“7 Tips To Burn Fat Faster In Your Workouts!”

So, when it comes to being “Toned, Defined, Lean, Ripped, Shredded, Abs, More Visible muscle, Weight loss” you’re all seeking the same thing, FAT LOSS, this is why we all want to know how much weight can you lose with oatmeal diet?

We all have different goals, different desires, some want to be looking shredded and freaky, others want to be lighter and not so lean. Regardless, it all requires FAT LOSS. Its all the SAME process, just different degrees of it.

You already have the lines in the arms, legs, abs, shoulders, etc, you just cannot see it because its covered by a thick layer of FAT. If you are thin, yet not defined, you are what we call “Skinny fat”. No big deal, its completely 100% your creation and your elimination.

So if you want to become more aesthetic, sexy, defined, ripped, confident, and feel better about yourself stay tuned. Im about to give you 7 steps you can begin taking today that will make your effort, sweat, dedication, PAY OFF with more results FASTER.

Heres 7 Steps you MUST do to make your workouts MORE effective so you can eliminate that extra, embarrassing body fat, so you can look and feel the way you really want.

#1. Track your macros.

If you dont know what that is, or what yours are you failed before ever stepping foot in the gym. Fat Loss requires your DIET to be on point. If its not, you’re pretty much wasting your time in the gym. You wont out train your diet. Fat Loss requires a consistent calorie deficit to burn fat. No deficit, no loss. Even if you’re training 2-3 hrs per day.

So step 1, get obsessed about your food. Macros are simply your Protein, Carbs, and Fats measured in grams. You eat a specific amount to achieve your calorie goals.

For Example:

2200 calories (Deficit for most guys) is 55g carbs(mainly veggies), 220g protein, 122g fat. The 55, 220, 122 are your macros to hit 2200. You can do this many ways to achieve your calorie goals, this is just one example.

But you must know your macros, and weigh, track portions, to achieve those macros to hit your calorie goals. Because fat loss WILL NOT occur unless you CREATE a calorie deficit. You are overeating if you are not tracking. Overeating calories but undereating your protein, and fats in most your cases. Which means more body fat or no results for you.

“If you eyeball your food noone is going to be eyeballing you” lol. Its funny but its true. Most people who workout for 2-3 hrs every day and look terrible because they neglect their nutrition.

Dont be MOST people. Get obsessed with giving your body good nutrition and the proper macros.

Download the app MyFitnessPal

Heres some quick macros Id recommend starting with.

Ladies 1500 calories. 15% carbs, 35% protein, 50% fats. Which will be 56g carbs, 131g protein, 83g fats.

Men 2200 calories. 15% carbs, 35% protein, 50% Fats. Which is 83g carbs, 193g protein, 122g fats.

You wont hit numbers perfect, just get close, calories are king, just make sure your protein and fats are close and you’re not going over calories.

Your nutrition is everything! So eat clean and track your s***!

#2. Get off the cardio.

What?! Yep, cardio is NOT how you burn fat. I mean, you can, but youll have no butt(ladies) and scrawny upper body(men). Contrary to what all tv, magazines, and other bs is telling you, cardio is NOT the ideal way to burn body fat. I like to say “CardiNO”

You melt fat, build muscle, look awesome through a Calorie deficit + Intense weight training. This = Fat Loss. Not boring steady state, endless hours of cardio. If anyone is telling you you need to do this to achieve your fat loss goals, RUN from them. They are uneducated, uninformed, and in MOST cases drug users so do LOTS of cardio and get away with it because of the drugs they use to help them retain the muscle. Either way, RUN from them. Ill teach you better ways below.

The reason we avoid endurance, steady state Cardio is because it causes muscle loss. Its muscle wasting, wrecks your thyroid, wrecks your hormones, can damage your metabolism, causes cravings, increases cortisol, takes forever, is boring, ages you faster, and honestly makes you look terrible.

That sexy body you want requires muscle. So NO endurance forms of cardio. An occasional run or bike ride is no big deal, you just dont want to make your primary mode of training, cardio. CardiNO!

So get your ass off the treadmill, elliptical, and get in the gym and lift. Im about to teach you how below.

#3. Do intense forms strength training.

You can LIFT, and turn your lifting session into a calorie melting session by doing Supersets, trisets, dropsets, giant sets etc. Multiple exercises back to back, minimal rest.

My personal fav is Tri sets.

3 moves performed back to back, no rest.

For example:

Pullups 10x, Bench press 10x, Squats 10x.

Rest 45 seconds repeat for 4 rounds.

Pick 3 more moves, do 4 rounds.

Pick 3 more moves, 4 rounds.

Thats one workout session! Youll get WAAAAAY more out of that than you will walking or jogging on a treadmill and look much hotter.

This will get your heart rate high, melt calories, increase your deficit(if diet on point), save you time spent in gym, and is much more fun. Also gives you a good endorphin high when its all over.

#4. Do Sprints(HIIT).

Now I told you NO endurance cardio, but there is a form that will accelerate your fat loss efforts IF your diet and weight training is on point, and that is doing sprints or HIIT(many forms of this). You add this ON TOP of your awesome diet and sick lifting sessions and this will accelerate your fat loss results.

This is a form of HIIT(high intensity interval training) and works the same muscle fibers as lifting, spikes fat burning hormones, and has an afterburn effect.

Throw in 10 sprints after each lifting session, during your session at end of a set, or you can even do just pure sprint workout days.

They are amazing. Have you ever noticed how incredible the olympic sprinters look? They look AMAZING compared to olympic marathoners. The marathoners are emaciated, often look 50+ when they’re like 25-30, and its just not as attractive as the athletic builds of the sprinters. Sprinters lift, eat right, and sprint!

Now you can sprint, do box jumps, plyos, burpees, sleds, parachutes, ropes, medicine ball slams, running stairs, etc as forms of your HIIT. These are all awesome, acceptable, and highly beneficial to helping you look better naked(lets be real we know thats why you’re here)

I just like to say Sprints because its the form of conditioning that sticks in your head and gives you a visual. But its short bursts of intense work followed by a limited amount of recovery. You can do this outside, on hills, on fields, in sand etc. High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT Im sure you’ve heard this many times before.

Add this to your dialed in nutrition and weight training.

#5. Burn Calories everyday.

Yes you read that right, 7 days per week. You must to create a deficit. Most of you only workout 2-3x per week, youre never going to hit your goal. NEVER.

You need to train and burn calories DAILY!!! You wont be beastmode all the time, you might have 2-4 days youll just be doing an active recovery day, but you MUST BURN. You have to burn calories in a workout daily otherwise you are not going to create a calorie deficit and burn fat. No train, no loss.

If you want to rest, sleep more, take a nap, go to bed earlier. If you want a rest day, rest day, then you must FAST on days you take off. Yes, that means starve on your rest day. Fasting is healthy. But you must create deficit.

So hold yourself accountable, TRAIN or FAST on the days you dont.

Your choice. Im just giving you the hacks to get there the fastest.

#6. Become a morning person.

“Im not a morning person”

Well, you’re not in shape either and this is one of the reasons why.

You’ve been putting yourself last, at end of day, after work, after kids, after life, and you end up missing more days than you show up. You are missing workouts due to work issues, or exhaustion and using the “ill go tomorrow”. No you wont! You’ve been saying “tomorrow” for decades and clearly its not working because you’re still out of shape.

Right or right? So that means you need to do something different.

Suck it up, force yourself to get up early, and go workout first thing. Dont even eat, drink some water with pink salt, take some preworkout/coffee/tea and go!

Fitness success comes from discipline and consistency, so by forcing yourself to get up early and go train, youll be more consistent, which means more success faster. It takes 66+ days to form a habit, so if you force it for 66 days to get up early and train first, it will eventually become WHO you are. Once its a habit its easy to stay on course.

Is it going to suck? Absolutely!

But do you know what sucks more? Being fat. Being insecure. Hating the body you live in. Being embarrassed. Lacking confidence. Feeling gross naked. Being disgusted in the mirror.

They’re both hard, choose your hard. You will have days you drag your ass out of bed and days you are pumped and ready.

Regardless of your feelings GET UP, and show up for YOURSELF every damn day!

#7. Surround yourself with fit people.

You know the saying “you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”?

Well this especially applies to your fitness. If you hang around 5 obese people, you will be the 6th. If you hang around 5 lazy people, you will be the 6th. If you hang around 5 out of shape people, you will be the 6th. This is a fact.

So a hack to getting fit faster is to Find more fit friends. Hangout with more fit friends, spend less time with your obese ones, spend less time with the lazy out of shape ones.

The reason this is important is because you adopt the mindset, habits, behaviors, of those you spend the most time with.

Think about it, what do your out of shape friends want to do?

EAT AND DRINK! Which is fine but they want to eat and drink ALL THE WRONG STUFF. They also tend to push those things onto you “try this! omg this is so good take a bite! I got you this! Eat this! Lets go get icecream! One bite wont hurt! Live a little!” You know exactly those friends Im talking about, limit time with them. And let them know you are on a fitness journey and if they want to hangout they need to support your by NOT offering you garbage and holding you accountable. You could also invite them to hop on the journey with you. Lets be real, noone wants to be obese/overweight they just settle for it in most cases because they have failed so many times, or given up on trying, or its just not a priority. But they dont like it, so maybe your push will inspire them.

I know they’re fun, I have some not so in shape friends myself, Im just saying limit time and spend more time with the fitness minded ambitious ones. Youll get there faster. FACT.

100% of my closest friends for past 10-20 years are RIPPED. 100%. This rule of surrounding yourself with success is scientifically proven. Successful people in fitness and business know this. So be mindful and proactive about doing this. You may need to spend more time on your own, thats cool. Better to be around yourself than dragged down, right?! Exactly.

Want to see what happens when you follow directions? https://phenomenallyfit.com/before-and-afters/

So theres your 7 tips!

Lets Recap:

#1. Track macros

#2. CardiNO!

#3. Lift Intensely

#4. Do sprints

#5. Burn Calories daily.

#6. Become morning person

#7. Surround yourself with success.

If you enjoyed this, got some value, share it with your friends!

Make sure you follow me on my social media platforms because I post tons daily!


Facebook https://www.facebook.com/day.wall.5203
instagram https://www.instagram.com/super_hero_strong_fit/
Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@daymondsewall

“10 Things The Gov isnt Telling You About C-One-9”

As a fitness professional it is my DUTY to educate you, inspire you, warn you, guide you, push you, teach you how to take optimal care of yourself, and to do what is right for yourself and your life. So you can become your best version of YOU.

I believe it is my duty to tell you the TRUTH about what is really going on because what I am about to teach you will save your life or the life of someone you love. So pay attention and read, watch, everything so you can get up to speed with the TRUTH.

If you havent realized by now this has nothing to do with the virus and everything to do with control, you havent been paying attention or you arent very smart.

This entire situation is a massive LIE, a scam, and it has NOTHING to do with your actual health. Ill prove it to you, but you must first open your mind and come look at the facts Im about to drop in your face.

Im doing this because im tired of this s***, this weak flu has almost a 100% recovery rate, yet this is being pushed like it has a 10% mortality rate. And the death toll, and case numbers are LIES Ill show you proof of this below too.

So first open your mind, and DIG into what Im showing you, because everything Im about to show you and tell you is a FACT. #OnlyFacts is my hashtag lol

Lets talk some science and common sense and logic:

#1. Masks dont work.

Wearing a mask to stop a V is like using a chain link fence to try and stop a swarm of mosquitos. Useless. Theres ZERO evidence of its effectiveness, zero science, and those who WEAR the masks are MAINLY the ones who get the flu. Yes, you read that right, mask wearers are mainly the ones that GET SICK. Didnt know that did ya? FACT.

Did you also know wearing a mask actually makes you more unhealthy and reduces your immune systems strength? Fact.

Masks are harmful, so why are we wearing them?

As matter of fact, Stanford just did a study proving this and quietly published this on NIH https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7680614/

The mask is useless. Its against your constitutional rights to enforce you wearing one and you DO NOT have to wear one, it is NOT law. Merely a recommendation. Im usually the ONLY one in stores not wearing one.

I dont wear masks, I share equipment, touch everything, hug, high 5, kiss cheeks, shake hands, and rarely wash my hands after, breathe, sweat, hangout in crowds constantly, how come Im not dead? How come I havent been sick?

I must be a walking miracle. lol Really, its because I put the work in to keeping my health on point so I never get sick or develop a health problem. We will discuss more about that below.

The whole asymptomatic bs that you were going to kill your grandma, yea, that was a lie. The WHO came out last year and admitted that transmission is RARE. One of the biggest scams in history is convincing healthy people they could get people sick. SMDH.

One of the biggest scams to ever hit this country was convincing people that a healthy person can get them sick. SMDH because of how many of you fell for this.

#2. No actual C19 virus has ever actually been detected.

What??? Yep, not one person has been able to isolate the virus. NOT ONE.

Dr. Derick Knauss PHD is a clinical lab scientist, has tested 1,500 so called “positive samples” and ZERO C19 was found. It was then sent to 7+ other MAJOR universities and they found ZERO C19 as well. WTH??!

What did they find instead in these samples? Influenza A and Influenza B. Yes, the supposed C19 positive tests were actually Influenza A & B, aka seasonal flu.

What does this mean? The seasonal Flu was rebranded C19.

If you look at last years Seasonal numbers which were 38,000,000, the year prior, in 2020 they were 1,800+. WTH?

Where did the 38,000,000 million seasonal cases go?

Use some common sense, rebranded c19.

Heres an article and video of Dr Krauss saying ZERO C19 detected and a link to an article with more.

Article https://greatreject.org/laboratories-cant-find-covid-19-in-positive-tests/
Video https://rumble.com/vftoev-cvd-doesnt-exist.html

Theres even a guy in Germany offering $1,000,000 to anyone who can isolate the actual virus because noone has been able too. WTH!??

See for yourself https://www.samueleckert.net/isolat-truth-fund/

Are you awake yet? Oh, theres lots more. So make sure you fwd this email to all your loved ones. Save this link to the notes in your phone, I will be updating as more info comes out.

#3. Therapeutics banned so they can offer v@ccine

By law if there is a treatment for a disease they cannot produce a V@ccine.

Ever wonder why they banned HCQ when there was decades of proof that it was safe and it works?

Especially when this Dr in Texas has cured 20,000 people using HCQ https://rumble.com/vfx5sh-dr-cures-20000-patients-with-hcq.html

Now you know why, they want you v@ccinated they dont want you using therapeutics that actually work. Why do they want you to vaccinate so bad? Especially when we have almost a 100% recovery rate.

Ever wonder why they dont promote other therapeutics that have great success?

Now you know why

Are you awake now? Keep reading theres LOTS more.

Dont believe me though, Im no doctor(Im just more educated and up to speed with science than most dr), I follow many doctors who are much like me and do obsessive amount of research, but hear PROOF of what I just said from and actual doctor, Dr Ryan Cole himself. https://rumble.com/vf8prp-dr-talks-science-.html

Why are they pushing a shot so much?

Why are they pushing a shot for a cold that has almost a 100% recovery rate? (Just wait til you see the proof below)

Seriously ask yourself this. This isnt a conspiracy theory, this is common sense, logic and facts.

#4. Theres no such thing as Flu season

Flu season is actually “Vitamin D deficiency” season. I’ve been saying this for years, but Dr Cole says it in his video as well.

The reason it seems this way, and flu cases rise is because of TWO things, Low Vitamin D during winter and increase of garbage diet during the holiday season.

Vitamin D is dubbed the master hormone these days and you get it best from sunlight touching your skin. In the winter, everyone is inside, getting no sun, eating garbage, drinking garbage, and BOOM flu!

These viruses are in our environment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Trillions of them. All over everything you touch and all over your body and inside your body. Your immune system does its job keeping the viruses at bay when your immune system is healthy and strong.

But you tie in Low D and High Junk food diet and thats a recipe for crap immune system and getting sick. Some of the highest times for Emergency room visits for the flu are the days after thanksgiving, christmas and NYE. And in my industry, I call this Heart Attack Season. Because those who are already on the brink, from years of poor diet, and neglect, the low D plus increase in sugar consumption, Boom heart attack. They spike every holiday season. I have had many friends, clients, lose parents, siblings, grandparents, during the holidays.

Make sense? Now you know.

Want to avoid getting the flu every year? Follow my instructions

Get Vitamin D to boost your immune system

Even Fauci takes 8000-9000 IU of Vitamin D per day in winter, why hasnt he announced this?!!!

Why arent they telling the world Vitamin D is crucial for your immune health and preventing the virus?!!

Are you waking up yet?

#5. What goes into your body matters.

Like I mentioned above, what you eat has a direct effect on your health. It has a direct effect on your immune system. Eating processed foods like bread, pasta, pizza, cakes, cookes, crackers, cereals, chips, soda, pies, candy, fast food, etc. are HIGHLY inflammatory. If you are inflamed when you are going into an illness the worse you will do.

So why arent they telling you to Eat whole healthy foods?

Why did they close down gyms, health food centers, supplement stores, but allow liquor stores and fast food joints to stay open?

Why arent they blasting health experts like me and many others all over the news to teach the WORLD how to create a strong healthy immune system and vibrant health so no one gets the virus or spreads it to others?

Why arent they encouraging working out, vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, vitamin C, iodine, fish oil, B complex all to BOOST YOUR IMMUNE system?

Why arent they promoting HEALTH, pushing you to make lifestyle changes?

Why arent they telling you to eat clean, and stop eating inflammatory junk?

Why arent they telling Americans that being overweight/obese is one of the major risk factors to complications and DEATH from a flu, and telling all Americans they need to eat healthy and reduce their bodyfat?

If they truly wanted to save Americans lives wouldnt they be giving them all the education, supplements, and health products possible to create a healthy population?

Are you awake yet? Use some common sense.

What you put inside your body matters MORE than anything else they could tell you, recommend, or enforce.

Clearly they arent doing anything to HELP Americans be healthy, why is this?

Because its NOT about your health!!! WAKE UP!

#6. Cases have dropped about 91% since right before the inauguration

No joke. And its not because of the shot. It was because right after the inauguration the WHO did TWO things right away when Joe came in, they came out and admitted that the PCR tests cycle counts were too high( around 40) and creating false positives (80-95%) and told hospitals to lower the cycle count (28 or less). FACT.

So what happens when you stop creating false positives? Cases plummet.

Second thing, all of 2020 hospitals were ordered to label a positive case if it was “suspected or presumed”, no test needed. So you show up with a runny nose cuz you had some pizza yesterday and you’re inflamed, and you are labelled a positive case. No test needed. (they were bad tests anyway). But presumed cases, suspected cases also led to cases being spiked!

Right after Jan 20th, the protocol changed and hospitals were ordered to ONLY label a case positive if it is TESTED and proven(with new PCR cycle count). Guess what happened? CASES plummet!

Then the 3rd thing that just happened In May is they now are ordered to ONLY count a case as a positive case if it is tested/proven(with new guidelines), AND the person is hospitalized or dies.

Guess what will happen to case numbers even more? THEY PLUMMET!

Dont believe me? Look below. I just pulled this off of Google. Google (Coronavirus us)

Thats basically a 91% drop nationwide since the peak right before the inauguration when they were using the false positive PCR test, labelling suspected presumed positives.

Do you see where this is going? Cmon man, dont be stupid.

Why would they do that? Use some common sense.

What I just said is no secret, its FACTS. Research it yourself.

So because of that the cases have plummeted to normal ranges for a Flu Season (vitamin D deficiency season).

Are you awake yet?

#7. 95% Died from Comorbidities not the Virus

The CDC death toll numbers are manipulated LIES. The average death had 4 comorbidities on average. This is a FACT and Ill show you proof below. Its right on the CDC data

Remember that “suspected and presumed” thing we just talked about? They did this for the deaths too. Died of a heart attack? C19. Died from terminal Cancer? C19. Died from car crash? C19(yes this has happened). Died from gun shot? c19(yes has happened).

Hospitals get rewarded with lots more $$$ for C19 cases/deaths. News Flash, hospitals are a business and in business to MAKE MONEY.

So with all this manipulation, what happened? Death toll numbers sky rocket. Mainstream media behind the push to scare you, everyone fears they’re gonna die from a cold.

The media has programmed you to believe exactly what those who OWN the media wanted you to believe. Heres the secret how, 1000s of news channels all using the phrase “Deadly virus” 1000s of times per day. Programming your mind to think that this virus, that doesnt even exist according to experts, was gonna kill the nation.

Watch this 1 min video showing you exactly how they do it. Its called “Oper_tion M_cking bird” Theyve been doing it for decades. Watch video below and see it with your own eyes.


Want to see proof of what Im saying about the death toll numbers being lies?

Click this CDC link below, Scroll down to where is says Comorbidities after reading that scroll down a bit further and youll see what they ACTUALLY died from. SHARE this! Save this link on your notes on phone and send to friends.


Then after checking that out, watch this video One America News did telling you this exact thing about last year and showing you proof too about 6 months ago. https://youtu.be/7x-biB_JrcU

So this death toll number they keep claiming is soon to top 600,000 is a LIE! If 95% are dying from 4 comorbidities on average(CDC data), that leaves 5% dying from just the Flu, truly dying from the flu, which means the actual number is around 30,000 actual flu deaths in my book.

Do you know how many people die from the seasonal every year? 40,000-80,000 avg. EVERY single year! And only people with poor health, that were pretty much already on their way out in most cases. Healthy people dont die from a cold.

Once again they deceived you. Why are they doing this?

Are you awake yet? Theres more!

#8. Open states are winning

We have texas, florida, arizona, south dakota, all OPEN. If this was so deadly why arent their citizens dropping like flies?

Their stats are actually getting BETTER.

I live in California, been locked down over a year now. So I stay on top of all this, all the data, since this thing came into the picture. I knew it was election year, and this was no coincidence.

But lets look at DATA, factual NUMBERS.

When it comes to a disease, the ONLY thing that matters is the DEATH toll, cases dont mean S***. Most people get the sniffles or nothing when they come in contact with this measly bug

The only thing that matters is ARE PEOPLE DYING? We already discussed the lies and manipulation of the numbers, but we are gonna even USE those manipulated numbers to make a point and show you how much of a SCAM this entire thing is.

Lets take Fully open states Texas and Florida, do you know what the mortality rate is out of the total population?

.001 out of 29 million in Texas, and roughly 21.5 million in Florida. .001!!!!!

Thats ZERRRRRROOOOO percent!!!!

Im in CommieFornia, with 40 million population, do you know what the mortality rate is for California, the LOCKDOWN state?

.001 out of the 40 mil!!!!!

Thats ZEEERRRROOOOO percent!!!! And we are still locked down!!!

For What?!!! We could be fully open and have the exact same mortality rate as Florida, having packed baseball games, music festivals, travel, no restrictions! We have basically lost a year of our lives for this political scamdemic!

Texas just hit 0 deaths from the virus the other day.

Those stats are all FACTS look it up yourself!

Are you awake yet?

So we have a made up c19, thats actually influenza A & B, zero proof of an isolated C19, masks that are more harmful than helpful. Zero talk about eating clean. They want you isolating yourself making you depressed. They want you to avoid people which is HOW we create strong immune systems by exposure to microbes. They arent encouraging supplementing well to boost immunity. We have manipulated case numbers, manipulated death toll, zero percent threat of this disease being truly deadly. The CDC admitting people are dying from 4 comorbidities on avg not C19, and yet these D states are still pushing the lockdowns, california still locked down, and they are pushing these shots on people, trying to make it mandatory for a Flu virus with almost a 100% recovery rate, and B gates behind this. Do you know what B gates agenda is? (watch video below)


ARE YOU AWAKE YET?!!! Theres more!

#9. Most of what you see in the media is lies and staged

Look, the same people responsible for this scam, are also responsible for the media brainwashing you, and the V@ccines. This was planned all along. I personally am starting to think the C19 was fully made up for the V@ccines, not the other way around. I dont know, but it sure seems like it.

Heres some proof of the staging by the media https://rumble.com/vfth2r-all-staged.html

I’ve seen hundreds of videos of empty hospitals, empty tents, nurses, doctors blowing the whistle getting silenced. Just like the doctors who were curing people with HCQ got silenced, and other treatments got silenced.

But the media is lying, CNN admitted it was propaganda, and used to create fear to get T out of office, we know Mr B-Gates agenda is to reduce the population and hes the face of this push for mandatory v@ccines.

#10. This shot is deadly!!!

This is the deadliest v@ccine ever put on the market. In case you havent done any research there are ingredients that make you sterile, there is nanotechnology, and there are TWO that that are mRNA technology(pfizer/moderna).

These are experimental! Never used before! 100% of the animals tested DIED. FACT.

You have no idea what kind of code they put in that mRNA to turn your DNA into. The code could be destroying your reproductive systems, it could be triggering diseases, it could be doing whatever they want. You have NO clue, only what the lying media, and uninformed drs tell you. We dont know, but we do know it changes your DNA. You’re literally a science experiment, now a modified organism, and its killing a lot of people.

Below is an image from the V@ccine adverse reaction site, there are 10,000s of injuries, from blindness, paralysis, facial paralysis, heart attacks, strokes, peoples skin melting off, giant rashes from head to toe, and DEATH. As of today 4,647 And harvard says only 1% of people report injuries. So if 4,647 is only 1%, DO THE MATH on the reality! Multiply that times 100x and youll see a number closer to reality.

Heres the direct link to the data at CDC site. It updates every tuesday and the death toll rises 200-300 people weekly.


DMX, took the shot. Hank Aron, took the shot.

Why isnt the media blasting how deadly this shot is all over the media?

This shot has killed more people in 4 months than all other shots the past 20 years combined!!! FACT!

This shot is more deadly than the actual flu itself! And the experts are saying that most people who get the shot wont die for 3 months to a few years. Look up Dr Tenpenny speeches

On top of this there are 1000s and 1000s of people worldwide reporting of health issues coming from being around people who have taken it. Women getting heavy, long periods, being late, having multiple periods per month. Nose bleeds. bruising. vertigo. Anxiety. miscarriages. All from being around family or friends that have gotten the jabs. Fact.

And even on Pfizers website they state that vaccinated people shed spike proteins through being close or inhalation. Fact.

Heres Europe! https://medicalkidnap.com/2021/04/24/7766-dead-330218-injuries-european-database-of-adverse-drug-reactions-for-covid-19-vaccines/

You are more likely to die from the SHOT than the actual seasonal flu!

But theres more, It appears that the people who have gotten it are transmitting something that is hurting others. Noone is quite sure what it is, if its the spike proteins, or nanotechnology, or something that is being transmitted to others. But something strange is happening.

Women who have finished menopause having periods. Women having 2-3 periods per month. Women bleeding for weeks straight or non stop. Women having rock solid clots coming out, literally solid rocks.

There was a Nutrition Microscopist that took samples of peoples blood after they got the jab. Check this out

Imagine those spikey blood cells being pumped through your arteries and brain. No wonder there have been 192,000 injuries, and this is only 1% of people reporting injuries.

There is also known ingredients that cause infertility in these shots. Pregnant women being in close proximity are having miscarriages. Miscarriages are reportedly up 400% since this shot hit the market!!! And mens sperm count dropping.

So this means the people getting the shot are actually the ones at risk of DEATH and risk to everyone elses health. So do not get in close proximity of those who have gotten the shot especially the Pfizer/Moderna ones.

Heres a video I did a few weeks ago showing you the proof of the nanotech, mRNA and lots of other stuff about these shots. https://rumble.com/vfb65n-theres-nano-technology-in-the-shot.html

Heres a video of doctors all over the world WARNING you NOT to take this shot!

See that here https://eraoflight.com/2021/01/04/doctors-around-the-world-issue-warnings-against-the-covid-19-vaccine/

Heres a Video Dr Tenpenny did with Scott McKay, shes been the expert blowing the whistle on shots for over 20 years and has reviewed 10,000’s of scientific studies on v@ccines. https://rumble.com/vfz5ed-4.22.21-scott-mckay-patriot-streetfighters-interview-w-anti-vax-giant-dr.-s.html

Im warning you DO NOT TAKE THE SHOT!

You guys need to wake up!!! Rebel against all this tyranny! Clearly as you’ve seen this has nothing to do with health and public safety, and everything to do with CONTROL and possibly the depopulation agenda.

You dont have to believe that, but you need to DO THE WORK on yourself and your health so you never have to worry about a measily cold bug or getting the comorbidities we were talking about.

Read this again! Watch all the videos. and SHARE this with everyone you love because it will definitely save their life!

Save the link to this blog, ill be updating regularly last updated (5-20-21)

Share! Share! Share!

Follow me below on my social media handles for more help or information reach out to me below on one of my accounts, or text me 949-632-3458 (yes this is my actual cell not a bot)


Facebook https://www.facebook.com/day.wall.5203
instagram https://www.instagram.com/super_hero_strong_fit/
Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@daymondsewall


Look, as a fitness professional I come across this issue with about 90% of the new clients, new members, my social media following etc. Its one of the most common disabilities in America, and even worse now with all of the lockdowns, school closures, business closures, people not getting the human connection we crave as humans.

I’ve even had it myself, eliminated my own, permanently. What I am about to teach you is literally the SCIENCE, the proven FACTS about depression and how to fix it. So its NOT something you are destined to live with forever its caused by you and fixed by you. So step 1, is accepting responsibility because if you have chronic depression, this is your doing Ill explain how and why below. Which is great news because that means you have the control to make it your undoing.

What I am about to tell you is stuff your uneducated doctor doesnt even know. How do I know? Because doctors are trained to treat and manage symptoms with drugs and surgery. They know nothing about nutrition, gut health, inflammation, the cause, prevention, or natural treatment of this issue.

How else do I know your doctor doesnt know?

Because if you are reading this, you still deal with it, and clearly your doctors methods or drugs he prescribed arent working. Right or right?

Exactly. I’m writing this because the suicide rates have been high for a long time and they’re much, much worse now. I dont want to hear more stories of parents, spouses, or teens taking their lives. If you’ve ever known someone who has committed suicide you know ONE thing, it didnt end their pain it just transferred it to everyone else who loved them.

Right or Right?

So lets prevent that, lets make you feel your best. Lets make your spouses, kids, family, parents, everyone feel their absolute best! Yes, it is attainable but you’re going to have to make permanent lifestyle changes.

What I am about to teach you has literally eliminated depression in 100% of people who have followed these 10 things.

So I am warning you now, if you DONT do these(the first few especially), you will NOT get rid of your depression. Did you hear me? If you do not change, NOTHING changes. And it will continue to get worse and worse.

So im going to break this down dummy style, Im not going to give you the scientific mumbo jumbo Im going to give you easy to understand and follow explanations and action steps. This will save your life and your kids/loved ones lives.

Cool or cool?

But understand this first, there is biological or physiological need for drugs like Prozac, Abilify, Seroquel, Cymbalta, Wellbutrin etc. But there is a massive need for nourishing your cells and nutrients. No amount of medication is going to make up for a garbage diet (which almost 100% of Americans have).

If the drugs did work you wouldnt be reading this right now, right? Exactly. So lets teach you how to heal your body so you can toss those drugs because you feel so awesome.

#1. Eliminate Inflammation.

Another thing you doctor doesnt know is science figured out a long time ago that people who all have severe chronic depression have a couple things in common. 1. Inflammation of the body and brain and 2. Severe nutritional deficiences (we will discuss this below).

Depression is NOT the debunked “your body doesnt produce serotonin theory” or some genetic predisposition bs. Your body does produce it, can produce it, can produce more of it you’re just not giving it what it needs to do so and youre damaging everything that does produce it. The inflammation destroys your body and brain internally.

So understand a lot of what Im about to teach you below is about healing your body, replenishing the nutrients your body needs to reduce inflammation so it can function like the happy person you were supposed to be.

So what you creates inflammation? Literally almost every single food you love.

Pizza, crackers, pasta, bread, candy, soda, flavored coffee creamers, high carb diets, fast food, alcohol (not telling you you can never drink, you just gotta drink smarter), cereal, cakes, dessert, mixed alcoholic drinks etc. This clinic can be of great aid to you if you’re having trouble saying no to alcohol.

Basically SUGAR. Sugar, refined, processed forms is highly inflammatory. This is the major cause of your depression and the same foods that are depleting your body of the essential nutrients your body needs to heal, function, perform, and feel good.

How does it create inflammation? Damages your gut, creates microbiome imbalance, and spikes blood sugar. All lead to inflammation. We will discuss those a bit below.

So step 1 is knowing this and making the decision to reduce your severe inflammation and heal.

(Heres some science for you nerds https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/288715 )

#2. Eliminate the inflammatory foods

So now that you know that your inflammatory diet is what is inflaming your brain and depleting your body of the essential nutrients, its obvious this is the next step. Yes, this means 100% and you weekend cheat meals. 1 bad meal can damage your gut and inflame you for WEEKS after. Its never worth the long term effects its going to cause. You wont get away with it. Even if it doesnt trigger depression immediately it will cause aches and pains that will hurt you in your workouts or daily life.

You heard that right, that back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain you deal with is tied to this inflammation too. Its not just your brain, its your entire being being inflamed and affected. So cut out all the garbage you keep eating.

#3. Eat Clean

Look, your idea of eating clean isnt even close. How do I know? Because I know humans and know what you so called healthy eaters, clean eaters actually eat. News flash, those foods you think are healthy are actually INFLAMMATORY.

Let me guess, you eat Whole wheat products, 7 or 9 grain bread, ezekiel bread, granola, chips, whole grain crackers, drink diet soda, eat protein bars, drink protein shakes, eat yogurt, or consider the tomato sauce on your pizza as a health food. lol

Got news for ya, you’re wrong. All inflammatory trash!

Eating clean is eating foods that come directly from a plant and a healthy animal. Mainly protein and veggies.

Thinks like steak and broccoli, chicken and asparagus, Turkey and cucumbers, Eggs and spinach etc. This is eating clean. These are what your body NEEDS.

I know its not what you WANT to eat, because it doesnt give you that dopamine high you get from pizza, icecream and cake. But its what your body NEEDS. You body has NO need for pizza icecream and cake, these are how you got depression.

So step 3 after you eliminate the garbage you’ve been eating is to EAT CLEAN. A simple mindset shift is to change your relationship with food, treat it as BUSINESS and stop chasing pleasure. Eating is like a business, you treat it right and you will get the most $$$$$ out of it. You dont, youll have a depressed, broken, dumpster.

Your choice, Im trying to help you but its only going to work from you APPLYING what im teaching you. Remember I have a 100% elimination of depression track record with this issue if you follow directions.

#4. Heal your leaky gut

One of the main reasons you are inflamed is because eating all of that garbage has completely wrecked your digestion, digestive tract. In almost 100% of your cases you have whats known as Leaky Gut. Your gut is damaged, it itself is inflamed, theres bad bugs, fungus, and undigested food getting into your blood stream triggering a systemic inflammatory response.

What you’re looking at above is a healthy intestinal lining on the LEFT. See the tight junctions? This keeps that bad stuff out, and allows only the good stuff like nutrients IN. On the right side is YOUR gut lining, with loose junctions, basically holes in your gut that allow all the bad stuff, undigested food, pathogens, toxins, fungus, inside your body. This creates a body that is inflamed throughout.

When your gut is damaged, you are F. Nothing will help you until you heal your gut and reduce the inflammation. This is why you need to avoid garbage foods like they are a disease because its those foods that will screw up your body, mind, life, and create diseases. One bite, one cheat meal, and you are screwed for 7-14 days or more. Its not worth it, EVER.

This is exactly why I NEVER cheat, to protect my gut. Its very sensitive, for everyone, and healing takes WEEKS or MONTHS of eating perfect and supplementing well. So why would I hurt myself only to suffer with inflammation, joint pain, aches, fatigue, depression, trigger allergies, eczema, hormonal issues, lower testosterone, mood swings, brain fog, anxiety, and looking fluffier all for a few bites of some garbage food thats going to make you feel awful after?

Sounds rediculous when you think of it like that, right? Exactly.
Heres some more info for some of you that want more info on this.



Just know those foods you keep eating mindlessly are destroying your gut which is known as your “Second Brain”.

Experts say that this gut issue is tied to every single chronic disease known to man. Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, strokes, alzheimers, autoimmune issues, eczema, psoriasis, acne, and rapid aging. A wrecked gut also means you’re not going to be able to absorb nutrients which means even more nutritional deficiencies.

So by eating clean and taking some of the supplements Ill be talking about below youll heal your gut, reduce the inflammation thats wrecking your body and brain, and regain control of your health.

#5. Eat more fat and protein

You are a carboholic, your diet has been mainly Sugar(300-360lbs per year for Americans) which is why your body is inflamed, breaking down, more than likely overweight, and you’re depressed.

Our bodies are not designed to eat this garbage. We are designed to mainly eat meats, fish, eggs, protein sources, veggies, nuts, seeds, and fruit in small doses! Which are vital for every single cell in your body and your brain. Along with your bodies ability to produce hormones. And keeping your blood sugar levels in check.

Your diet needs to be mainly Protein and Fats in order for it to look, feel, perform, heal, and function like its designed.

Nutrition is super simple guys, literally eat protein and veggies every meal. You do that youll be lighter, fitter, more energetic, healthier and happier.

Your brain thrives off of fats, the old low fat era was all a lie sponsored by the sugar industry that has cost millions their lives. (Fact)

We NEED fats, good fats and BADLY. You’ve been eating them but the inflammatory processed ones like canola, soybean, etc which comes in all your restaurant food and processed garbage foods.

You will get most your fats from your protein sources. So eat some ground beef, chicken thighs, fatty fish, whole eggs, etc. But also avocado, grassfed butter, nuts and seeds are some other sources.

Dont worry about cholesterol, that falls under that same debunked theory of the low fat era(sponsored by sugar industry). Cholesterol is healthy. There is zero correlation between cholesterol and heart disease that was debunked a LOOONG time ago and like 80+ studies ago. Having excessively high levels is just another symptom of INFLAMMATION which is coming from your damaged gut and SUGAR.

Read for yourself, do some digging.


Just know you need a clean diet, prioritize protein and fats(most come from your animal proteins) in order for you body to start healing, functioning as its designed to. Protein and Veggies every single meal. Your veggies have micronutrients your body needs to function, perform optimally. Veggies also contain fiber which is crucial for your gut health, gut healing, and feeling satiated.

#6. Replenish Nutritional deficiencies

Ok, now that you are doing what it takes to eliminate the gut issues, and inflammation, its time to start replenishing the key nutrients your body needs to heal and eliminate your mood issues. But remember, this isnt going to help if you are being undisciplined and continuing to eat garbage. Im warning you.

  • Omega 3s. This my friends is the number 1 most important nutrient that you need to replenish that you are guaranteed to be deficient in if you have depression. This is a very, very special source of fat that your body, brain and cells thrive on. Also one of the most common severe deficiencies that those with so called “depression” have. You get this from mainly from fish, and seafood which most people hardly eat any of consistently. Even if you do, you’re still not getting enough to be sufficient. Your doctor has probably never heard this because he doesnt stay up to date with science. But I recommend doing a minimum of 10,000-20,000mg of a quality fish oil per day. Youll see after a week or sooner how much better you feel from this one thing alone. (given your diet isnt garbage and you’re eating clean. Costco sells one with wild caught fish thats like 9.99 for like 400 capsules, I’ve been using this for years.

  • Magnesium. This mineral is responsible for 300+ biochemical reactions in the body. From sleep, energy, muscle contractions, digestion, relaxation, heart health, hormones, brain functions, dental health, cellular communication, the list is endless. The garbage diet depletes your body of magnesium. Now this isnt a mineral you can just get a walmart, most supplements on shelves are synthetic and trash. So theres only TWO I personally recommend Mega Food Brand, and Liquid magnesium. I’d recommend 4+ tabs before bed, and take the liquid in morning or preworkout.
  • Zinc. This is another magical mineral like magnesium thats responsible for 100s of biochemical reactions in the body. This is responsible for your immune system health, hormones, neurotransmitters, and hundreds of others. The best food sources for this are oysters, crab, beef, lamb, pork, dark meat and chicken. But its minimal doses, you are deficient so the fastest way to get your zinc up is through a tablet. Same brand as the magnesium, Mega Food. Take 2+ with your magnesium before bed. Keep both by your bedside
  • Vitamin D. Vitamin D is another common deficiency that most people who are depressed lack tremendously. This Vitamin has now been dubbed the master hormone because its so vital to overall health. This is responsible for mood, bone health, immune health, hormones, metabolism, and tons of other things. Flu season isnt actually flu season, its vitamin D deficiency season. That tied in with the increase of garbage consumed from Halloween-NYE and thats a recipe for flu and heart attacks. You get vitamin D up from sunlight. You need 15-20 mins of sunlight on your skin daily to produce an adequate amount. So make sure you get some sun to pump your D up.
  • Iodine. This is another mineral thats vital to health, it plats a central role in mental health. It is also critical for a healthy thyroid, which is crucial for your mood and metabolism. Most people who get cancer are also extremely deficient in iodine. Seaweed, cod are good sources, but this is another you need to supplement to get your system replenished quick. My very favorite brand(i’ve tried tons) has been Survival Shield X2. Take 3-5 drops per day. Along with this one I would take some Selenium as well.
  • Vitamin C. Believe it or not people in 2021 still get Scurvy. Diets high in garbage and lacking good stuff like broccoli, lemons, strawberries, bell peppers, pineapple, etc. Lead to severe Vitamin C deficiency and this too can lead to depression. Best to get this from your veggies or supplement it, not from binging on fruit, you will get fat from binging on fruit just like you can binging on candy. So make sure you’re eating your broccoli and other veggies to get your vitamin C up.
  • B complex. This is another common deficiency that needs to be replenished. B vitamins are responsible for optimal metabolism and mental health. You get B complex from sources like nuts & seeds, dark green vegetables, legumes, eggs, fish, liver and meat. Noticing a trend here? A lot of your deficiencies come from you not eating Protein and Veggies. lol.

Now there are a few more honorable mentions like Iron(women), CoQ10, glutamine, manganese but these are bottom of the list. These ones I listed above take care of depression in literally 100% of the people who followed these directions.

#7. Workout daily

I know you dont feel like it, suck it up and do it anyway. There are two reasons for this, Endorphins and developing discipline. When you workout you create a happy chemical known as Endorphins, this stands for Endogenous Morphine. Yes, your body produces a natural MORPHINE. This is why you always feel good after an intense workout. This is why runners run, for the HIGH after. (Although I do not recommend distance running, it does produce a great runners high) The more intense you train the HIGHER you get. This is why I love pushing myself to near death when I train, do sprints, or run 1000 steps in Laguna beach, it feel AMAZING after. Even though I was suffering and dying during. lol

The other part is, you are training your subconscious that “you do what you intend to do”. You show up for yourself day after day, especially on days you dont feel like it, and you are sending a message to your subconscious mind that you always stick to your word. This builds belief in yourself, sense of pride, more self esteem, and makes you feel like you can do anything. Like stacking bricks to build a House(confidence)

When you DONT follow through its like taking a sledge hammer to that wall of your house or foundation.

Make sense? Yes or Yes?

So working out produces Endorphins that make you feel good, and showing up for yourself every single day makes you feel good about yourself. That sounds like a win win to me.

It will get even better as you start seeing that scale drop and those pants getting loose and some definition coming in.

So discipline yourself to show up for yourself and workout daily!

#8. Lose fat

Having high body fat levels is terrible for you health. There is no such thing as being overweight and healthy. The diseases are brewing guaranteed. You have to lose fat, being fat is hard on the body, hard on your joints, and your self esteem. The more fat you have the more estrogen your body produces (man boobs guys). This is not enjoyable.

So by following the nutritional recommendations above you will naturally start to drop weight from loss of the inflammation water weight, the water retention from you living off sugar for decades, and if you are working out daily, keeping calories in check, you will be dropping body fat.

Know this, FAT LOSS only occurs when you create a Calorie Deficit. No deficit, No loss. I wrote an entire blog on this topic learn more here. https://phenomenallyfit.com/10-reasons-why-i-just-cant-lose-any-weight/

#9. Deal with your hurt and your past.

Look, if you’re like me, and most people you’ve had some things that have hurt you in your past. Divorce of parents, a dad that never came around, a parent that verbally abused you, a parent that died, someone that abused you, an ex that cheated on you, a divorce yourself, loss of a child, a business partner that screwed you over, loss of a loved one that devastated you. Etc.

Theres some emotional work you need to do to deal with this to heal. If you dont, like me, living 40 years with anger/pain from an abandoned father, you will hold onto that pain FOREVER on subconscious level. It is affecting every single decision and action you are taking and making daily. And responsible for those terrible reactions you are having. These hurts are also one of the big reasons people are food addicts, drug addicts, severely obese, or alcoholics. These HAVE to be dealt with for you to truly be healthy.

So although all these other 8 tips I gave you will literally eliminate your depression naturally, to fully become your true, vibrant, peaceful, happy self, you have to do some emotional work and heal from all the things that have hurt you in your past.

The world is completely different when you do this I promise you. But like i said, the first 8 steps will eliminate you issue, Im just giving you extra credit so you can achieve ULTIMATE HAPPINESS.

#10. Share this with others!

The world is hurting, the world is depressed, the world needs help. So do your part by sharing this with others so they too can reverse this, heal and become their best versions of themselves. They arent going to hear this from their doctors, so you need to be the NEWS now and share this with them to help others THRIVE.

Along with that, when someone comes back to you in a few months and says “you saved my life” because they were on the brink of suicide until they read this, changed their lifestyle, and started wanting to LIVE again. This will absolutely CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

I know because this has happened to me TONS of times. Its often people you never expect too, they tend to look normal, happy, but inside they are dying, in pain, and want it to end. So you never know who it will be so share this with all your friends, on your social media, with your teen kids, with your spouses, with your parents. You can literally be saving their life.

Alright so those are the 10 steps but lets recap!

What do you need to do?

#1. Eliminate inflammation

#2. Eliminate Inflammatory foods.

#3. Eat Clean

#4. Heal Your gut

#5. Eat More Protein and Fats

#6. Replenish your deficiencies

#7. Workout daily

#8. Lose Fat

#9. Deal with your past

#10. Share this with others!

Thank you for reading this far, thank you for sharing, until next time!

Daymond Sewall

Additionally, check out some of the signs of low testosterone in a man as well. to broaden your knowledge. Follow me below on my social media handles for more help or information reach out to me below on one of my accounts, or text me 949-632-3458 (yes this is my actual cell not a bot)


Facebook https://www.facebook.com/day.wall.5203
instagram https://www.instagram.com/super_hero_strong_fit/
Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@daymondsewall

youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/FitnessDomination/videos

10 reasons why “I just cant lose any weight”

Let me guess, you want to lose weight but cant, right?

Or maybe you know someone whos always complaining about not being able to lose weight, right?

You want to, you think you’re doing everything right but the lbs are just not falling off like you wish they would.

Well I got you so pay attention and brace yourself because I am about to slap you with some real talk, the EXACT reasons why, and facts.

By the end of this article you’re going to know exactly how to force your body to burn fat and learn what you have been doing wrong(probably many of these combined), and what you need to STOP doing and start doing so you can get the lean, sexy body you want that delivers confidence.

But first lets eliminate your first idea/thought/theory as to why you’re not losing, “starvation mode”

What is starvation mode?

Starvation mode is the supposed state a person is in when an excessive approach to weight loss has slowed their metabolic rate enough to completely prevent further weight loss from happening. (or possibly weight gain) even through a calorie deficit.

In order to lose fat, you need to create a calorie deficit. This is achieved by eating less and burning more. However when a person thinks they are in a deficit but isnt losing weight they most often assume its starvation mode preventing them from losing.

You know the…

-Im not eating enough calories

-Im not eating 6x per day to stoke the metabolic flame

-Im burning too many calories/overtraining

-Been in calorie deficit for too long.

I also hear people complain that its triggered because they yo-yo diet, go too many hours without eating, eat only 1x per day, skip breakfast, or losing weight and gaining it back causes it as well.

But the concept is that basically your body isnt allowing you to burn fat and you are pointing blame at your genetics, your body, etc, that version of starvation mode.

And the only way out is by eating more or working out less.

So let me be frank, this is utter bullshit! Starvation mode is a myth. It does not exist in the way you think it does.

Whats really happening is you’re making numerous mistakes and that 1200 calories you claim to be eating on average is more like 2200-4200.

Let me explain.

The ONLY way the human body will dig into its fat stores for energy is IF their is a calorie deficit present. THE ONLY!

So if you are not losing, what does that tell you?


I am the master at fat loss, so much so my nickname is “Master Shredder”, I’ve written two books on this, and run a successful personal training business for almost 2 decades.

The one thing I hear from literally almost 100% of the new clients, people on social media all the damn time, is this victim mindset, lack of taking personal responsibility mindset “I just cant lose any weight. Im doing everything right”

WRONG! Youre not even close. This phrase is pure bullshit. And once I teach them what to do, they melt fat and get shredded QUICK! If you want to see some examples go here, these are just a few. There are 1000s of stories like this worldwide who all in the beginning had the exact same “I just cant lose any weight” mindset. https://phenomenallyfit.com/before-and-afters/

So pay attention to what Im about to say, this article is going to be lengthy but it will change your life. Share it with spouses, workout buddies, or that cry baby friend thats always complaining. lol.

Just remember, if you create a calorie deficit, you will lose 100% of the time. I dont care what your family looks like, what genes you think you inherited, what race you are, what sex you are, this is the HUMAN body.

Just know your excuses, the starvation mode theory, and mindset are BS. I can prove it.

Proof #1. The Minnesota Starvation Experiment.

Every single calories controlled study that I’ve ever seen, on any animal, that created a calorie deficit resulted in weight loss 100% of the time. A calorie deficit = weight loss always.

Lets talk about the Minnesota Starvation Experiment. In this study, ill show pic below, 36 men were put on a 24 week long “starvation diet” consisting of only 2 meals per day and containing a total of 1,560 calories. Those calories were also reduced further along the study to ensure weight loss continued.

For these men, this represented an estimated daily deficit of 50% below their maintenance and they had to walk 22 miles per week as well. (this is why they were so frail, no lifting)

Guess what happened?

All of the participants lost approximately 25% of their starting body weight and reached 5% body fat. (Shredded AF if they were lifting)

Check em out.

Does this look like “Starvation Mode” kicked in and kept them from losing any weight?

Does this look like their 2 meals per day and low calories stopped them from losing weight?

Or that being semi starved for 6 straight months prevented them from losing weight?

Absolutely not! This experiment proved the exact opposite. you will keep losing until you die.

Now, no fitness pro is ever going to recommend extremely low calories like this (for men) for 6 straight months thats crazy. As you can see they are extremely emaciated from the muscle loss. Because your body if in long periods of deficit(months) will start to dip into muscle, and burn if for energy.

When aiming for fat loss, you are only deficiting for 6-13 days straight by my recommendations.

Now keep in mind these guys metabolic rates did slow some, but it was mainly because of the loss of muscle and weight. Less of those means less energy needs. But it does not come to a screeching halt like most of you think it does.

Your body burns calories 24 hours a day, 365 days a week. If it doesnt YOU DIE.

Are you dead? Clearly not, which means you’re burning like a furnace right now.

Lets look at a few real world examples where there is also proof that if there is a deficit present you lose 100% of the time.

-Anorexics reach deathly skinny levels and sometimes die.

-Starving children in Africa, millions of people die annually from starvation(extreme deficit)

-Holocaust victims were also deathly skinny from being starved.

All examples of people who were consuming less food than I will ever recommend under any circumstance for long periods.

We want a deficit, but we also want to have muscle and look sexy. Bones arent sexy. lol.

So for all of you thinking “Im eating too little. Im not eating enough. Im not eating often enough so my body is holding onto fat. my metabolism is shot. My genetics….” is pure bullshit I just proved it.

Now lets talk about why your body stores fat.

Its really simple, you overate. You consumed more calories than your body burned for the day/week, and the excess consumed gets stored as disgusting body fat.

This is very simple to do if you arent working out EVERY day. The average female burns about 1300 calories just to sustain life, the average guy about 1900. So if you dont workout and eat say 1400 calories ladies you store 100 calories as fat.

But lets be real, most of you eat garbage and consume about 3000+ calories per day and dont workout, which is why the average female in America is 5’3″ and 171lbs. Ladies a FIT version of you would be 105-120max (well developed legs)

Guys the same applies to you, no workout, you eat say 2000 you get fat. But lets be real, most of you live off fast food and your intake is like 4000-5000 per day. which is why the average man is 50lbs overweight and has 40 inch waist.

Most people do not workout, or only workout 1-3x per week, and eat garbage, so getting fat is EASY.

Now if those same people trained HARD the women will burn 2000 on avg, the guys over 3000(we have testostone, more muscle)

Now if they LIMIT their calorie intake by eating CLEAN, mainly protein and veggies and created a deficit, a healthy deficit, they would burn fat every single day.

Women 2000 – 1500 (deficit) = 500 calories burned from fat

Guys 3000 – 2200 = 800 calories burned from fat

You do that for a week and thats basically 1-1.5lbs of fat lost per week. Really its faster than this but I’m just giving an example.

You do this consistently and within 3-6 months you are going to be down 20-50lbs or more. Every single time. I see it all the time. From people that were just like you “I just cant lose any weight” mentality.

So now you know starvation mode is bs, and how you got fat and how to burn fat so lets discover what you are actually doing wrong thats leading to you getting more calories than you think you are and preventing your loss.

Just know first, you are either eating more calories than you think you are, burning less than you think you are, or both and no deficit is present.

Being lean, defined, ripped, shredded is purely having LOW body fat levels. You already have the lines in arms, legs, shoulders, and even have abs, you just cant see it because its covered by a layer of fat. Lose the fat, you get lean, defined, ripped, shredded. These are all just different degrees of being lean.

Ladies, the ideal body fat you are looking for is around 12% body fat. If you want more defined abs, lower like 10%.

Guys, the physique most of you are looking for is around 6-8% with defined abs, arms, shoulders, chest, back.

So lets talk about 11 things you are probably doing that are leading to you not losing any weight.

The REAL reasons why you’re not losing fat

#1. You’re not weighing and tracking your portions

You’re eyeballing your food, guesstimating and over eating unknowingly. No deficit, no loss.

You think you’re eating 1200 calories a day, but arent measuring shit, and really eating 2000, 3000, 4000+ calories per day. Studies prove people eat a minimum of 50% more calories than they think they do.

This is why its VITAL you are weighing portions and tracking your food intake. So you KNOW exactly how much you have eaten and when you are done.

I have a saying “If you eyeball your food, no one is going to be eyeballing you” because youll be fluffy/fat/chubby.

#2. You’re not tracking macros.

Which means you’re probably not measuring and overeating calories, no deficit, no loss.

Macros are your Protein, carbs, and fats measured in grams. You eat a specific amount of each, to hit your desired calorie goal.

For example:

Macros ladies 1500 calories comes from 56g carbs(veggies), 150g protein, 75g fat.

Macros Men 2200 is 82g carbs, 220g protein, 110g fats.

You MUST track your macros and calories for ACCURACY to create a calorie deficit. If you arent tracking you have NO idea what you have eaten or when you are done.

We us an app called myfitnesspal on your phone. It does all the work for you.

To create a deficit you have to reduce one of the macros, we KEEP as much protein and fats as possible because they are vital for your muscle, health, hormones and metabolism. We cut the carbs to create deficit. But unless you are tracking you have no clue where your numbers are and could be wasting your time in the gym to look the same.

So track your shit! This is THE MOST important thing to do when it comes to fat loss. So get uncomfortable, learn, and master this.

#3. You’re not eating clean.

You’re eating foods that you think are healthy but are NOT. And in most cases still overeating them and getting excess calories. Or even if you are being disciplined with portions these foods will still inflame you, make you retain water, weigh heavier on the scale, and make you look softer. But I know most of you arent being disciplined, so I know you’re overeating these because they trigger hardcore cravings you cant control.

What foods are these that are thought to be healthy, but arent?

Whole wheat bread, whole wheat products of any sort, ezekiel bread, 7 or 9 grain bread, granola, cereal, gluten free cookies are still a cookie packed with sugar, crackers, protein shakes(sucralose damages gut and triggers cravings), protein bars are candy bars, yogurt (pure sugar), sports drinks (pure sugar). etc.

In most of your cases, 99.999% of you, do NOT have the discpline to stop once you start. You cannot stop once you have a bite and one bite leads to more bad decisions for that meal and the rest of the day. Gaining you excessive calories for the day and week.

1500 calories of cookies vs 1500 calories of protein and veggies are both going to have a different result. Both a deficit (ladies), but they are going to have a different metabolic effect on your body, hormones, workouts, recovery etc.

So although calories are king, and you can lose weight eating cookies, you will be losing muscle, feeling like shit, have hormonal issues, be lethargic, crappy workouts, and look inflamed, water retentive, and fatter.

True Clean is foods that come directly from a plant or directly from a healthy animal. Steak and broccoli. Chicken and asparagus. Eggs and spinach. You know, the boring foods you’re avoiding eating. Yea, those are the ones that will take you to Sexy Ville.

So toss out all those foods and fill your kitchen with healthy stuff. Or your mind will just subconsciously convince you why you need to eat it. “You had a stressful day. I dont care. Ill start tomorrow. Ill start monday”. You know Im right.

You’re making life harder by having it in your home. Toss it or struggle with your weight. Your choice.

#4. You’re doing cheat meals

One of the fastest ways to ruin all your results is by doing cheat meals. These arent cheats, cheats would be getting you to your goal faster, these are sabotage meals. Because one bite of bread, cakes, icecream, pizza, will lead to a binge for not only that day, but for DAYS or WEEKS after.

This is one of the biggest reasons why MOST trainers clients look like shit. Because most trainers encourage cheat meals and once the client starts the food is so dopamine spiking, rewarding, getting them HIGH, they cannot stop. Which means a planned high calorie day of 3000 ends up being 6000+ for that day and days after.

On top of that, these foods are highly inflammatory, which make you lethargic, and trigger injuries or aches and pains in your workouts. Which means LESS workouts, less effort, less calorie burn for you for days or weeks after.

We do not do CHEAT meals, we do REFEED meals. Which is the same concept of getting a high calorie/high carb day but with CLEAN foods. So instead of garbage dominoes pizza, you make your own keto pizza with clean ingredients. Or instead of eating bread, pasta, and icecream, you eat fruit and sweet potatoes.

And still LIMIT your intake. By my recommendations we do REFEED days every 7 to 14 days. Deficit for 6 if you’re leaner, refeed day 7. If you’re heavier, deficit for 13 days refeed 1day.

But we DO NOT CHEAT. Got it? Good.

#5. You’re eating out too often.

Once again an easy way to overeat calories. you have no idea the portion sizes, ingredients, the farms they get their foods from, etc. Restaurant food is designed for 1 thing, to taste good. They dont care about your abs. They use food, and ingredients that are calorie packed, for there foods.

Even if you order smart, you can almost guarantee what you’re eating is 50% to 100% more calories than you think it is. You do this daily, or multiple times per week, and you can easily be overeating and delaying or preventing any results whatsoever.

Theres a common trend of those who eat restaurant food the most and being the most overweight.

I get it, eating out is good times with those you love, but you have to keep it to a minimum. Id save it for refeed days only mainly.

So stop being lazy and COOK your own meals for the majority of the week.

Dont know how to cook?

So what karen! Get your ass in the kitchen and learn! Theres tons of online videos, articles, and books on this. Not knowing doesnt excuse you, LEARN!

#6. Youre Weighing your proteins cooked

“WHAT??? OMG I do that”

Is probably what you’re thinking huh? This is one of the most common mistakes, I used to do this too until I too learned the hard way.

The calories in your proteins (beef, fish, turkey, seafood) are to be weighed in the RAW form. This is the state the nutritional info is for. NOT the cooked.

Most proteins lose 25-50% or more after cooking. So in other words if you’re weighing out 8oz of cooked chicken thighs, this could be 16oz of calories worth. You do this for 3+ meals per day and you’re overeating 1000+ from protein. No deficit, no loss. Period.

So account for the RAW form. Theres hacks to this but thats another article in itself.

Im sure your mind was just blown, most trainers dont even know this. Now you understand more why that scale isnt moving, huh?

Weigh it raw, track it!

#7. Tracking the wrong brands

Lets say you are eating clean, weighing portions correctly, tracking macros, not cheating, and doing everything right, but still not budging, you’re probably tracking the wrong brand in your app.

Mainly speaking about protein sources, not all proteins are the same. Steak from one farm could be 500 calories for 8oz, but over 1000 from another farm. So another common mistake is you’re tracking and eating the low calorie, wrong brand, but eating the high calorie brand.

So verify the nutrition info in the app vs the farm/package/website of the brand you get your food from. Most packages today have barcodes you can scan on your app, then choose serving size. But you need to Verify.

This is a common mistake I’ve made and I see people do all the time.

#8. You’re not burning enough calories

Your workouts are either inconsistent, non existent or they straight up suck. lol

You need to burn calories 7 days a week if fat loss is your goal, you have to BURN calories so you can eat your deficit amount and burn fat. They all arent going to be beastmode, some will be active recovery days, but you must put in the sweat and effort daily.

Or you starve. Your choice. Workout 7 days or Fast on the days you rest. Im sure after one day of fasting youll realize putting in workout is more fun and easier.

But you need prioritize LIFTING not cardio. You can get ripped doing zero cardio if your macros are DIALED and your lifting workouts are intense.

For example:

Typical gym goer that never gets results

Does this

10 reps of bench press, rest for 5 mins texting.

10 reps, rest 5 mins

10 reps rest 5 mins.

Moves to the next exercise. This is boring, a waste of time, and isnt burning shit for calories.

Heres how to train intense!

Bench Press 10 reps, Pullups 10 reps, Squat jumps 20 reps. Rest 90. 5 rounds. Then choose another 3. Then another 3.

See the difference? Who do you think is going to burn more calories? Who do you think is going to get sexy faster?

Clearly the one training intense.

Then if you want to accelerate this you add on some sprints at the end of each lifting session and youll get shredded quick! (But only if your diet is on point)

#9. You’re not holding yourself accountable

There are a few things you need to do to hold yourself accountable so that way you get to the next level.

Tracking your food, weighing portions is one of those.

Training 7 days or starving the day you dont is one.

Weighing yourself daily is another. If you’re lighter its not going to drop much or down consistently, but if you are heavier it should be.

Doing a body fat test every week on same day, same time. This and weighing are simple self accountability hacks that will make you step your game up. When you know you’re gonna step on that scale or get a thorough body fat test done you will subconsciously work harder and being disciplined, in your workouts, and being consistent.

Selfie Sundays. Take a selfie in swimsuit or undies every sunday at the same time this too makes you work harder because you dont want to see no progress.

Make a habit of doing all of these and watch what happens to your physique! Youll blow peoples minds!

#10. You’re not hanging around the right crowd

“Show me your friends and Ill show you your future”

“You become like those you spend the most time with”

This is a fact. The biggest determining factor to your success in life and with your body is WHO you associate with the most.

Right now you’re probably hanging out with a lot of people who are overweight, out of shape, and dont have getting sexy as a priority.

What do these kinds of people want to do? Eat out and drink. A LOT.

They are fun, I get it.

But guess what else they do?

They eat all the garbage you are trying to avoid.

They offer you a bite or buy you foods you shouldnt be eating.

“Omg this is so good, just take a bite. one bite wont hurt. try this omg! Taste this (sugary drink)!”

You know exactly who I am talking about. It might even be you, you might be THAT friend. lol

You hang out with 5 obese friends, youll be the 6th.

You hang out with 5 lazy friends, youll be the 6th.

But this also works the other way, if you hangout with 5 ripped friends, youll become the 6th. So surround yourself with those that are going to take you where you want to be and limit the time spend with those sabotage friends. And make sure you tell those sabotage friends they need to be supportive of your new life, not offer you food, or you will not hangout with them. Yes, you must be this straight up.

So there you go! Im sure you found probably 10 reasons why you arent losing any weight. lol Or at least a few. Fix those and you will become INCREDIBLE!

I know this is long winded but it had to be written, this information has to get out, Americans as a whole are fat and not living to their true potential. Getting a fraction out of this life that they could be if they were healthier, more energetic, lean, confident, sexy, and happier with themselves.

Thats why I spent HOURS of my day putting this together for you, to help you and help others become YOUR best version of you.

If you like what you read, then youll love training with me in person or online. Or love one of my books. Or love following me. So Ill put some more info below.

Make sure you share this even if we never do business together, i dont care, i want to save as many lives, and shape as many lives for the better, so SHARE THIS. Save this link on your phone, reread it often, send to spouses and your friends.

Im doing my part to #MakeAmericaSexyAgain

I love you guys, I appreciate you. Thank you for reading and sharing.

Heres some links for you.


Facebook https://www.facebook.com/day.wall.5203
instagram https://www.instagram.com/super_hero_strong_fit/
Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@daymondsewall

youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/FitnessDomination/videos

“Should I get the vaccine?”

First off, let me begin by giving you a quick disclaimer I am not a doctor, not a scientist, and you are responsible for your health and all the consequences of your decisions, not me.

With that said, Im going to give you my opinion which is based off of FACTS, REAL science, and actual CDC data. Ill show you proof and you can be the judge for yourself. You’re making your own decisions and taking your own risks.
Im writing this because its my duty as a fitness professional to SAVE LIVES. Its my duty to teach you how to get sexy, but also become HEALTHY so you can live a long vibrant, energetic, high quality, and happy life. While being sexy and confident.

This is going to be long so SAVE this email and send it to everyone you love. It will literally save their lives. Did you hear me? Send it to EVERYONE you love.

First off, lets talk some common sense and some logic which is extremely lacking in America today. (I blame sugar for its devastating effects on the brain/body creating brain fog and reducing your brains ability to process information effectively)

First Im going to ask you some common sense questions and you need to use your logical thinking mind here.
If this was truly about your health why arent they blasting over social media and mainstream media HOW to create immunity and how to get healthy?

Why arent they hiring doctors and fitness professionals all over the nation to be interviewed on the mainstream media to teach you how to create a strong immune system so that you dont get and spread this disease?

Why arent they teaching you about Zinc, vitamin C, Vitamin D and nutrition to build your immune system so you dont get sick and dont spread?

Why arent they encouraging working out to make your body healthier and stronger?

Why are they pushing for masks that have ZERO scientific evidence they work and even the intelligent experts agree? (like trying to stop mosquitoes with a chain link fence)

Why are the majority of people who wear masks the actual ones that get the virus?

If masks work, why do we have to social distance, stay home, and close businesses?

If they dont work why are we wearing them? (im not wearing them but the sheep are)

If im not wearing a mask, touch people daily, never social distance, hug, kiss, high 5, never really wash my hands, and hangout in massive groups all the time, howcome Im not dead? I guess Im Just a walking miracle.

If its so deadly, how come my business has been open almost the entire lockdown(closed only for 6 weeks), and we have had ZERO outbreaks with 1000s of workouts? more walking miracles i guess. lol.

If social distancing works why the masks?

If social distancing and masks work why the lockdowns?

Why are masks and social distancing required at airports literally for people to be touching side by side on planes?

Has there been any outbreaks link to flights out of the millions the past year?
Is your mind opening, just wait we arent done.

Where did the seasonal flu go? It magically disappeared last year. Normally there are TENS OF MILLIONS of cases, but last year it was like 2000 ish. thats weird.

Do you know why we have a so called “flu season”?(vitamin D deficiency season)

Now lets get a lil more corrupt……and Ill give you the answers.

If we are so concerned about spreading the virus, why are the borders open and letting infected people in and putting them in hotels INSIDE America?Because they dont actually care about you.

How many people ACTUALLY died from this virus, from just the virus alone?

The answer 6%, CDC data. the other 94% had 4 comorbidities on average they ACTUALLY died from.
Dont believe me click the CDC link here, scroll down to comorbidities and see it for yourself. Then look at the chart and see what people ACTUALLY died from. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm

Heres a clip of One America News Network doing a piece on this a LONG time agohttps://youtu.be/7x-biB_JrcU
In other words, people were dying of OTHER causes then being labelled CVD(hospitals make more $). So someone dies of a heart attack, CVD. Stroke, CVD. Terminal Cancer, CVD. etc. This is a fact that even doctors, nurses have blowing the whistle on.

Did you know March 24th, 2020 the CDC sent emails to hospitals telling them to label “suspected or presumed” CVD deaths as a CVD death? FACT look it up. Its not a secret.

Did you also know they ordered hospitals to label a positive CVD case if it is “suspected or presumed” even without testing to prove?

So you show up with the seasonal, they label you C19. Or maybe you have the sniffles because you ate something inflammatory the day before, they label you C19.
This literally happened all of 2020.

What did that do? SPIKED case NUMBERS. Fact, look it up.

Why did the WHO come out right after the inauguration and basically say “Oops we were wrong, the PCR tests were set to high (40 cycles) creating lots of FALSE POSITIVES (80-95%), hey hospitals lower the cycle count (17-20 or less)” Not exactly in those words but that is what they said look it up.

What happened to cases?They instantly dropped about 75-80% in about 6-8weeks. Fact go to google and look at the graph it drops like a rock. its not because of the shot, masks, or social distancing, it was 100% politically motivated.

Why do we need a shot for a disease that has like 40,000 actual deaths and almost a 100% recovery rate?

Do you know how many people die from seasonal flu annually?40,000-80,000.

Do you know what is in these mRNA shots?

Nanotechnology, DNA modifying technology. Moderna actually calls theirs an “Operating system”. WTH. FACT
Heres a podcast I did showing you all this live. https://rumble.com/vfb65n-theres-nano-technology-in-the-shot.html
See for yourself https://www.modernatx.com/mrna-technology/mrna-platform-enabling-drug-discovery-development

What code are they REALLY changing your DNA to?

Did you know this is experimental, never been done before?fact.

Who’s the face of this push for v@ccine mandates for this disease?

Bill Gates. Are you aware his father was head of planned parenthood(abortion), Bill thinks the world is over populated, and has said ON STAGE “If we do a good job with reproductive health services(abortion) and vaccines we can lower the population by 10-15%(1 billion)”

Sounds crazy, right? heres the video link so you can see it and hear it with your own eyes. Fast fwd to about 2:30 to see him say vaccines reduce populationhttps://youtu.be/WUJMR3BUm2s

So the guy who thinks the world is overpopulated, has billions invested in vaccines, wants entire world to take them, is the face of this movement? lol Are you kidding me? And people still want to take them. omfg.

Did you know drug companies have ZERO liability from injuries or deaths that these shots create? fact. they cant be sued.

Do you really think they care about the side effects they create when they cant be sued? use some common sense.

Did you know that 100% of the animals tested in the studies for this shot died?fact.

Did you know that as of today there have been 3,005 American Deaths from these shots? Fact. (DMX included)

Heres the link to CDC proving it. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html#:~:text=Over%2063%20million%20doses%20of,received%20a%20COVID-19%20vaccine

Did you know that Europe has had over 4,000 and over 160,000 reported injuries?fact.

Did you know as of today USA put a pause on Johnson and johnson because it was causing blood clots? fact.

Did you know that astra zeneca was banned in over 20 countries because of something similar? fact.

Did you know the doctors, scientists warning about this drug are saying most wont die until 3-14 months initially, But others will die within 5-10 years?Look up Dr Tenpenny. Follow Dr Eric Nepute.

Watch this video of doctors worldwide warning you https://www.bitchute.com/video/H9GyqoPMvfRa/

Why arent you hearing about this in the news?

Heres a fact that you probably dont know and will blow your mind…..The same people that are behind the creation/release of this virus also own big pharma, also own 90% of the mainstream media, and control DC.

You are doing exactly as they planned.

You be the judge as to why they are doing this I have my theories but im not going to share that here. I just wanted to make you THINK and show you proof.

But its your life, you be your own judge, but look at the facts first. If you decide you want the shot, i’d recommend making sure all your affairs are in order because this is like playing russian roulette imo.

But Im here to open your mind, drop facts, and teach you how to create a body that will prevent, and beat any disease. Even if you do catch the bug you will stomp it quick, maybe just get the sniffles, or loss of taste. Big deal.

I havent been sick in YEARS. I dont get sick. Im immune to getting sick.

So do I recommend getting the shot F*** NO!!!!

How come I dont get sick? Because I know common sense, science, and am very disciplined and EARNED my health.

Its literally simple.

Heres all you need to do:

#1. Clean Diet. The standard american diet makes you FAT and crushes your immune system. You know, your diet, your families diet, full of sugar, bread, pasta, crackers, cereal, cakes, flavored coffee creamers, fast food, chips, protein bars(basically candy bars with more protein), granola, candy, etc.
You know the diet that is also tied to heart attacks, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune issues, depression, anxiety, that diet. The one 99.99% of Americans have. that one is HOW you get sick. yes, that diet need to be eliminated.
You need a diet that is CLEAN. Comes directly from a plant and healthy animal. Protein and veggies. Fruit in small doses. That is a clean diet.
you know, Steak and broccoli, Chicken and asparagus. You know the one most people refuse to eat but the Must if they ever intend on being sexy and healthy.
So step 1 is eat clean and drop body fat.

#2. Supplement your micronutrients.
Thinks like magnesium, zinc, vitamin C, iodine, along with the protein and good fats that come from your clean diet make your health a FORTRESS.

These are the raw materials your body needs to function optimally. Think of these as the workers and supplies to build a mansion. you need to materials, wood, concrete, electrical, plumbing, dry wall, roof shingles, etc. Your body(the workers) need the supplies to build. no supplies, your old house begins to crack, crumble, and eventually will fall (disease and death)
Eating pizza, cakes, bread, pasta, fast food is like taking a hurricane to your house.
Remember that. But supplement your raw materials and eat clean to get even more.

#3. Vitamin D. Sunshine! Sunshine on your skin produces vitamin D. vitamin D has been dubbed the “master hormone” these days because its vital for ALL your bodily functions and especially fat loss, muscle growth and building a strong immune system.

We dont have a flu season, we have a vitamin d deficiency season. Winter months people are inside, getting no sun, no vitamin D and immune system tanks. Couple that with the crappy diet that gets worse from halloween through new years from holiday parties, candy, junk everyone indulges in and you have the recipe for Flu and heart attacks for those who are already on the brink. The so called flu season is actually Vitamin D deficiency season and also known as heart attack season.
So by being Fit, eating clean, getting sunshine, you prevent this.

#4. Workout daily. yes, this means 7 days a week. Some days are beastmode, some days are just active recovery, but you need to get active daily. If you are inactive now, start with 3 then go to 4, 5, 7.
Thats it, thats all you gotta do and you will set yourself up to live to 100+ and avoid diseases and medications and especially this lame virus.

Why arent politicians and the mainstream media telling you this?Why arent they hiring me to come speak to the cities, nation to say this?

You know why, you are just probably too afraid to admit it.

But whatever. I just want you to KNOW your facts, know how to prevent getting the bug and other comorbidities, and teach you how to better take care of yourself.

You do with this knowledge what you want its your life.

Im just doing my part educating and informing you so you can make the right decision for your life. Im trying to save as many lives as I can.

So do YOUR part and forward this to the people you LOVE and want to see LIVE for decades to come.

I appreciate you. I love you.

Have an awesome day!

Follow me on instagram, facebook, tik tok, rumble(politics), youtube.

Rumble https://rumble.com/user/AmericanAF0311

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/day.wall.5203

instagram https://www.instagram.com/super_hero_strong_fit/

Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@daymondsewall

youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/FitnessDomination/videos