Look, I know for a fact that pizza is one of your favorite foods as it is MOST Americans. But this is also one of the absolute worst foods you can ever put in your body. WORST! With a whammy of highly inflammatory ingredients that WRECK your body, blood vessels, cells, and mind.

The trick to being able to stay on point with your food, get healthy, and still enjoy eating some of your favorite foods is to MAKE your own foods!

Pizza is something I make quite often for parties and its always GONE within minutes theres never any leftovers. Even my family and friends that eat AWFUL and have no desire to eat healthy LOVE this pizza. So Im gonna give you a quick recipe you can make.

But know, you CAN still get fat from this if you overeat it, just like any food. But with that said its packed with some ingredients that will make you full all day so its highly unlikely youll over eat it.

The trick to making healthier versions is simple google “Keto _____recipe. Paleo___recipe” These eliminate the awful sugars and flours found in traditional pizza.

So this version is a low carb KETO PIZZA!!!

This is enough to feed a family of 4 so if you are having people over make two or three separate versions of this, then cut into tiny bite size pieces.

Im gonna give you the ingredients then the quick directions to prep.

Keto Pizza Ingredients:

  1. 2 cups of mozzarella cheese shredded
  2. 2 tbsp of Cream Cheese
  3. 2 large eggs
  4. 3/4 cup almond flour
  5. 1/2 cup Sugar Free Marinara
  6. Sugar Free Meat of your choice, I use ground beef pieces usually.

Instructions on how to make:

  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Get a glass pie pan or glass caserole pan, rub grassfed butter along bottom and edges to grease it so it doesnt stick.
  2. Put 1 1/2 cup of shredded cheese and 2tbsp cream cheese in a pan on stove and heat it up until its melted. Put on medium heat or less, dont burn it. Stir constantly. You can microwave but I have never done it that way.
  3. Put 2 eggs, almond flour in bowl and mix. Once mixed start to pour the cheese in and mix.
  4. Spread the dough onto the buttered pan to 1/4″ or more thickness using your hands. If it is super sticky oil your fingers with olive oil. Then poke holes in the crust so it doesnt bubble.
  5. Bake at 425 for about 6 minutes, then pull out and poke more holes, put back in for another 6 minutes until golden brown.
  6. Pull that out grab a spoon and spread 1/2 cup of Marinara on the crust.
  7. Sprinkle another 1/2 cup of Mozzarella cheese on top.
  8. Then put on your meat topping.
  9. Place back in oven and bake at 400 for about 20 mins.
  10. Pull out cut into slices or small bite size pieces and enjoy!!!!
This is the macros for the whole pizza minus the meat topping, just the crust, cheese, marinara.

Thats it! Super simple and super delicious!

I’d love to hear about your experience with this when you make it so feel free to hit me up via facebook messenger here

If you loved this article make sure you share it with your friends!!!

Until next time

Daymond Sewall

Owner Phenomenal Fitness

Author of 2 books

The Shredded Executive

The Booty Gains Book


Its extremely common for Americans to have put on over 15lbs during this quarantine. So much so the name “Quarantine 15” is actually a thing. lol

I know its been a while since Ive written an article, but I just wanted to give you some quick tips on how to lose the Q15 and prevent getting the C19.

By the looks of how political this all is, its not going away anytime soon. So you need to learn how to LIVE now before that 15 turns into 30-45lbs.

Step #1. Eat Clean. Duh, the obvious, right? But I’ve seen most shopping carts at the grocery stores when I go and they are packed with the exact trash foods that CREATE body fat and destroy your immune system.

Know that the quality of your physique and the quality of your health is tied directly to the quality of your NUTRITION.

So by eating clean you are eliminating the highly inflammatory foods that make you fat, unhealthy, and susceptible to getting sick.

Nutrition summed up in 3 words, PROTEIN AND VEGGIES.

That means some form of animal protein, and some form of low carb veggies should be the staple of all your meals.

The protein, fats, and fiber are vital for optimal health but also trigger hormones that make you feel fuller so you naturally want to eat less. Which means you get to burn off some nasty body fat, this Quarantine 15.

Step #2. Train Daily!

This is another no brainer, but its a MUST to get your calorie output UP so you can burn off some body fat. But on top of this is keeps your body fit, young, strong. So you’re less likely to succumb to virus exposure and even if you do you will beat it easy.

Look, if you havent done any research, the death toll (padded) studies prove that 94-99% of those who have passed from COVID had 1-3 other comorbidities. Aka they were already dying of something else. So they were weak, immune compromised, unhealthy.

You can be skinny, young, and still be terribly unhealthy inside.
But you need to train to burn calories and create a fit, strong, body that can fight off any lil flu virus is comes across.

Keep in mind all the bs in the media is bs. We have trillions of bacteria, viruses in our body, on our body, and in our environment all day, everyday, year round.

The CDC and WHO recently admitted that the asymptomatic spread is RARE. You’re not gonna kill everyones grandma for going outside, not wearing mask, not socially distancing.

So get outside, go to gyms, workout, LIVE!
I know a lot of gyms are closed(we arent), so you may have a hard time finding a gym to train at, but thats no excuse.

You can buy adjustable dumbbells, pullup bands, and many other pieces of equipment you can do at home.

You can also do lots of bodyweight exercises.
You can also just lace up and go do some sprints right outside your front door.

If you dont know what to do exercise wise its called “Buy a book!” or youtube “at home workouts. body weight workouts. workouts with bands” etc.

Do not make excuses. The fittest people I know stayed fit through this Rona, some even got BETTER during it!

Those in my area arriving back at the local corporate gyms who are super dedicated still managed to maintain their physiques at home.
Its commitment to the lifestyle!

Step #3. Get Sunlight.Sunlight on your skin produces vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency leads to weak immune system, weak bones, weak body, poor mental health, and even a slower metabolism.

Vitamin D deficiency is also a common denominator of those passing with Covid.
So get outside daily and let the sun kiss as much skin as possible for about 15-20 mins.

You will notice when your vitamin D levels increase you feel better all around. Its vital for optimal fat loss results, and immune health.

Step #4. Supplement well.Im gonna list a few supplements you should take daily that I can almost guarantee you are deficient in.

#1. Omega 3s. Get this from fish oil or Algal oil. Take 10,000mg or more per day.

#2. Mega Food Brand Magnesium responsible for 100s of biochemical reactions in the body from sleep, digestion, muscle contractions, energy, etc. Take 4+.

#3. Mega Food Brand Zinc. vital for immune health, hormones, and 100s of other biochemical reactions. Take 2+

#4. Psyllium Husk. You are more than likely very fiber deficient this is an easy way to get more and its a hack to take 2tbsp or more daily to make you feel full all day. So naturally you want to eat less.

#5. digestive enzymes. Most of you have terrible digestion because of poor eating for years, so these help your body break down food better so your gut functions better.

#6. Keybiotics brand probiotics. having a healthy gut is key to optimal health. Especially right now with the Rona. Probiotics populate your gut with GOOD bacteria which help your body function better. including controlling appetite and better immune function.

So there you go some quick tips to improve your physique and health so you can reverse this Quarantine 15!

If you like what you read make sure you keep an eye out for future emails, fwd this to friends and family.

If you are strong minded follow me on facebook here (I bitch slap truths with lots of F bombs)

OC residentsIf you’re interested in training in person we offer a free week trial for qualified applicants. Heres a peak at us last week

shoot me a text 949-632-3458

If you are NOT in OC and want our secrets, want the step by step process on how to get Lean and Sexy get one of my books. They include nutrition, workout program, mindset, and lifestyle hacks.
Mens here
Womens here

Have an awesome day!
Feel free to message me on facebook if you have any questions about anything I respond personally.
