“10 Things The Gov isnt Telling You About C-One-9”

As a fitness professional it is my DUTY to educate you, inspire you, warn you, guide you, push you, teach you how to take optimal care of yourself, and to do what is right for yourself and your life. So you can become your best version of YOU.

I believe it is my duty to tell you the TRUTH about what is really going on because what I am about to teach you will save your life or the life of someone you love. So pay attention and read, watch, everything so you can get up to speed with the TRUTH.

If you havent realized by now this has nothing to do with the virus and everything to do with control, you havent been paying attention or you arent very smart.

This entire situation is a massive LIE, a scam, and it has NOTHING to do with your actual health. Ill prove it to you, but you must first open your mind and come look at the facts Im about to drop in your face.

Im doing this because im tired of this s***, this weak flu has almost a 100% recovery rate, yet this is being pushed like it has a 10% mortality rate. And the death toll, and case numbers are LIES Ill show you proof of this below too.

So first open your mind, and DIG into what Im showing you, because everything Im about to show you and tell you is a FACT. #OnlyFacts is my hashtag lol

Lets talk some science and common sense and logic:

#1. Masks dont work.

Wearing a mask to stop a V is like using a chain link fence to try and stop a swarm of mosquitos. Useless. Theres ZERO evidence of its effectiveness, zero science, and those who WEAR the masks are MAINLY the ones who get the flu. Yes, you read that right, mask wearers are mainly the ones that GET SICK. Didnt know that did ya? FACT.

Did you also know wearing a mask actually makes you more unhealthy and reduces your immune systems strength? Fact.

Masks are harmful, so why are we wearing them?

As matter of fact, Stanford just did a study proving this and quietly published this on NIH https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7680614/

The mask is useless. Its against your constitutional rights to enforce you wearing one and you DO NOT have to wear one, it is NOT law. Merely a recommendation. Im usually the ONLY one in stores not wearing one.

I dont wear masks, I share equipment, touch everything, hug, high 5, kiss cheeks, shake hands, and rarely wash my hands after, breathe, sweat, hangout in crowds constantly, how come Im not dead? How come I havent been sick?

I must be a walking miracle. lol Really, its because I put the work in to keeping my health on point so I never get sick or develop a health problem. We will discuss more about that below.

The whole asymptomatic bs that you were going to kill your grandma, yea, that was a lie. The WHO came out last year and admitted that transmission is RARE. One of the biggest scams in history is convincing healthy people they could get people sick. SMDH.

One of the biggest scams to ever hit this country was convincing people that a healthy person can get them sick. SMDH because of how many of you fell for this.

#2. No actual C19 virus has ever actually been detected.

What??? Yep, not one person has been able to isolate the virus. NOT ONE.

Dr. Derick Knauss PHD is a clinical lab scientist, has tested 1,500 so called “positive samples” and ZERO C19 was found. It was then sent to 7+ other MAJOR universities and they found ZERO C19 as well. WTH??!

What did they find instead in these samples? Influenza A and Influenza B. Yes, the supposed C19 positive tests were actually Influenza A & B, aka seasonal flu.

What does this mean? The seasonal Flu was rebranded C19.

If you look at last years Seasonal numbers which were 38,000,000, the year prior, in 2020 they were 1,800+. WTH?

Where did the 38,000,000 million seasonal cases go?

Use some common sense, rebranded c19.

Heres an article and video of Dr Krauss saying ZERO C19 detected and a link to an article with more.

Article https://greatreject.org/laboratories-cant-find-covid-19-in-positive-tests/
Video https://rumble.com/vftoev-cvd-doesnt-exist.html

Theres even a guy in Germany offering $1,000,000 to anyone who can isolate the actual virus because noone has been able too. WTH!??

See for yourself https://www.samueleckert.net/isolat-truth-fund/

Are you awake yet? Oh, theres lots more. So make sure you fwd this email to all your loved ones. Save this link to the notes in your phone, I will be updating as more info comes out.

#3. Therapeutics banned so they can offer v@ccine

By law if there is a treatment for a disease they cannot produce a V@ccine.

Ever wonder why they banned HCQ when there was decades of proof that it was safe and it works?

Especially when this Dr in Texas has cured 20,000 people using HCQ https://rumble.com/vfx5sh-dr-cures-20000-patients-with-hcq.html

Now you know why, they want you v@ccinated they dont want you using therapeutics that actually work. Why do they want you to vaccinate so bad? Especially when we have almost a 100% recovery rate.

Ever wonder why they dont promote other therapeutics that have great success?

Now you know why

Are you awake now? Keep reading theres LOTS more.

Dont believe me though, Im no doctor(Im just more educated and up to speed with science than most dr), I follow many doctors who are much like me and do obsessive amount of research, but hear PROOF of what I just said from and actual doctor, Dr Ryan Cole himself. https://rumble.com/vf8prp-dr-talks-science-.html

Why are they pushing a shot so much?

Why are they pushing a shot for a cold that has almost a 100% recovery rate? (Just wait til you see the proof below)

Seriously ask yourself this. This isnt a conspiracy theory, this is common sense, logic and facts.

#4. Theres no such thing as Flu season

Flu season is actually “Vitamin D deficiency” season. I’ve been saying this for years, but Dr Cole says it in his video as well.

The reason it seems this way, and flu cases rise is because of TWO things, Low Vitamin D during winter and increase of garbage diet during the holiday season.

Vitamin D is dubbed the master hormone these days and you get it best from sunlight touching your skin. In the winter, everyone is inside, getting no sun, eating garbage, drinking garbage, and BOOM flu!

These viruses are in our environment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Trillions of them. All over everything you touch and all over your body and inside your body. Your immune system does its job keeping the viruses at bay when your immune system is healthy and strong.

But you tie in Low D and High Junk food diet and thats a recipe for crap immune system and getting sick. Some of the highest times for Emergency room visits for the flu are the days after thanksgiving, christmas and NYE. And in my industry, I call this Heart Attack Season. Because those who are already on the brink, from years of poor diet, and neglect, the low D plus increase in sugar consumption, Boom heart attack. They spike every holiday season. I have had many friends, clients, lose parents, siblings, grandparents, during the holidays.

Make sense? Now you know.

Want to avoid getting the flu every year? Follow my instructions

Get Vitamin D to boost your immune system

Even Fauci takes 8000-9000 IU of Vitamin D per day in winter, why hasnt he announced this?!!!

Why arent they telling the world Vitamin D is crucial for your immune health and preventing the virus?!!

Are you waking up yet?

#5. What goes into your body matters.

Like I mentioned above, what you eat has a direct effect on your health. It has a direct effect on your immune system. Eating processed foods like bread, pasta, pizza, cakes, cookes, crackers, cereals, chips, soda, pies, candy, fast food, etc. are HIGHLY inflammatory. If you are inflamed when you are going into an illness the worse you will do.

So why arent they telling you to Eat whole healthy foods?

Why did they close down gyms, health food centers, supplement stores, but allow liquor stores and fast food joints to stay open?

Why arent they blasting health experts like me and many others all over the news to teach the WORLD how to create a strong healthy immune system and vibrant health so no one gets the virus or spreads it to others?

Why arent they encouraging working out, vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, vitamin C, iodine, fish oil, B complex all to BOOST YOUR IMMUNE system?

Why arent they promoting HEALTH, pushing you to make lifestyle changes?

Why arent they telling you to eat clean, and stop eating inflammatory junk?

Why arent they telling Americans that being overweight/obese is one of the major risk factors to complications and DEATH from a flu, and telling all Americans they need to eat healthy and reduce their bodyfat?

If they truly wanted to save Americans lives wouldnt they be giving them all the education, supplements, and health products possible to create a healthy population?

Are you awake yet? Use some common sense.

What you put inside your body matters MORE than anything else they could tell you, recommend, or enforce.

Clearly they arent doing anything to HELP Americans be healthy, why is this?

Because its NOT about your health!!! WAKE UP!

#6. Cases have dropped about 91% since right before the inauguration

No joke. And its not because of the shot. It was because right after the inauguration the WHO did TWO things right away when Joe came in, they came out and admitted that the PCR tests cycle counts were too high( around 40) and creating false positives (80-95%) and told hospitals to lower the cycle count (28 or less). FACT.

So what happens when you stop creating false positives? Cases plummet.

Second thing, all of 2020 hospitals were ordered to label a positive case if it was “suspected or presumed”, no test needed. So you show up with a runny nose cuz you had some pizza yesterday and you’re inflamed, and you are labelled a positive case. No test needed. (they were bad tests anyway). But presumed cases, suspected cases also led to cases being spiked!

Right after Jan 20th, the protocol changed and hospitals were ordered to ONLY label a case positive if it is TESTED and proven(with new PCR cycle count). Guess what happened? CASES plummet!

Then the 3rd thing that just happened In May is they now are ordered to ONLY count a case as a positive case if it is tested/proven(with new guidelines), AND the person is hospitalized or dies.

Guess what will happen to case numbers even more? THEY PLUMMET!

Dont believe me? Look below. I just pulled this off of Google. Google (Coronavirus us)

Thats basically a 91% drop nationwide since the peak right before the inauguration when they were using the false positive PCR test, labelling suspected presumed positives.

Do you see where this is going? Cmon man, dont be stupid.

Why would they do that? Use some common sense.

What I just said is no secret, its FACTS. Research it yourself.

So because of that the cases have plummeted to normal ranges for a Flu Season (vitamin D deficiency season).

Are you awake yet?

#7. 95% Died from Comorbidities not the Virus

The CDC death toll numbers are manipulated LIES. The average death had 4 comorbidities on average. This is a FACT and Ill show you proof below. Its right on the CDC data

Remember that “suspected and presumed” thing we just talked about? They did this for the deaths too. Died of a heart attack? C19. Died from terminal Cancer? C19. Died from car crash? C19(yes this has happened). Died from gun shot? c19(yes has happened).

Hospitals get rewarded with lots more $$$ for C19 cases/deaths. News Flash, hospitals are a business and in business to MAKE MONEY.

So with all this manipulation, what happened? Death toll numbers sky rocket. Mainstream media behind the push to scare you, everyone fears they’re gonna die from a cold.

The media has programmed you to believe exactly what those who OWN the media wanted you to believe. Heres the secret how, 1000s of news channels all using the phrase “Deadly virus” 1000s of times per day. Programming your mind to think that this virus, that doesnt even exist according to experts, was gonna kill the nation.

Watch this 1 min video showing you exactly how they do it. Its called “Oper_tion M_cking bird” Theyve been doing it for decades. Watch video below and see it with your own eyes.


Want to see proof of what Im saying about the death toll numbers being lies?

Click this CDC link below, Scroll down to where is says Comorbidities after reading that scroll down a bit further and youll see what they ACTUALLY died from. SHARE this! Save this link on your notes on phone and send to friends.


Then after checking that out, watch this video One America News did telling you this exact thing about last year and showing you proof too about 6 months ago. https://youtu.be/7x-biB_JrcU

So this death toll number they keep claiming is soon to top 600,000 is a LIE! If 95% are dying from 4 comorbidities on average(CDC data), that leaves 5% dying from just the Flu, truly dying from the flu, which means the actual number is around 30,000 actual flu deaths in my book.

Do you know how many people die from the seasonal every year? 40,000-80,000 avg. EVERY single year! And only people with poor health, that were pretty much already on their way out in most cases. Healthy people dont die from a cold.

Once again they deceived you. Why are they doing this?

Are you awake yet? Theres more!

#8. Open states are winning

We have texas, florida, arizona, south dakota, all OPEN. If this was so deadly why arent their citizens dropping like flies?

Their stats are actually getting BETTER.

I live in California, been locked down over a year now. So I stay on top of all this, all the data, since this thing came into the picture. I knew it was election year, and this was no coincidence.

But lets look at DATA, factual NUMBERS.

When it comes to a disease, the ONLY thing that matters is the DEATH toll, cases dont mean S***. Most people get the sniffles or nothing when they come in contact with this measly bug

The only thing that matters is ARE PEOPLE DYING? We already discussed the lies and manipulation of the numbers, but we are gonna even USE those manipulated numbers to make a point and show you how much of a SCAM this entire thing is.

Lets take Fully open states Texas and Florida, do you know what the mortality rate is out of the total population?

.001 out of 29 million in Texas, and roughly 21.5 million in Florida. .001!!!!!

Thats ZERRRRRROOOOO percent!!!!

Im in CommieFornia, with 40 million population, do you know what the mortality rate is for California, the LOCKDOWN state?

.001 out of the 40 mil!!!!!

Thats ZEEERRRROOOOO percent!!!! And we are still locked down!!!

For What?!!! We could be fully open and have the exact same mortality rate as Florida, having packed baseball games, music festivals, travel, no restrictions! We have basically lost a year of our lives for this political scamdemic!

Texas just hit 0 deaths from the virus the other day.

Those stats are all FACTS look it up yourself!

Are you awake yet?

So we have a made up c19, thats actually influenza A & B, zero proof of an isolated C19, masks that are more harmful than helpful. Zero talk about eating clean. They want you isolating yourself making you depressed. They want you to avoid people which is HOW we create strong immune systems by exposure to microbes. They arent encouraging supplementing well to boost immunity. We have manipulated case numbers, manipulated death toll, zero percent threat of this disease being truly deadly. The CDC admitting people are dying from 4 comorbidities on avg not C19, and yet these D states are still pushing the lockdowns, california still locked down, and they are pushing these shots on people, trying to make it mandatory for a Flu virus with almost a 100% recovery rate, and B gates behind this. Do you know what B gates agenda is? (watch video below)


ARE YOU AWAKE YET?!!! Theres more!

#9. Most of what you see in the media is lies and staged

Look, the same people responsible for this scam, are also responsible for the media brainwashing you, and the V@ccines. This was planned all along. I personally am starting to think the C19 was fully made up for the V@ccines, not the other way around. I dont know, but it sure seems like it.

Heres some proof of the staging by the media https://rumble.com/vfth2r-all-staged.html

I’ve seen hundreds of videos of empty hospitals, empty tents, nurses, doctors blowing the whistle getting silenced. Just like the doctors who were curing people with HCQ got silenced, and other treatments got silenced.

But the media is lying, CNN admitted it was propaganda, and used to create fear to get T out of office, we know Mr B-Gates agenda is to reduce the population and hes the face of this push for mandatory v@ccines.

#10. This shot is deadly!!!

This is the deadliest v@ccine ever put on the market. In case you havent done any research there are ingredients that make you sterile, there is nanotechnology, and there are TWO that that are mRNA technology(pfizer/moderna).

These are experimental! Never used before! 100% of the animals tested DIED. FACT.

You have no idea what kind of code they put in that mRNA to turn your DNA into. The code could be destroying your reproductive systems, it could be triggering diseases, it could be doing whatever they want. You have NO clue, only what the lying media, and uninformed drs tell you. We dont know, but we do know it changes your DNA. You’re literally a science experiment, now a modified organism, and its killing a lot of people.

Below is an image from the V@ccine adverse reaction site, there are 10,000s of injuries, from blindness, paralysis, facial paralysis, heart attacks, strokes, peoples skin melting off, giant rashes from head to toe, and DEATH. As of today 4,647 And harvard says only 1% of people report injuries. So if 4,647 is only 1%, DO THE MATH on the reality! Multiply that times 100x and youll see a number closer to reality.

Heres the direct link to the data at CDC site. It updates every tuesday and the death toll rises 200-300 people weekly.


DMX, took the shot. Hank Aron, took the shot.

Why isnt the media blasting how deadly this shot is all over the media?

This shot has killed more people in 4 months than all other shots the past 20 years combined!!! FACT!

This shot is more deadly than the actual flu itself! And the experts are saying that most people who get the shot wont die for 3 months to a few years. Look up Dr Tenpenny speeches

On top of this there are 1000s and 1000s of people worldwide reporting of health issues coming from being around people who have taken it. Women getting heavy, long periods, being late, having multiple periods per month. Nose bleeds. bruising. vertigo. Anxiety. miscarriages. All from being around family or friends that have gotten the jabs. Fact.

And even on Pfizers website they state that vaccinated people shed spike proteins through being close or inhalation. Fact.

Heres Europe! https://medicalkidnap.com/2021/04/24/7766-dead-330218-injuries-european-database-of-adverse-drug-reactions-for-covid-19-vaccines/

You are more likely to die from the SHOT than the actual seasonal flu!

But theres more, It appears that the people who have gotten it are transmitting something that is hurting others. Noone is quite sure what it is, if its the spike proteins, or nanotechnology, or something that is being transmitted to others. But something strange is happening.

Women who have finished menopause having periods. Women having 2-3 periods per month. Women bleeding for weeks straight or non stop. Women having rock solid clots coming out, literally solid rocks.

There was a Nutrition Microscopist that took samples of peoples blood after they got the jab. Check this out

Imagine those spikey blood cells being pumped through your arteries and brain. No wonder there have been 192,000 injuries, and this is only 1% of people reporting injuries.

There is also known ingredients that cause infertility in these shots. Pregnant women being in close proximity are having miscarriages. Miscarriages are reportedly up 400% since this shot hit the market!!! And mens sperm count dropping.

So this means the people getting the shot are actually the ones at risk of DEATH and risk to everyone elses health. So do not get in close proximity of those who have gotten the shot especially the Pfizer/Moderna ones.

Heres a video I did a few weeks ago showing you the proof of the nanotech, mRNA and lots of other stuff about these shots. https://rumble.com/vfb65n-theres-nano-technology-in-the-shot.html

Heres a video of doctors all over the world WARNING you NOT to take this shot!

See that here https://eraoflight.com/2021/01/04/doctors-around-the-world-issue-warnings-against-the-covid-19-vaccine/

Heres a Video Dr Tenpenny did with Scott McKay, shes been the expert blowing the whistle on shots for over 20 years and has reviewed 10,000’s of scientific studies on v@ccines. https://rumble.com/vfz5ed-4.22.21-scott-mckay-patriot-streetfighters-interview-w-anti-vax-giant-dr.-s.html

Im warning you DO NOT TAKE THE SHOT!

You guys need to wake up!!! Rebel against all this tyranny! Clearly as you’ve seen this has nothing to do with health and public safety, and everything to do with CONTROL and possibly the depopulation agenda.

You dont have to believe that, but you need to DO THE WORK on yourself and your health so you never have to worry about a measily cold bug or getting the comorbidities we were talking about.

Read this again! Watch all the videos. and SHARE this with everyone you love because it will definitely save their life!

Save the link to this blog, ill be updating regularly last updated (5-20-21)

Share! Share! Share!

Follow me below on my social media handles for more help or information reach out to me below on one of my accounts, or text me 949-632-3458 (yes this is my actual cell not a bot)


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