.

So a hack to getting fit faster is to Find more fit friends. Hangout with more fit friends, spend less time with your obese ones, spend less time with the lazy out of shape ones.

The reason this is important is because you adopt the mindset, habits, behaviors, of those you spend the most time with.

Think about it, what do your out of shape friends want to do?

EAT AND DRINK! Which is fine but they want to eat and drink ALL THE WRONG STUFF. They also tend to push those things onto you “try this! omg this is so good take a bite! I got you this! Eat this! Lets go get icecream! One bite wont hurt! Live a little!” You know exactly those friends Im talking about, limit time with them. And let them know you are on a fitness journey and if they want to hangout they need to support your by NOT offering you garbage and holding you accountable. You could also invite them to hop on the journey with you. Lets be real, noone wants to be obese/overweight they just settle for it in most cases because they have failed so many times, or given up on trying, or its just not a priority. But they dont like it, so maybe your push will inspire them.

I know they’re fun, I have some not so in shape friends myself, Im just saying limit time and spend more time with the fitness minded ambitious ones. Youll get there faster. FACT.

100% of my closest friends for past 10-20 years are RIPPED. 100%. This rule of surrounding yourself with success is scientifically proven. Successful people in fitness and business know this. So be mindful and proactive about doing this. You may need to spend more time on your own, thats cool. Better to be around yourself than dragged down, right?! Exactly.

Want to see what happens when you follow directions?

So theres your 7 tips!

Lets Recap:

#1. Track macros

#2. CardiNO!

#3. Lift Intensely

#4. Do sprints

#5. Burn Calories daily.

#6. Become morning person

#7. Surround yourself with success.

If you enjoyed this, got some value, share it with your friends!

Make sure you follow me on my social media platforms because I post tons daily!


“10 Things The Gov isnt Telling You About C-One-9”

As a fitness professional it is my DUTY to educate you, inspire you, warn you, guide you, push you, teach you how to take optimal care of yourself, and to do what is right for yourself and your life. So you can become your best version of YOU.

I believe it is my duty to tell you the TRUTH about what is really going on because what I am about to teach you will save your life or the life of someone you love. So pay attention and read, watch, everything so you can get up to speed with the TRUTH.

If you havent realized by now this has nothing to do with the virus and everything to do with control, you havent been paying attention or you arent very smart.

This entire situation is a massive LIE, a scam, and it has NOTHING to do with your actual health. Ill prove it to you, but you must first open your mind and come look at the facts Im about to drop in your face.

Im doing this because im tired of this s***, this weak flu has almost a 100% recovery rate, yet this is being pushed like it has a 10% mortality rate. And the death toll, and case numbers are LIES Ill show you proof of this below too.

So first open your mind, and DIG into what Im showing you, because everything Im about to show you and tell you is a FACT. #OnlyFacts is my hashtag lol

Lets talk some science and common sense and logic:

#1. Masks dont work.

Wearing a mask to stop a V is like using a chain link fence to try and stop a swarm of mosquitos. Useless. Theres ZERO evidence of its effectiveness, zero science, and those who WEAR the masks are MAINLY the ones who get the flu. Yes, you read that right, mask wearers are mainly the ones that GET SICK. Didnt know that did ya? FACT.

Did you also know wearing a mask actually makes you more unhealthy and reduces your immune systems strength? Fact.

Masks are harmful, so why are we wearing them?

As matter of fact, Stanford just did a study proving this and quietly published this on NIH

The mask is useless. Its against your constitutional rights to enforce you wearing one and you DO NOT have to wear one, it is NOT law. Merely a recommendation. Im usually the ONLY one in stores not wearing one.

I dont wear masks, I share equipment, touch everything, hug, high 5, kiss cheeks, shake hands, and rarely wash my hands after, breathe, sweat, hangout in crowds constantly, how come Im not dead? How come I havent been sick?

I must be a walking miracle. lol Really, its because I put the work in to keeping my health on point so I never get sick or develop a health problem. We will discuss more about that below.

The whole asymptomatic bs that you were going to kill your grandma, yea, that was a lie. The WHO came out last year and admitted that transmission is RARE. One of the biggest scams in history is convincing healthy people they could get people sick. SMDH.

One of the biggest scams to ever hit this country was convincing people that a healthy person can get them sick. SMDH because of how many of you fell for this.

#2. No actual C19 virus has ever actually been detected.

What??? Yep, not one person has been able to isolate the virus. NOT ONE.

Dr. Derick Knauss PHD is a clinical lab scientist, has tested 1,500 so called “positive samples” and ZERO C19 was found. It was then sent to 7+ other MAJOR universities and they found ZERO C19 as well. WTH??!

What did they find instead in these samples? Influenza A and Influenza B. Yes, the supposed C19 positive tests were actually Influenza A & B, aka seasonal flu.

What does this mean? The seasonal Flu was rebranded C19.

If you look at last years Seasonal numbers which were 38,000,000, the year prior, in 2020 they were 1,800+. WTH?

Where did the 38,000,000 million seasonal cases go?

Use some common sense, rebranded c19.

Heres an article and video of Dr Krauss saying ZERO C19 detected and a link to an article with more.


Theres even a guy in Germany offering $1,000,000 to anyone who can isolate the actual virus because noone has been able too. WTH!??

See for yourself

Are you awake yet? Oh, theres lots more. So make sure you fwd this email to all your loved ones. Save this link to the notes in your phone, I will be updating as more info comes out.

#3. Therapeutics banned so they can offer v@ccine

By law if there is a treatment for a disease they cannot produce a V@ccine.

Ever wonder why they banned HCQ when there was decades of proof that it was safe and it works?

Especially when this Dr in Texas has cured 20,000 people using HCQ

Now you know why, they want you v@ccinated they dont want you using therapeutics that actually work. Why do they want you to vaccinate so bad? Especially when we have almost a 100% recovery rate.

Ever wonder why they dont promote other therapeutics that have great success?

Now you know why

Are you awake now? Keep reading theres LOTS more.

Dont believe me though, Im no doctor(Im just more educated and up to speed with science than most dr), I follow many doctors who are much like me and do obsessive amount of research, but hear PROOF of what I just said from and actual doctor, Dr Ryan Cole himself.

Why are they pushing a shot so much?

Why are they pushing a shot for a cold that has almost a 100% recovery rate? (Just wait til you see the proof below)

Seriously ask yourself this. This isnt a conspiracy theory, this is common sense, logic and facts.

#4. Theres no such thing as Flu season

Flu season is actually “Vitamin D deficiency” season. I’ve been saying this for years, but Dr Cole says it in his video as well.

The reason it seems this way, and flu cases rise is because of TWO things, Low Vitamin D during winter and increase of garbage diet during the holiday season.

Vitamin D is dubbed the master hormone these days and you get it best from sunlight touching your skin. In the winter, everyone is inside, getting no sun, eating garbage, drinking garbage, and BOOM flu!

These viruses are in our environment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Trillions of them. All over everything you touch and all over your body and inside your body. Your immune system does its job keeping the viruses at bay when your immune system is healthy and strong.

But you tie in Low D and High Junk food diet and thats a recipe for crap immune system and getting sick. Some of the highest times for Emergency room visits for the flu are the days after thanksgiving, christmas and NYE. And in my industry, I call this Heart Attack Season. Because those who are already on the brink, from years of poor diet, and neglect, the low D plus increase in sugar consumption, Boom heart attack. They spike every holiday season. I have had many friends, clients, lose parents, siblings, grandparents, during the holidays.

Make sense? Now you know.

Want to avoid getting the flu every year? Follow my instructions

Get Vitamin D to boost your immune system

Even Fauci takes 8000-9000 IU of Vitamin D per day in winter, why hasnt he announced this?!!!

Why arent they telling the world Vitamin D is crucial for your immune health and preventing the virus?!!

Are you waking up yet?

#5. What goes into your body matters.

Like I mentioned above, what you eat has a direct effect on your health. It has a direct effect on your immune system. Eating processed foods like bread, pasta, pizza, cakes, cookes, crackers, cereals, chips, soda, pies, candy, fast food, etc. are HIGHLY inflammatory. If you are inflamed when you are going into an illness the worse you will do.

So why arent they telling you to Eat whole healthy foods?

Why did they close down gyms, health food centers, supplement stores, but allow liquor stores and fast food joints to stay open?

Why arent they blasting health experts like me and many others all over the news to teach the WORLD how to create a strong healthy immune system and vibrant health so no one gets the virus or spreads it to others?

Why arent they encouraging working out, vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, vitamin C, iodine, fish oil, B complex all to BOOST YOUR IMMUNE system?

Why arent they promoting HEALTH, pushing you to make lifestyle changes?

Why arent they telling you to eat clean, and stop eating inflammatory junk?

Why arent they telling Americans that being overweight/obese is one of the major risk factors to complications and DEATH from a flu, and telling all Americans they need to eat healthy and reduce their bodyfat?

If they truly wanted to save Americans lives wouldnt they be giving them all the education, supplements, and health products possible to create a healthy population?

Are you awake yet? Use some common sense.

What you put inside your body matters MORE than anything else they could tell you, recommend, or enforce.

Clearly they arent doing anything to HELP Americans be healthy, why is this?

Because its NOT about your health!!! WAKE UP!

#6. Cases have dropped about 91% since right before the inauguration

No joke. And its not because of the shot. It was because right after the inauguration the WHO did TWO things right away when Joe came in, they came out and admitted that the PCR tests cycle counts were too high( around 40) and creating false positives (80-95%) and told hospitals to lower the cycle count (28 or less). FACT.

So what happens when you stop creating false positives? Cases plummet.

Second thing, all of 2020 hospitals were ordered to label a positive case if it was “suspected or presumed”, no test needed. So you show up with a runny nose cuz you had some pizza yesterday and you’re inflamed, and you are labelled a positive case. No test needed. (they were bad tests anyway). But presumed cases, suspected cases also led to cases being spiked!

Right after Jan 20th, the protocol changed and hospitals were ordered to ONLY label a case positive if it is TESTED and proven(with new PCR cycle count). Guess what happened? CASES plummet!

Then the 3rd thing that just happened In May is they now are ordered to ONLY count a case as a positive case if it is tested/proven(with new guidelines), AND the person is hospitalized or dies.

Guess what will happen to case numbers even more? THEY PLUMMET!

Dont believe me? Look below. I just pulled this off of Google. Google (Coronavirus us)

Thats basically a 91% drop nationwide since the peak right before the inauguration when they were using the false positive PCR test, labelling suspected presumed positives.

Do you see where this is going? Cmon man, dont be stupid.

Why would they do that? Use some common sense.

What I just said is no secret, its FACTS. Research it yourself.

So because of that the cases have plummeted to normal ranges for a Flu Season (vitamin D deficiency season).

Are you awake yet?

#7. 95% Died from Comorbidities not the Virus

The CDC death toll numbers are manipulated LIES. The average death had 4 comorbidities on average. This is a FACT and Ill show you proof below. Its right on the CDC data

Remember that “suspected and presumed” thing we just talked about? They did this for the deaths too. Died of a heart attack? C19. Died from terminal Cancer? C19. Died from car crash? C19(yes this has happened). Died from gun shot? c19(yes has happened).

Hospitals get rewarded with lots more $$$ for C19 cases/deaths. News Flash, hospitals are a business and in business to MAKE MONEY.

So with all this manipulation, what happened? Death toll numbers sky rocket. Mainstream media behind the push to scare you, everyone fears they’re gonna die from a cold.

The media has programmed you to believe exactly what those who OWN the media wanted you to believe. Heres the secret how, 1000s of news channels all using the phrase “Deadly virus” 1000s of times per day. Programming your mind to think that this virus, that doesnt even exist according to experts, was gonna kill the nation.

Watch this 1 min video showing you exactly how they do it. Its called “Oper_tion M_cking bird” Theyve been doing it for decades. Watch video below and see it with your own eyes.

Want to see proof of what Im saying about the death toll numbers being lies?

Click this CDC link below, Scroll down to where is says Comorbidities after reading that scroll down a bit further and youll see what they ACTUALLY died from. SHARE this! Save this link on your notes on phone and send to friends.

Then after checking that out, watch this video One America News did telling you this exact thing about last year and showing you proof too about 6 months ago.

So this death toll number they keep claiming is soon to top 600,000 is a LIE! If 95% are dying from 4 comorbidities on average(CDC data), that leaves 5% dying from just the Flu, truly dying from the flu, which means the actual number is around 30,000 actual flu deaths in my book.

Do you know how many people die from the seasonal every year? 40,000-80,000 avg. EVERY single year! And only people with poor health, that were pretty much already on their way out in most cases. Healthy people dont die from a cold.

Once again they deceived you. Why are they doing this?

Are you awake yet? Theres more!

#8. Open states are winning

We have texas, florida, arizona, south dakota, all OPEN. If this was so deadly why arent their citizens dropping like flies?

Their stats are actually getting BETTER.

I live in California, been locked down over a year now. So I stay on top of all this, all the data, since this thing came into the picture. I knew it was election year, and this was no coincidence.

But lets look at DATA, factual NUMBERS.

When it comes to a disease, the ONLY thing that matters is the DEATH toll, cases dont mean S***. Most people get the sniffles or nothing when they come in contact with this measly bug

The only thing that matters is ARE PEOPLE DYING? We already discussed the lies and manipulation of the numbers, but we are gonna even USE those manipulated numbers to make a point and show you how much of a SCAM this entire thing is.

Lets take Fully open states Texas and Florida, do you know what the mortality rate is out of the total population?

.001 out of 29 million in Texas, and roughly 21.5 million in Florida. .001!!!!!

Thats ZERRRRRROOOOO percent!!!!

Im in CommieFornia, with 40 million population, do you know what the mortality rate is for California, the LOCKDOWN state?

.001 out of the 40 mil!!!!!

Thats ZEEERRRROOOOO percent!!!! And we are still locked down!!!

For What?!!! We could be fully open and have the exact same mortality rate as Florida, having packed baseball games, music festivals, travel, no restrictions! We have basically lost a year of our lives for this political scamdemic!

Texas just hit 0 deaths from the virus the other day.

Those stats are all FACTS look it up yourself!

Are you awake yet?

So we have a made up c19, thats actually influenza A & B, zero proof of an isolated C19, masks that are more harmful than helpful. Zero talk about eating clean. They want you isolating yourself making you depressed. They want you to avoid people which is HOW we create strong immune systems by exposure to microbes. They arent encouraging supplementing well to boost immunity. We have manipulated case numbers, manipulated death toll, zero percent threat of this disease being truly deadly. The CDC admitting people are dying from 4 comorbidities on avg not C19, and yet these D states are still pushing the lockdowns, california still locked down, and they are pushing these shots on people, trying to make it mandatory for a Flu virus with almost a 100% recovery rate, and B gates behind this. Do you know what B gates agenda is? (watch video below)

ARE YOU AWAKE YET?!!! Theres more!

#9. Most of what you see in the media is lies and staged

Look, the same people responsible for this scam, are also responsible for the media brainwashing you, and the V@ccines. This was planned all along. I personally am starting to think the C19 was fully made up for the V@ccines, not the other way around. I dont know, but it sure seems like it.

Heres some proof of the staging by the media

I’ve seen hundreds of videos of empty hospitals, empty tents, nurses, doctors blowing the whistle getting silenced. Just like the doctors who were curing people with HCQ got silenced, and other treatments got silenced.

But the media is lying, CNN admitted it was propaganda, and used to create fear to get T out of office, we know Mr B-Gates agenda is to reduce the population and hes the face of this push for mandatory v@ccines.

#10. This shot is deadly!!!

This is the deadliest v@ccine ever put on the market. In case you havent done any research there are ingredients that make you sterile, there is nanotechnology, and there are TWO that that are mRNA technology(pfizer/moderna).

These are experimental! Never used before! 100% of the animals tested DIED. FACT.

You have no idea what kind of code they put in that mRNA to turn your DNA into. The code could be destroying your reproductive systems, it could be triggering diseases, it could be doing whatever they want. You have NO clue, only what the lying media, and uninformed drs tell you. We dont know, but we do know it changes your DNA. You’re literally a science experiment, now a modified organism, and its killing a lot of people.

Below is an image from the V@ccine adverse reaction site, there are 10,000s of injuries, from blindness, paralysis, facial paralysis, heart attacks, strokes, peoples skin melting off, giant rashes from head to toe, and DEATH. As of today 4,647 And harvard says only 1% of people report injuries. So if 4,647 is only 1%, DO THE MATH on the reality! Multiply that times 100x and youll see a number closer to reality.

Heres the direct link to the data at CDC site. It updates every tuesday and the death toll rises 200-300 people weekly.,received%20a%20COVID-19%20vaccine

DMX, took the shot. Hank Aron, took the shot.

Why isnt the media blasting how deadly this shot is all over the media?

This shot has killed more people in 4 months than all other shots the past 20 years combined!!! FACT!

This shot is more deadly than the actual flu itself! And the experts are saying that most people who get the shot wont die for 3 months to a few years. Look up Dr Tenpenny speeches

On top of this there are 1000s and 1000s of people worldwide reporting of health issues coming from being around people who have taken it. Women getting heavy, long periods, being late, having multiple periods per month. Nose bleeds. bruising. vertigo. Anxiety. miscarriages. All from being around family or friends that have gotten the jabs. Fact.

And even on Pfizers website they state that vaccinated people shed spike proteins through being close or inhalation. Fact.

Heres Europe!

You are more likely to die from the SHOT than the actual seasonal flu!

But theres more, It appears that the people who have gotten it are transmitting something that is hurting others. Noone is quite sure what it is, if its the spike proteins, or nanotechnology, or something that is being transmitted to others. But something strange is happening.

Women who have finished menopause having periods. Women having 2-3 periods per month. Women bleeding for weeks straight or non stop. Women having rock solid clots coming out, literally solid rocks.

There was a Nutrition Microscopist that took samples of peoples blood after they got the jab. Check this out

Imagine those spikey blood cells being pumped through your arteries and brain. No wonder there have been 192,000 injuries, and this is only 1% of people reporting injuries.

There is also known ingredients that cause infertility in these shots. Pregnant women being in close proximity are having miscarriages. Miscarriages are reportedly up 400% since this shot hit the market!!! And mens sperm count dropping.

So this means the people getting the shot are actually the ones at risk of DEATH and risk to everyone elses health. So do not get in close proximity of those who have gotten the shot especially the Pfizer/Moderna ones.

Heres a video I did a few weeks ago showing you the proof of the nanotech, mRNA and lots of other stuff about these shots.

Heres a video of doctors all over the world WARNING you NOT to take this shot!

See that here

Heres a Video Dr Tenpenny did with Scott McKay, shes been the expert blowing the whistle on shots for over 20 years and has reviewed 10,000’s of scientific studies on v@ccines.

Im warning you DO NOT TAKE THE SHOT!

You guys need to wake up!!! Rebel against all this tyranny! Clearly as you’ve seen this has nothing to do with health and public safety, and everything to do with CONTROL and possibly the depopulation agenda.

You dont have to believe that, but you need to DO THE WORK on yourself and your health so you never have to worry about a measily cold bug or getting the comorbidities we were talking about.

Read this again! Watch all the videos. and SHARE this with everyone you love because it will definitely save their life!

Save the link to this blog, ill be updating regularly last updated (5-20-21)

Share! Share! Share!

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