“7 Tips To Burn Fat Faster In Your Workouts!”

So, when it comes to being “Toned, Defined, Lean, Ripped, Shredded, Abs, More Visible muscle, Weight loss” you’re all seeking the same thing, FAT LOSS, this is why we all want to know how much weight can you lose with oatmeal diet?

We all have different goals, different desires, some want to be looking shredded and freaky, others want to be lighter and not so lean. Regardless, it all requires FAT LOSS. Its all the SAME process, just different degrees of it.

You already have the lines in the arms, legs, abs, shoulders, etc, you just cannot see it because its covered by a thick layer of FAT. If you are thin, yet not defined, you are what we call “Skinny fat”. No big deal, its completely 100% your creation and your elimination.

So if you want to become more aesthetic, sexy, defined, ripped, confident, and feel better about yourself stay tuned. Im about to give you 7 steps you can begin taking today that will make your effort, sweat, dedication, PAY OFF with more results FASTER.

Heres 7 Steps you MUST do to make your workouts MORE effective so you can eliminate that extra, embarrassing body fat, so you can look and feel the way you really want.

#1. Track your macros.

If you dont know what that is, or what yours are you failed before ever stepping foot in the gym. Fat Loss requires your DIET to be on point. If its not, you’re pretty much wasting your time in the gym. You wont out train your diet. Fat Loss requires a consistent calorie deficit to burn fat. No deficit, no loss. Even if you’re training 2-3 hrs per day.

So step 1, get obsessed about your food. Macros are simply your Protein, Carbs, and Fats measured in grams. You eat a specific amount to achieve your calorie goals.

For Example:

2200 calories (Deficit for most guys) is 55g carbs(mainly veggies), 220g protein, 122g fat. The 55, 220, 122 are your macros to hit 2200. You can do this many ways to achieve your calorie goals, this is just one example.

But you must know your macros, and weigh, track portions, to achieve those macros to hit your calorie goals. Because fat loss WILL NOT occur unless you CREATE a calorie deficit. You are overeating if you are not tracking. Overeating calories but undereating your protein, and fats in most your cases. Which means more body fat or no results for you.

“If you eyeball your food noone is going to be eyeballing you” lol. Its funny but its true. Most people who workout for 2-3 hrs every day and look terrible because they neglect their nutrition.

Dont be MOST people. Get obsessed with giving your body good nutrition and the proper macros.

Download the app MyFitnessPal

Heres some quick macros Id recommend starting with.

Ladies 1500 calories. 15% carbs, 35% protein, 50% fats. Which will be 56g carbs, 131g protein, 83g fats.

Men 2200 calories. 15% carbs, 35% protein, 50% Fats. Which is 83g carbs, 193g protein, 122g fats.

You wont hit numbers perfect, just get close, calories are king, just make sure your protein and fats are close and you’re not going over calories.

Your nutrition is everything! So eat clean and track your s***!

#2. Get off the cardio.

What?! Yep, cardio is NOT how you burn fat. I mean, you can, but youll have no butt(ladies) and scrawny upper body(men). Contrary to what all tv, magazines, and other bs is telling you, cardio is NOT the ideal way to burn body fat. I like to say “CardiNO”

You melt fat, build muscle, look awesome through a Calorie deficit + Intense weight training. This = Fat Loss. Not boring steady state, endless hours of cardio. If anyone is telling you you need to do this to achieve your fat loss goals, RUN from them. They are uneducated, uninformed, and in MOST cases drug users so do LOTS of cardio and get away with it because of the drugs they use to help them retain the muscle. Either way, RUN from them. Ill teach you better ways below.

The reason we avoid endurance, steady state Cardio is because it causes muscle loss. Its muscle wasting, wrecks your thyroid, wrecks your hormones, can damage your metabolism, causes cravings, increases cortisol, takes forever, is boring, ages you faster, and honestly makes you look terrible.

That sexy body you want requires muscle. So NO endurance forms of cardio. An occasional run or bike ride is no big deal, you just dont want to make your primary mode of training, cardio. CardiNO!

So get your ass off the treadmill, elliptical, and get in the gym and lift. Im about to teach you how below.

#3. Do intense forms strength training.

You can LIFT, and turn your lifting session into a calorie melting session by doing Supersets, trisets, dropsets, giant sets etc. Multiple exercises back to back, minimal rest.

My personal fav is Tri sets.

3 moves performed back to back, no rest.

For example:

Pullups 10x, Bench press 10x, Squats 10x.

Rest 45 seconds repeat for 4 rounds.

Pick 3 more moves, do 4 rounds.

Pick 3 more moves, 4 rounds.

Thats one workout session! Youll get WAAAAAY more out of that than you will walking or jogging on a treadmill and look much hotter.

This will get your heart rate high, melt calories, increase your deficit(if diet on point), save you time spent in gym, and is much more fun. Also gives you a good endorphin high when its all over.

#4. Do Sprints(HIIT).

Now I told you NO endurance cardio, but there is a form that will accelerate your fat loss efforts IF your diet and weight training is on point, and that is doing sprints or HIIT(many forms of this). You add this ON TOP of your awesome diet and sick lifting sessions and this will accelerate your fat loss results.

This is a form of HIIT(high intensity interval training) and works the same muscle fibers as lifting, spikes fat burning hormones, and has an afterburn effect.

Throw in 10 sprints after each lifting session, during your session at end of a set, or you can even do just pure sprint workout days.

They are amazing. Have you ever noticed how incredible the olympic sprinters look? They look AMAZING compared to olympic marathoners. The marathoners are emaciated, often look 50+ when they’re like 25-30, and its just not as attractive as the athletic builds of the sprinters. Sprinters lift, eat right, and sprint!

Now you can sprint, do box jumps, plyos, burpees, sleds, parachutes, ropes, medicine ball slams, running stairs, etc as forms of your HIIT. These are all awesome, acceptable, and highly beneficial to helping you look better naked(lets be real we know thats why you’re here)

I just like to say Sprints because its the form of conditioning that sticks in your head and gives you a visual. But its short bursts of intense work followed by a limited amount of recovery. You can do this outside, on hills, on fields, in sand etc. High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT Im sure you’ve heard this many times before.

Add this to your dialed in nutrition and weight training.

#5. Burn Calories everyday.

Yes you read that right, 7 days per week. You must to create a deficit. Most of you only workout 2-3x per week, youre never going to hit your goal. NEVER.

You need to train and burn calories DAILY!!! You wont be beastmode all the time, you might have 2-4 days youll just be doing an active recovery day, but you MUST BURN. You have to burn calories in a workout daily otherwise you are not going to create a calorie deficit and burn fat. No train, no loss.

If you want to rest, sleep more, take a nap, go to bed earlier. If you want a rest day, rest day, then you must FAST on days you take off. Yes, that means starve on your rest day. Fasting is healthy. But you must create deficit.

So hold yourself accountable, TRAIN or FAST on the days you dont.

Your choice. Im just giving you the hacks to get there the fastest.

#6. Become a morning person.

“Im not a morning person”

Well, you’re not in shape either and this is one of the reasons why.

You’ve been putting yourself last, at end of day, after work, after kids, after life, and you end up missing more days than you show up. You are missing workouts due to work issues, or exhaustion and using the “ill go tomorrow”. No you wont! You’ve been saying “tomorrow” for decades and clearly its not working because you’re still out of shape.

Right or right? So that means you need to do something different.

Suck it up, force yourself to get up early, and go workout first thing. Dont even eat, drink some water with pink salt, take some preworkout/coffee/tea and go!

Fitness success comes from discipline and consistency, so by forcing yourself to get up early and go train, youll be more consistent, which means more success faster. It takes 66+ days to form a habit, so if you force it for 66 days to get up early and train first, it will eventually become WHO you are. Once its a habit its easy to stay on course.

Is it going to suck? Absolutely!

But do you know what sucks more? Being fat. Being insecure. Hating the body you live in. Being embarrassed. Lacking confidence. Feeling gross naked. Being disgusted in the mirror.

They’re both hard, choose your hard. You will have days you drag your ass out of bed and days you are pumped and ready.

Regardless of your feelings GET UP, and show up for YOURSELF every damn day!

#7. Surround yourself with fit people.

You know the saying “you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”?

Well this especially applies to your fitness. If you hang around 5 obese people, you will be the 6th. If you hang around 5 lazy people, you will be the 6th. If you hang around 5 out of shape people, you will be the 6th. This is a fact.

So a hack to getting fit faster is to Find more fit friends. Hangout with more fit friends, spend less time with your obese ones, spend less time with the lazy out of shape ones.

The reason this is important is because you adopt the mindset, habits, behaviors, of those you spend the most time with.

Think about it, what do your out of shape friends want to do?

EAT AND DRINK! Which is fine but they want to eat and drink ALL THE WRONG STUFF. They also tend to push those things onto you “try this! omg this is so good take a bite! I got you this! Eat this! Lets go get icecream! One bite wont hurt! Live a little!” You know exactly those friends Im talking about, limit time with them. And let them know you are on a fitness journey and if they want to hangout they need to support your by NOT offering you garbage and holding you accountable. You could also invite them to hop on the journey with you. Lets be real, noone wants to be obese/overweight they just settle for it in most cases because they have failed so many times, or given up on trying, or its just not a priority. But they dont like it, so maybe your push will inspire them.

I know they’re fun, I have some not so in shape friends myself, Im just saying limit time and spend more time with the fitness minded ambitious ones. Youll get there faster. FACT.

100% of my closest friends for past 10-20 years are RIPPED. 100%. This rule of surrounding yourself with success is scientifically proven. Successful people in fitness and business know this. So be mindful and proactive about doing this. You may need to spend more time on your own, thats cool. Better to be around yourself than dragged down, right?! Exactly.

Want to see what happens when you follow directions? https://phenomenallyfit.com/before-and-afters/

So theres your 7 tips!

Lets Recap:

#1. Track macros

#2. CardiNO!

#3. Lift Intensely

#4. Do sprints

#5. Burn Calories daily.

#6. Become morning person

#7. Surround yourself with success.

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