Want a strong immune system?

Want some tips you can do right now to protect you and your family?

Did this scare get you worried you were gonna die?

That’s proof you KNOW you need to make a change and take better care of yourself.

Before I begin let me begin with saying that Americans have lost their damn minds! This is exactly why the government will never tell you the truth about aliens.lol.

Also keep in mind you are being completely manipulated by fear because of the main stream media which is heavily controlled by the pharmaceutical industry. Vaccines are their most profitable drug. The severity of this virus is NOT near as bad as they are making you believe. In a few months from now I’ll be posting the facts saying “I told you!”

But having a great immune system is always a great thing. Your body is fighting bacteria, germs, viruses all day every day. And even if you dont get this virus the flu is still always looming and being sick sucks.

These viruses are more of a threat for our loved ones, the elder, unhealthy, and those with weakened immune systems.

The cases are already on a decline now in China and stores are opening back up.

But I want to share some tips that will help you make your immune system strong so you never have to worry about this again. Cuz there will be another scare next year, the year after, and especially during election years.

Pharmaceutical companies use the media to scare the public and increase profits, its how they have always done it. You can choose to not believe that, or open your eyes and see whats right in your face. I dont care.

But you need a strong immune system so you have great health and peace of mind so here we are. Im gonna give you some basic tips that are truly common sense, but some may be new ones you’ve never heard.

So lets go.

✅ Eat Clean.

Most Americans eat 300-360lbs of sugar annually! Eating sugar, bread, pasta, chips, crackers, fat food, soda, sports drinks, yogurts, whole wheat etc. All of these are sugar to your body and they wreck your health and immune system making you highly susceptible to virus and diseases.

Your body is fighting off bacteria, germs, viruses 24/7 and if you consume these foods, which most of you do, you reduce your bodies ability to defend you. You weaken your immune system making you more susceptible to diseases.

So think about this when you are feeding your kids, your weak parents/grandparents foods they LOVE. These same foods they are addicted to will ruin their immune system and make them susceptible to getting sick. It also slows their ability to fight once they do get sick and could lead to death.

If you have loved ones with comprimised health its these exact foods that have created their poor health to begin with. Sugar is the CAUSE of cancer, heart attacks, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, alzheimers, strokes, etc.

If you want to reverse those diseases, extend their lives, you can ONLY do that by completely changing their diets.

So what should you be eating?

Foods that came directly from a plant or healthy animal. That means protein, veggies, nuts, seeds, fruit, etc.

So step 1 is clean up your diet and give your body the vital micronutrients, and macronutrients it needs to function optimally and defend itself.

 Lose body fat.

The avg Americans is obese and being obese makes you at risk for death by viruses. It also leads to cancer, heart attacks, diabetes etc. like I just mentioned.

Infectious disease experts say those that are obese are at high risk of death from these diseases.

Fat loss only comes from eating right, limiting calorie intake to create a deficit, and burning calories in workouts DAILY.

By choosing to eat clean you will drop lots of excess weight fast if you do it right. I recommend you make the staple of every meal Protein and Veggies First, PVF. This provides you the most important macronutrients protein, fats, and gives you fiber which will make you naturally feel fuller so you naturally eat less.

But being healthy means being lean and at a healthy weight. Losing fat is great for your immune system.

 Supplement well.

Zinc, magnesium, iodine, are 3 vital minerals you need to function optimally. I recommend using only Mega Food Brand Zinc and Magnesium because most are synthetic on the market. Amazon prime them, or go to your local Whole Foods Market to find these fast.

Iodine the only brand I recommend is “Survival Shield X2” find online only.

CBD helps create homeostasis and gets your bodies systems working more optimally. Reduces stress, anxiousness, sadness, pain, and improves sleep. All of which help keep you from comfort eating too, which reduces your immune system. If you arent taking a high quality CBD you are considered malnutritioned, you cannot be in a state of homeostastis without it. All of these benefits aid in creating a strong immune system. If you want some CBD reach out to me, I sell the best on earth. Reach out to me on facebook here https://www.facebook.com/daymondsewall and Ill tell you which one to get and it will be shipped straight to your door.

Fish oil improves gut health, hormones, brain health due to omega 3s. I get mine at coscto, kirkland brand.

Vitamin C will come mainly from your food, veggies, fruit etc. But feel free to supplement as well. Look for food sources in the ingredients list, like cherry, lemon peel, etc. You can also do lemon/lime squeezed in water or lemon oil. All great ways to bump your C.

Vitamin D is crucial! Notice the Flu season is around the holiday season when its cold and people are not outside much. No sun touching your skin means low Vitamin D levels and low vitamin D has a books worth of symptoms. Every single disease, issues, ailment can be linked to a D deficiency. So if you can get 15-20 mins of sun on your skin daily. If not get some liquid D3, its not as good as your body producing its own but its better than nothing. Get your daily D!

These supps will vastly improve how you feel every day and improve your immune system.


Your body does most of its healing, recovery, repairing, resetting, when you are sleeping and I know most people have awful sleep.

Want to know why?

Cuz your health sucks cuz of the way you eat, you have inflammation, high blood sugar due to eating high carb meals before bed, and severe nutritional deficiencies.

So by taking all those supplements I listed above, and eating clean, your sleep will vastly improve. Which will make your immune system strong like bull!

✅ Hydrate.

Being adequately hydrated leads to more energy, more fat loss, less food cravings, better workouts, better hormones, better sleep. All of which lead to better health, and better immune system.

Basic recommendation.
Ladies 1-2 gallons per day.
Guys 2-4 gallons.

✅ Hygiene.

Shower and wash your hands you dirty animals. You are a walking factory of bacteria, viruses, and fungus. You are technically more bacteria than you are human. You are outnumbered like 10-1. You pick up more from everywhere you go and everything you touch. So wash your hands, shower daily, dont touch your face.

Its common sense but I know thats really lacking in the nation today and I blame sugar for everyones brain fog.

So lets recap!

  1. Eat Clean
  2. Lose fat
  3. Supplement well
  4. Sleep
  5. Hydrate
  6. Hygiene

It’s simple. Make your health your top priority daily and you’ll never have to worry about any virus or any chronic disease.

Common sense.

Be sure to share this with your parents and grandparents! They are at risk of virus and disease all year, not just right now. They arent going to listen to you but they will listen to the fitness pro who changes lives year round.

Thanks for reading, you are already showing you are an action taker and care about yourself and your loved ones. So take action and implement these tips immediately and youll never have to worry about a measly little virus.

Daymond Sewall