9 Supplements I use daily and recommend!

I get asked all the time “What supplements should I take? What can I take for ____results? What fat burner do you recommend? Whats the best protein shake?” etc.

So I thought it was time to write a blog, and give you direct links on where to purchase it. Yes, some Im affiliated with, some not, but they are all LEGIT supplements I LOVE, recommend and take PERSONALLY.

But first, understand this 99% of what you see, read about, hear on ads/tv/radio/podcasts is literally PURE GARBAGE. Even most vitamins and minerals, 95% are synthetic trash. Magazines are often owned by supplement companies and they use their articles/copy to sell more of their own products. So NEVER trust the hype, its almost always bullshit. Ask me first.

I often see new products hit the market and I will personally buy them, test them, so that way when my clients or others ask I have personal experience with them. And in my experience, like I said, its almost always trash and bs.

But there are a few that are staples in my recommendations, and daily regamine

Most of what Im recommending are the basic essentials, raw materials, your body needs to function OPTIMALLY. Give your body what it needs and it can function and heal at its fullest potential. Most of you are severely nutritionally deficient. You’ve spent decades eating garbage, depleting your body of these nutrients, never replenishing, so you’ve slowly been deteriorating over time.

You’re not old, you’re severely inflamed from the garbage food, and severely nutritionally deficient. So your body is breaking down, you feel tired, weak, lazy, aches, pains, anxiety, depression, sleep issues, skin issues, autoimmune diseases, chronic diseases, and death are all tied to this.

So my recommendations are to replenish some of the most VITAL nutrients you need so your body can rebuild, repair, and run on all 8 cylinders because right now most of you are a broke down dump truck. lol. If you dont feel and look like a ferrari, your NUTRITION is to blame. Not your age.

So if you were hoping Im about to tell you some magical pill, powder or drug thats going to expedite your success, you’re in the wrong place. I do not believe in drugs and there is no secret sauce. The secret sauce to your health and physique goals come from MASTERING your nutrition. Eating CLEAN, true clean.

What do I mean by “TRUE CLEAN”? Good question. Most of you think certain foods are healthy and they are absolute garbage.

“Foods like what?”

Foods like pasta, whole wheat products, ezekiel bread, 7 or 9 grain bread, cereal, granola, protein shakes, protein bars, flavored supplements(sucralose), crackers, sports drinks, fruit juices, Yogurt(sugar bomb), smoothies, diet soda, 100 calorie snack packs, Peanut butters(cuz you eat the jiffy crap), spinach wraps(made from wheat flour), gluten free junk cookies/muffins etc, dried fruit(most have added sugar), canned soups, etc. These are all made with some kind of bad sweetener or a sugar.

I probably just listed your entire meal plan, huh? LOL. This is NOT true clean, this is junk food disguised as health foods.

REAL clean is eating foods that come directly from a plant or an animal. Foods like Steak and broccoli, chicken and cauliflower, Eggs and spinach. And small amounts of fruit occasionally, nuts, seeds, etc. THAT is real clean. And I know almost 100% of you reading this DO NOT do this.

And if you want to become your absolute BEST version of yourself, you MUST EAT the right foods to become the BEST version of yourself. Eat garbage, look and feel like garbage. Common sense, right? Yes or Yes?

Keep in mind, if you do what Normal people do, you will have excess body fat/obesity, and diseases like normal people do. Dont be normal people. The human body is designed to live 120-180 years if treated right, Americans only live to 78 and spend the last 20 of those years dying slowly on meds and suffering. Having never lived their full potential because garbage in = garbage out. Dont be normal.

I want you living beyond 100, fit, sexy, energetic, confident, with healthy hormonal state and vibrance. That only comes from EARNING it through proper nutrition and active lifestyle.

So lets begin with the basics that will make you BETTER!

Click the blue words for the direct links to products.

#1. Multi Mineral/Multi vitamin

Like I said above, you’re severely nutritionally deficient, even if you actually eat clean(which almost 100% of you are not) so for overall great health and performance you need a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, so a good multi will give you some nutrients so you can turn this sinking ship around.

The ONLY brands I recommend, because most others are full of synthetic trash, are Mega Food and Garden Of LIfe. These two typically have good products with nutrition that actually comes from fruits, vegetables, grains, NATURE and not made in a lab by a man synthetically.

Mega food multi https://amzn.to/3cNdStS

Garden of life men’s multi https://amzn.to/3zu02Gt

Garden of life womens multi https://amzn.to/2UfUaR1

Take these daily and give you body the nutrients it needs to function!

#2. Magnesium

This my friends is in your Multi, but its not enough, we need MORE to keep up with our busy, active lifestyles. This stuff is lifechanging. Its estimated that 80% or more of Americans are extremely deficient and scientists say “every day that you are deficient you are dying”. Thats how vital this mineral is!

Being deficient in this causes sleep issues, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, asthma, blood clots, bowel diseases, kidney disease, liver disease, migraines, fibromyalgia, cramps, muscle pain, nerve problems, pms, infertility, osteoporosis, tooth decay, muscle spasms, seizures, heart issues, headaches, weakness, ADD/ADHD like behaviors, low testosterone, memory issues, brain fog. The list goes on and on.

But this mineral is responsible for 300+ biochemical reactions in the body including sleep, digestion, metabolism, energy and muscle contractions, which are vital for your health, activity levels, and results. Its also responsible for strong immune system.

Think its important?


So for this one I recommend only two brands

Mega food magnesium https://amzn.to/3xuiFrP (take 4 per day minimum)


Liquid Magnesium https://amzn.to/3gAj2LR (do 4 droppers).

I personally do Both of these daily, the liquid before workouts, the Mega Food before bed. You will perform better, train harder, have more energy, have more mind muscle connection, get better muscle contractions, and sleep like a champ. Youll experience what we call “Magnesium dreams” because they are so deep you slip into another dimension and usually wake up thinks “WTF was that?!” Because whatever is going on in your mind subconsciously you will dive into in your sleep. No joke. Im dead serious, youll know exactly what I mean when you start taking this and experience Magnesium dreams. I’ve ridden Care Bears through outer space that had laser guns. Im serious they are whack!

So Tablets 4 or more per night, liquid 4 droppers before workout daily for optimal health and performance.

#3. Zinc

Another magical mineral that has 100s of responsibilities in the body. Being deficient leads to low hormone issues, slow wound healing, poor immune system, osteoporosis, neurological disorders, poor sexual health, vision loss, blood pressure, diabetes, learning and memory.

But the big ones are Testosterone(men), immune health, bone strength, healing, sexual health. IMO.

So I recommend this daily as well.

Zinc https://amzn.to/3gBKatY take 2 tab with your magnesium before bed.

#4. Omega 3s

This is a Fat that is VITAL for optimal health and bodily functions. Being deficient in Omega 3s creates depression, anxiety, brain fog, hormonal issues, learning issues, excess inflammation, poor cellular communication, accelerated aging, wrinkles, digestive disorders, etc.

Omega 3s control gene function, regulate your immune system, impact the efficacy and speed of metabolism and a vital component of the cell membrane that covers every one of your 100 trillion cells in your body.

Think they are important? HELL YES!!!

This is a major deficiency that is a major cause of depression running rampant in America, one of the nations top disabilities. Supplementing this one thing alone can completely change your mental health. (given you stop eating garbage too)

So we love it for its mental health benefits but also because it creates healthy looking skin, great hormonal balance and optimal metabolism.

Now I recommend supplementing fish oil to get your Omega 3s. Most stores have very overpriced products. The most economical, quality brand that has been my go to for a decade is Kirkland

Now my recommendations are going to sound crazy for this one but this is because I guarantee you’re extremely deficient, and for optimal mental health and metabolism when you are eating clean and training hard you need a lot to keep you in check. So women 10+ capsules per day. Men 20+.

If you are currently in a state of depression, anxiety, do more than the recommended amount until it starts to subside then drop to the recommended.

This is something your doctor DOES NOT KNOW. Ive written an entire article on Depression if you want more info click this https://phenomenallyfit.com/10-things-you-can-do-to-eliminate-depression-that-your-doctor-doesnt-know/

Heres another option take 8 ladies, 16 men

SR https://amzn.to/3cStlsC

#5. Iodine

This is another vital mineral that most people are deficient in. Being deficient in iodine means slower metabolism, low energy, thyroid issues, cancer, fatigue, weakness, hairloss, dry flakey skin, feeling cold, slow heart rate, trouble learning or remembering, heavy or irregular periods.

But the real reason Im recommending this one is to fuel your Thyroid, metabolism, prevent cancer, and increase your energy. The other benefits are just cherry on top.

Now this one you can find on Amazon but my favorite one is Mary Ruths Take 3-5 drops daily. https://amzn.to/3vGBJlC

This mineral is awesome! Make sure you add it to your regimen daily for optimal results!

#6. Psyllium Husk

This my friends is a hack for many reasons. Your gut is like your second brain and keeping it healthy and in check is the secret to creating optimal health and physique. Psyllium husk has 2 main purposes in my recommendations.

Its Fiber, which is crucial for your gut health, digestion, microbiome(gut bacteria), bowel movements. And when you are on a Fat Loss journey, you must keep your calories in check, creating a calorie deficit. We subtract those calories from your Carbs to create the deficit because protein and fats are a PRIORITY.

When carbs are low, or at 0 if you’re being aggressive, you need to supplement Fiber to keep your body and health in check. Being fiber deficient can lead to tons of issues. So keep your second brain on point by using this when carbs are low. BTW carbs to me mean veggies, fruit, not garbage bread/pasta/etc.

But the second reason its important and a hack is because the fiber makes you FULL. So when dieting, cutting carbs and creating a calorie deficit, by supplementing with 2-4tbsp of PH daily, you will naturally feel fuller, and not hungry. Which means its easier to keep your diet on point.

Heres the Psyllium husks https://amzn.to/3xuRugF

#7. Preworkout

Now we have discussed all the things you need to get your health, body working optimally, now we talk about how to pump up your workout intensity. Preworkouts have stimulants and other ingredients to that make you PUSH harder, focus better, train harder in your training sessions. Harder training plus tight diet = Sexy!

But MOST preworkouts, although they work well have some bad ingredients. The main one Im speaking of are sugar and sucralose. Both will trigger inflammation, injuries, and cravings which we all know you wont be able to fend off and will be face deep in cake within the hour after working out. lol.

So we avoid those. I personally recommend using a high stimulant Fat Burner capsules as your preworkout because you skip on the sweetener. Because for some people with bad sugar addictions, even using stevia can trigger cravings for more garbage sugary/carby foods. So if this is YOU, stick to capsules ONLY. Or Green tea, coffee(black/butter).

Understood? yes or yes?

Heres some capsules I recommend.

Blade capsules https://amzn.to/3q3szOR are one of these stimulant capsules im speaking about. I’ve never actually tested these but I have tested a few of their products and was always pleased with them, so I trust them.

Methyl… https://www.samedaysupplements.com/methyldrene-25-by-cloma-pharma-fat-burner-100-caps.html is an ephedra based intense one. I take two when I use these, warning, they are intense so Id recommend only if you workout before work/early in the day. Otherwise you’re not gonna sleep if you take them after 12pm. The site I linked here has many different kinds other than Hellfire, so feel free to try others.

Note, Fat Burners DO NOT WORK, do not burn fat. All the ads and marketing you see is bs. The ONLY thing that burns fat is creating a calorie deficit. So you can load up on fat burners and eat garbage and still get fatter. We only use these as a preworkout to get the most out of your workout. Because these fat burners often have very similar stimulants in them as the ones in actual powder form preworkouts.

But there are a few that are actual powder preworkouts that I have tested that work well, and dont trigger cravings because they dont use Sucralose or sugar.

Altius https://amzn.to/35E7LDT Tastes ok, not sweet enough to trigger cravings, but doesnt taste bad where youll make the bitter beer face. lol

Pure pump https://amzn.to/3q3iqBu This one is great, get unflavored only, the other has sugar. Its unflavored and tastes awful. So if you’re cool with that, get this one. If you’re not, squeeze some lime or lemon in it or go with the Altius.

Those are really all youll need when it comes to preworkouts. Remember to always read ingredients lists and avoid all things that use sucralose as sweetener(almost all flavored products on market use it) and sugar in all its forms. Dextrose, maltodextrin, sugar, evaporated cane syrup are the most common used.

#8. Glutamine

If you’re training 7 days a week like you should be, you’re gonna need a super clean diet, great supplementation, sleep to be able to keep up. Glutamine is one of those supps that can help speed recovery. Now it is often flavored which is also using sucralose, so for this find one that is just plain powder. Put 10-20g in water. Its tasteless. Take before or after workouts.

This will help you recover quicker. Note some preworkouts already have some in them, so you may already be getting some in that, but it doesnt hurt to have some more.

Glutamine https://amzn.to/3iMcRG8

On top of recovery it helps with blood flow, pump, and muscle growth.

#9. CBD

This is Cannabidiol, from Hemp not Marijuana. No high, just health. Your body is filled receptors that are designed to create a state of homeostasis(balance) in your body. We are so designed to have cannabinoids that moms produce them naturally in breast milk.

Over time, we become depleted, body gets stressed out, eating garbage food, and our systems get all out of whack. CBD helps get them back in check. Which is why people start to sleep deeper, reduce feelings of sadness/loneliness, reduce anxiousness, have more clarity, have more energy, have more focus, have more motivation to workout.

I actually call this stuff “Bombshell Bottle” because when women have been taking it long enough, their systems get back in check, they start working out, losing weight, taking better care of themselves. Doing their hair, nails, makeup, and carrying themselves better and often just get hotter! I see it all the time.

My personal Favorite is the Cinnamon I use this one daily. Note, even though this is HEMP the Full Spectrum(black lid) has trace of THC which has health benefits(pain relief) so if you drug screen for work DO NOT GET the full spectrum black lid bottle. Get the THC free which is the “Broad Spectrum”(white lid) which has the THC removed, 3rd party tested and proven. So no worries. But if you dont get drug screened get the FULL spectrum its best.

CBD https://www.hempworx.com/CBDMonster Cinnamon is my fav

If you have any questions on these reach out to me personally on my cell


Join as a VIP customer to get member discount, its free to join.

I use this as part of my preworkout regimen because it increases focus, reduces inflammation, and speeds recovery. Most people tend to burn more calories in their workouts because of this.

So that sums it up!

Notice I didnt recommend any protein powders, protein bars, shakes, meal replacements, bcaas, drugs, or anything else? Thats intentional. These are all unnecessary, harmful, or pure garbage.

What Im teaching you is to make you the absolute BEST you, naturally. Doing it the HEALTHY way.

So make sure you save this link in your notes in your phone for reference in the future, send this to your friends and gym buds that are on that fitness journey too.

Lets recap my 9 (no particular order)

#1. Magnesium

#2. Zinc

#3. iodine

#4. Fish Oil (omega 3s)

#5. Psyllium husk

#6. Glutamine

#7. Preworkout

#8. Multi Mineral/vitamin

#9. CBD

Hope this helps you level up!

If you are ready to get coaching to take your body to the next level, msg me

949-632-3458 for information about in person or online coaching.

Committed to #MakingAmericaSexyAgain

Daymond Sewall


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