Got Back Pain?

Do you suffer from chronic low back pain?

Does your back pain prevent you from working out, training hard, and getting results?
Does your back pain keep you from enjoying your life?

Well then listen up!
Because I’m about to drop some info on here that most chiropractors, doctors, trainers, coaches, and so called experts DONT KNOW.

But first you have to understand what is creating the back pain, then you need to learn how to FIX it. It is NOT hereditary, its not because you are old, its because you’re inflamed and misaligned. To deal with inflammation, perhaps items like mr hemp flower can be used.

The #1 cause of all aches, pains and injuries, is always attributed to your inflammatory DIET! Foods like bread, pasta, pizza, tortillas, chips, cakes, cookies, bagels, pizza, sugar/processed carbs, fast food, soda, restaurant food, etc is all inflammatory.

This inflammation is like pouring syrup all over your computer keyboard(muscle cells), making them all gunky, stuck together, and the areas that were already tight/knotted/pre-existing issues get flared up! Which means PAIN!!!

Heres a video explaining more in detail why

Just know, if you make bad food choices you’re basically eating to create an injury. Because you arent going to escape it. And the inflammation can last WEEKS after one bad meal. Its never worth it.

So keep your diet CLEAN! Animal Protein, veggies, nuts, seeds, and occasionally fruit.

Otherwise, the tricks Im going to teach you arent going to help. Youll still be like a sticky keyboard and inflamed.

The #2 Cause is a severe misalignment of certain muscles/joints. The main one is your Psoas muscle below. See where that muscle attaches? Right onto your spine!

And it gets tight from excessive sitting/commuting/running/biking/jumping/sports etc. So they must be addressed DAILY!

So heres a quick 1min video teaching you how to fix this
How to fix back pain!
Now Im going to post some images to give you a glimpse so watch this
Step #1. Find your Psoas which is right inside your hip bone.

Step #2. Then lay on a kettlebell, a softball, a sledge hammer, a softball, or the edge of a dumbbell right on top of your Psoas. Not on the bone, just inside of it. It is going to HURT, so expect it, and suck it up. wiggle leg back and forth, rock fwd/back a lil to get inside the tissue. Do this for a few minutes each side. Ideally 5-10, but even just 2-3 will help.

Spend a good amount of time on these because they will be tight, guaranteed. If it hurts, its tight and knotted, suck it up and keep going.

Once you are done there, we are going to move to my Quad rolling technique. This is very agressive, but very effective. Men use 95-185lbs, ladies 60-135.

Step #3 is to get a barbell, sit down with legs bent 90 degrees, then roll the barbell from above the knee all the way to the hip. Stop on the sensitive spots and break those knots down. You want to do this for a good 5-20 mins.

Step #4. Do a very thorough warmup then go kick some ass!
You want to do this before any leg training days, boot training days(ladies), and especially before any sprint/hiit workouts/sports.

You Eat Clean, and do regular soft tissue/mobility work, you’ll never have back problems again. EVER!

You will look better, feel better, train better, perform better.

I’ve literally taken clients who were debilitated, extremely worn discs, bulging discs, on epidurals, pills, and taught them these things and they eliminated all their problems, pain and now train like BEASTS!

Like I said in the beginning Chiros, doctors, trainers, coaches, dont know this, most are highly uneducated when it comes to nutrition/inflammation/gut health/muscular imbalances. But lucky for you, you know me, and I just taught you how to cure your problem. 😉

Share this with all your fitness friends and anyone with back pain issues!

If you are interested in Personal Training or Online Coaching shoot me a text at the number below.