Happy New Year, New Blog Launch!

This is my very first post on this brand new blog! I used to blog years ago but because I am so active on social media and my posts are almost blogs themselves I did away with the blog and just dove into producing more organic content, videos etc.

But I’ve noticed a change over the past couple years and I see that blogging is now much more vital to business than organic social media posts, so here we are!

This is great because I LOVE to write! I love doing videos too! So you will see a combination of both of these in here. Just today alone I have written TWO posts on social media that are so full of gold I could literally cut and paste as a blog.

So now that you are here I just want to first say THANK YOU! I appreciate all of my followers, all of my fans, all of my tribe, without you I would be nothing. I would just be a badass that masters himself and wouldnt be able to help others do the same. So thank you for your support, trust me, I am more grateful for you than you are of me. I know that everything I have in my life is due to my tribe, my shredders, my fans, because without you the word would never get out and the majority of my success in life has come from referrals of clients, and my online following. So if you have been part of this, thank you!

Im so F excited to be doing this again. Ive been wanting to for a long time but its so complicated to get all of this stuff setup and I was basically already doing it on social media as organic posts.

But now we are here and I have a list of blogs that I have written down to write articles on that I want to share with you and Im so fucking excited! BTW, if you dont like profanity you’re on the wrong blog because I am authentic AF! I am going to cuss, yell, sometimes bitch slap you with some harsh truths that will change your F life! So if you are sensitive you should probably go to “Lil Ms Blows Smoke up your ass” blog cuz my blog is intended to do 1 thing, CHANGE YOUR FUCKING LIFE!

I do that by telling you the things you DONT want to hear but that you NEED to hear because everyone else in your life is fucking lying to you. They are sparing your feelings saying things like “You look great!(LIE youre 50lbs overweight). You dont need to workout (your cellulite says otherwise). You look great for having kids! (since when is having a massive muffin top sexy?) One bite wont hurt (yes it fucking will you are a binger!)”

You see I say these things not to be a dick, but because I am not going to enable you to keep failing. If you are fat you are failing. If you are not living life at your best potential improving constantly year after year, you are failing. If you arent HOT, sexy, fit, lean, vibrant, healthy, a hustler making money, IMO you are failing! If your relationship isnt on point and thriving you are failing. If you are weak, undisciplined, inconsistent, you are failing!

And I am NOT going to let you fail! I am not going to let you be fucking average. I am not going to let you ruin your life, your spouses, life, your kids lives because you eat yourself to death. I am not going to let you destroy your kids future because you are teaching them the exact same horrible nutrition, lifestyle habits YOU HAVE!

Now if you enjoy being fat, sick, and broke, this blog is NOT for you. This blog is for those that WANT a better life, that want more, they want to make the most out of this life, and maybe they just dont know how or needed a kick in the ass, well MF I am here to help you!

I am so fucking excited for this! I will have an email list as well I am putting together and this blog will get more flashy as I learn how to use it cuz I dont know shit at the moment! lol But what I do know is how to transform you so that is my focus and mission!

Subscribe so you dont miss!!! https://phenomenallyfit.com/subscribe/

I dont want this post to be wasted so I am going to give you some quick tips which I will diving deeper into over the year so you can get in shape NOW!

#1. Fitness Success is MENTAL.

You mindset, belief system create you reality. Know this, and know that you are going to have many days you DONT want to eat right, workout, etc. DO IT ANYWAY!

#2. Fat Loss come from your DIET!

The ONLY way the human body will burn its body fat stores is IF the body is in a calorie DEFICIT. This means you have BURNED (through working out) more calories than you consumed.

Your body is always burning 24/7 if it stops YOU DIE. It requires energy to keep your body functioning, all the body heat, heart beat, cellular functions require energy to perform. So you burn all day every day but when you workout it bumps this UP!

For Example:

Avg female burns 1300 just to survive, Avg man around 1900. If you DONT workout and you eat 1301 ladies, or 1901 guys, you get FAT. Most of you got fat because you DONT workout and you eat 3,000-5,000 calories per day!

To force your body to burn fat is the exact opposite, eating protein, fats, and veggies as priority, limiting your calorie intake, and working out to burn calories leads to a calorie DEFICIT. Which forces the body to burn FAT!

For Example:

She burns 1300+700 from her workout = 2000 total burned.

He burns 1900+1000 from his workout = 2900, almost 3000 burned

If she only eats say 1,500……2,000 burned – 1,500 eaten = 500 calories in deficit, that your body is going to dig into fat to get!

If he only eats say 2100…… burns 2900 – 2100 eaten = 800 calories in deficit that your body is going to pull from your muffin top to get!

Now you create a deficit through eating healthy, limiting intake daily, and burning calories daily, you LOSE FAT EVERY FUCKING DAY!!!!


Its literally this simple people! Limit, Burn, and Viola!!!

Do this day after day and before you know it you start to see lines in the arms, legs, stomach, your double chin disappears, your muffin top disappears, your cellulite disappears!

You keep doing it and before long you will be DEFINED ladies, you keep going men and youll reveal your 6 pack guys!

Its really that simple! It just requires discipline!

#3. Use Myfitnesspal app and food scale for accuracy.

Look, you are not going to eyeball your food and get your dream body, you’re NOT. So stop being lazy and take a few seconds each meal and dial in your calories and macros. Your idea of 1 cup, 1tbsp, 8oz, 6oz is NOT!

Look at your belly? Does that look like you know?!

NO! So remember step 1 when I told you this is mental, this is part of the mentality. You dont want to because youre scared, you dont want to know, you dont want to have to eat less, you’re avoiding how awful you really know deep down you are. But if you want a HOT body this is a MUST!!!!!

There are hacks to this but thats another blog. But you need to discipline yourself to DO WHAT IT TAKES to get the body you want.

Thats by being very disciplined, self aware, and ACCURATE! You do this by learning how to use your app and your scale like a CHAMP!

Otherwise you’re just gonna look like a chump! lol. A chunky chump! ahhahaha

When you have hit your calorie goals say 1,500 ladies, 2100 guys, you are F done! Drink water the rest of the day and take your ass to sleep !!!! I dont care if its 1pm, you are done for the day!

The only thing you get to eat are your tears or some ice. But when you wake up each day, you’re gonna be leaner! You’re gonna feel prouder! You gonna have MORE confidence! Because you are slowly programming your mind to do what it takes, to stick to the plan, and you are going to grow more mentally than you will ever know! So suck it up and close up shop once your calories are met!

#4. Prioritize LIFTING not CARDIO

Contrary to all the bs that magazines, tv, fitness equipment ads have been selling you for decades, CARDIO is NOT the best way to lose fat, LIFTING is!

So what?!


Cardio burns calories, yes, but it also destroys your muscle, your hormones, your metabolism, and destroys your important muscles like your ASS ladies, or your upper body development guys.

When I say cardio I mean endurance style, steady state, you know the ol run 5 miles a day, run on treadmill for 60 minutes, doing the stepmill for an hour, WE DONT DO THAT SHIT!

You prioritize LIFTING but do it at a very high calorie burn pace! This promotes muscle gain, muscle retention, higher metabolism, better hormones, and makes you look SEXY AF!

You lift doing 3,4,5,10 exercises per set! The sweet spot I like is 3-5.

For Example Leg Day:

A1. Barbell Squats x 10 reps.

A2. Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts x 10 reps

A3. Decline weighted situps x 20

Rest 60 seconds, Repeat for total of 5 sets. Then move to another set of 3, then to another. 9 exercises total, 5 rounds each, you blasted calories, maximized your time in the gym, BOOM!

Like that shit?!!!

Yea, me too thats how we roll! Its even how I train every day, how I train my clients, how I teach in my book.

Thats why we say CARDI….NO!

But we do do forms of Cardio which I prefer to call “Conditioning” this is your interval style, sprints, plyometric, hiit, ball slams, sleds, parachutes, ropes, kinda stuff. Its high intensity follow by brief periods of rest. These types of training work similar muscle fibers as lifting. Also promote great hormones and high metabolism and muscle retention.

So after youve done lifting or in between your lifting days you can add in some of these to hit calorie burn.

For example when Im getting show or shoot ready my daily calorie burn goal is to burn 1,000 calories in my workouts.

Usually my lifting workout will hit about 600-800

So i will do some sprints, outdoor stairs, or maybe some plyos in gym, or later in day, or early morning before I lift to hit 400-200 calories. totalling my 1000 for the day.

So LIFT, but Sprint too! But remember NO fat is going to be burned unless you LIMIT your intake to create the calorie deficit!

With that said, invest in a heart rate monitor Polar A370 to track your burn!

#5. Consistency is King

Look, most people never get results because for 1 they dont know what I just told you, and for 2 they fuck it up on weekends!!! Dont be most people!

Dont be the average gym goer thats good all week, trains hard, tracks food, hits macros, kills it, then friday, saturday, sunday you BLOW ALL OF IT by eating like an asshole and drinking like an idiot.

Whats eating like an asshole? making dumb food choices and eating shit like cheat meals, bread, pasta, pizza, icecream, dessert, chips, etc.

Whats drinking like an idiot?

Drinking sugary shit!

On weekends you need to be MORE disciplined than the weekdays! Because thats when we go out, socialize, and have fun.

Youre gonna be surrounded by people eating and drinking trash all weekend because most people are ignorant to the devastating effects it has on their physique and health.

You need to be the sore thumb that sticks out and eats protein and veggies and drinks wine or straight liquor. Got it? Yes or yes?


Because if you do what average people do, what do you get?

You get to look and feel like an average fuck!!!!

Average is FAT, sick, failing!

Dont be fucking average!

“Do what other people WONT do and you get to LOOK, feel, and have the BODY and life that other people WONT get to”

Fitness is MENTAL remember! Discipline yourself!

Ok, I’ve said enough today! Those are my quick tips for the new year lets recap

#1. Know fitness is mental

#2. Create a calorie deficit to burn fat

#3. Be accurate AF with calories

#4. Lift and Sprint!

#5. Be Consistent! Especially on weekends!

If you like what you just read, if you can handle all my straight talk, then you can definitely handle my books or training with me online or in person.

So hit me up on facebook for questions, links to my books, or training opportunities.

Even if you cant handle me, you can handle my wife, shes sweet. So if you need a softer touch reach out to me and Ill connect you!

Other than that make sure you subscribe to my blog once that option is available, follow me on facebook. https://phenomenallyfit.com/subscribe/

Thank you for reading and I look forward to seeing your Before and After progress pics!!!!

Lets go!

Daymond Sewall (<-click name for facebook)

Owner Phenomenal Fitness

Author of “The Shredded Executive” and ” Booty Gains”

Father of 4 crazies