Look, as a fitness professional I come across this issue with about 90% of the new clients, new members, my social media following etc. Its one of the most common disabilities in America, and even worse now with all of the lockdowns, school closures, business closures, people not getting the human connection we crave as humans.

I’ve even had it myself, eliminated my own, permanently. What I am about to teach you is literally the SCIENCE, the proven FACTS about depression and how to fix it. So its NOT something you are destined to live with forever its caused by you and fixed by you. So step 1, is accepting responsibility because if you have chronic depression, this is your doing Ill explain how and why below. Which is great news because that means you have the control to make it your undoing.

What I am about to tell you is stuff your uneducated doctor doesnt even know. How do I know? Because doctors are trained to treat and manage symptoms with drugs and surgery. They know nothing about nutrition, gut health, inflammation, the cause, prevention, or natural treatment of this issue.

How else do I know your doctor doesnt know?

Because if you are reading this, you still deal with it, and clearly your doctors methods or drugs he prescribed arent working. Right or right?

Exactly. I’m writing this because the suicide rates have been high for a long time and they’re much, much worse now. I dont want to hear more stories of parents, spouses, or teens taking their lives. If you’ve ever known someone who has committed suicide you know ONE thing, it didnt end their pain it just transferred it to everyone else who loved them.

Right or Right?

So lets prevent that, lets make you feel your best. Lets make your spouses, kids, family, parents, everyone feel their absolute best! Yes, it is attainable but you’re going to have to make permanent lifestyle changes.

What I am about to teach you has literally eliminated depression in 100% of people who have followed these 10 things.

So I am warning you now, if you DONT do these(the first few especially), you will NOT get rid of your depression. Did you hear me? If you do not change, NOTHING changes. And it will continue to get worse and worse.

So im going to break this down dummy style, Im not going to give you the scientific mumbo jumbo Im going to give you easy to understand and follow explanations and action steps. This will save your life and your kids/loved ones lives.

Cool or cool?

But understand this first, there is biological or physiological need for drugs like Prozac, Abilify, Seroquel, Cymbalta, Wellbutrin etc. But there is a massive need for nourishing your cells and nutrients. No amount of medication is going to make up for a garbage diet (which almost 100% of Americans have).

If the drugs did work you wouldnt be reading this right now, right? Exactly. So lets teach you how to heal your body so you can toss those drugs because you feel so awesome.

#1. Eliminate Inflammation.

Another thing you doctor doesnt know is science figured out a long time ago that people who all have severe chronic depression have a couple things in common. 1. Inflammation of the body and brain and 2. Severe nutritional deficiences (we will discuss this below).

Depression is NOT the debunked “your body doesnt produce serotonin theory” or some genetic predisposition bs. Your body does produce it, can produce it, can produce more of it you’re just not giving it what it needs to do so and youre damaging everything that does produce it. The inflammation destroys your body and brain internally.

So understand a lot of what Im about to teach you below is about healing your body, replenishing the nutrients your body needs to reduce inflammation so it can function like the happy person you were supposed to be.

So what you creates inflammation? Literally almost every single food you love.

Pizza, crackers, pasta, bread, candy, soda, flavored coffee creamers, high carb diets, fast food, alcohol (not telling you you can never drink, you just gotta drink smarter), cereal, cakes, dessert, mixed alcoholic drinks etc. This clinic can be of great aid to you if you’re having trouble saying no to alcohol.

Basically SUGAR. Sugar, refined, processed forms is highly inflammatory. This is the major cause of your depression and the same foods that are depleting your body of the essential nutrients your body needs to heal, function, perform, and feel good.

How does it create inflammation? Damages your gut, creates microbiome imbalance, and spikes blood sugar. All lead to inflammation. We will discuss those a bit below.

So step 1 is knowing this and making the decision to reduce your severe inflammation and heal.

(Heres some science for you nerds https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/288715 )

#2. Eliminate the inflammatory foods

So now that you know that your inflammatory diet is what is inflaming your brain and depleting your body of the essential nutrients, its obvious this is the next step. Yes, this means 100% and you weekend cheat meals. 1 bad meal can damage your gut and inflame you for WEEKS after. Its never worth the long term effects its going to cause. You wont get away with it. Even if it doesnt trigger depression immediately it will cause aches and pains that will hurt you in your workouts or daily life.

You heard that right, that back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain you deal with is tied to this inflammation too. Its not just your brain, its your entire being being inflamed and affected. So cut out all the garbage you keep eating.

#3. Eat Clean

Look, your idea of eating clean isnt even close. How do I know? Because I know humans and know what you so called healthy eaters, clean eaters actually eat. News flash, those foods you think are healthy are actually INFLAMMATORY.

Let me guess, you eat Whole wheat products, 7 or 9 grain bread, ezekiel bread, granola, chips, whole grain crackers, drink diet soda, eat protein bars, drink protein shakes, eat yogurt, or consider the tomato sauce on your pizza as a health food. lol

Got news for ya, you’re wrong. All inflammatory trash!

Eating clean is eating foods that come directly from a plant and a healthy animal. Mainly protein and veggies.

Thinks like steak and broccoli, chicken and asparagus, Turkey and cucumbers, Eggs and spinach etc. This is eating clean. These are what your body NEEDS.

I know its not what you WANT to eat, because it doesnt give you that dopamine high you get from pizza, icecream and cake. But its what your body NEEDS. You body has NO need for pizza icecream and cake, these are how you got depression.

So step 3 after you eliminate the garbage you’ve been eating is to EAT CLEAN. A simple mindset shift is to change your relationship with food, treat it as BUSINESS and stop chasing pleasure. Eating is like a business, you treat it right and you will get the most $$$$$ out of it. You dont, youll have a depressed, broken, dumpster.

Your choice, Im trying to help you but its only going to work from you APPLYING what im teaching you. Remember I have a 100% elimination of depression track record with this issue if you follow directions.

#4. Heal your leaky gut

One of the main reasons you are inflamed is because eating all of that garbage has completely wrecked your digestion, digestive tract. In almost 100% of your cases you have whats known as Leaky Gut. Your gut is damaged, it itself is inflamed, theres bad bugs, fungus, and undigested food getting into your blood stream triggering a systemic inflammatory response.

What you’re looking at above is a healthy intestinal lining on the LEFT. See the tight junctions? This keeps that bad stuff out, and allows only the good stuff like nutrients IN. On the right side is YOUR gut lining, with loose junctions, basically holes in your gut that allow all the bad stuff, undigested food, pathogens, toxins, fungus, inside your body. This creates a body that is inflamed throughout.

When your gut is damaged, you are F. Nothing will help you until you heal your gut and reduce the inflammation. This is why you need to avoid garbage foods like they are a disease because its those foods that will screw up your body, mind, life, and create diseases. One bite, one cheat meal, and you are screwed for 7-14 days or more. Its not worth it, EVER.

This is exactly why I NEVER cheat, to protect my gut. Its very sensitive, for everyone, and healing takes WEEKS or MONTHS of eating perfect and supplementing well. So why would I hurt myself only to suffer with inflammation, joint pain, aches, fatigue, depression, trigger allergies, eczema, hormonal issues, lower testosterone, mood swings, brain fog, anxiety, and looking fluffier all for a few bites of some garbage food thats going to make you feel awful after?

Sounds rediculous when you think of it like that, right? Exactly.
Heres some more info for some of you that want more info on this.



Just know those foods you keep eating mindlessly are destroying your gut which is known as your “Second Brain”.

Experts say that this gut issue is tied to every single chronic disease known to man. Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, strokes, alzheimers, autoimmune issues, eczema, psoriasis, acne, and rapid aging. A wrecked gut also means you’re not going to be able to absorb nutrients which means even more nutritional deficiencies.

So by eating clean and taking some of the supplements Ill be talking about below youll heal your gut, reduce the inflammation thats wrecking your body and brain, and regain control of your health.

#5. Eat more fat and protein

You are a carboholic, your diet has been mainly Sugar(300-360lbs per year for Americans) which is why your body is inflamed, breaking down, more than likely overweight, and you’re depressed.

Our bodies are not designed to eat this garbage. We are designed to mainly eat meats, fish, eggs, protein sources, veggies, nuts, seeds, and fruit in small doses! Which are vital for every single cell in your body and your brain. Along with your bodies ability to produce hormones. And keeping your blood sugar levels in check.

Your diet needs to be mainly Protein and Fats in order for it to look, feel, perform, heal, and function like its designed.

Nutrition is super simple guys, literally eat protein and veggies every meal. You do that youll be lighter, fitter, more energetic, healthier and happier.

Your brain thrives off of fats, the old low fat era was all a lie sponsored by the sugar industry that has cost millions their lives. (Fact)

We NEED fats, good fats and BADLY. You’ve been eating them but the inflammatory processed ones like canola, soybean, etc which comes in all your restaurant food and processed garbage foods.

You will get most your fats from your protein sources. So eat some ground beef, chicken thighs, fatty fish, whole eggs, etc. But also avocado, grassfed butter, nuts and seeds are some other sources.

Dont worry about cholesterol, that falls under that same debunked theory of the low fat era(sponsored by sugar industry). Cholesterol is healthy. There is zero correlation between cholesterol and heart disease that was debunked a LOOONG time ago and like 80+ studies ago. Having excessively high levels is just another symptom of INFLAMMATION which is coming from your damaged gut and SUGAR.

Read for yourself, do some digging.


Just know you need a clean diet, prioritize protein and fats(most come from your animal proteins) in order for you body to start healing, functioning as its designed to. Protein and Veggies every single meal. Your veggies have micronutrients your body needs to function, perform optimally. Veggies also contain fiber which is crucial for your gut health, gut healing, and feeling satiated.

#6. Replenish Nutritional deficiencies

Ok, now that you are doing what it takes to eliminate the gut issues, and inflammation, its time to start replenishing the key nutrients your body needs to heal and eliminate your mood issues. But remember, this isnt going to help if you are being undisciplined and continuing to eat garbage. Im warning you.

  • Omega 3s. This my friends is the number 1 most important nutrient that you need to replenish that you are guaranteed to be deficient in if you have depression. This is a very, very special source of fat that your body, brain and cells thrive on. Also one of the most common severe deficiencies that those with so called “depression” have. You get this from mainly from fish, and seafood which most people hardly eat any of consistently. Even if you do, you’re still not getting enough to be sufficient. Your doctor has probably never heard this because he doesnt stay up to date with science. But I recommend doing a minimum of 10,000-20,000mg of a quality fish oil per day. Youll see after a week or sooner how much better you feel from this one thing alone. (given your diet isnt garbage and you’re eating clean. Costco sells one with wild caught fish thats like 9.99 for like 400 capsules, I’ve been using this for years.

  • Magnesium. This mineral is responsible for 300+ biochemical reactions in the body. From sleep, energy, muscle contractions, digestion, relaxation, heart health, hormones, brain functions, dental health, cellular communication, the list is endless. The garbage diet depletes your body of magnesium. Now this isnt a mineral you can just get a walmart, most supplements on shelves are synthetic and trash. So theres only TWO I personally recommend Mega Food Brand, and Liquid magnesium. I’d recommend 4+ tabs before bed, and take the liquid in morning or preworkout.
  • Zinc. This is another magical mineral like magnesium thats responsible for 100s of biochemical reactions in the body. This is responsible for your immune system health, hormones, neurotransmitters, and hundreds of others. The best food sources for this are oysters, crab, beef, lamb, pork, dark meat and chicken. But its minimal doses, you are deficient so the fastest way to get your zinc up is through a tablet. Same brand as the magnesium, Mega Food. Take 2+ with your magnesium before bed. Keep both by your bedside
  • Vitamin D. Vitamin D is another common deficiency that most people who are depressed lack tremendously. This Vitamin has now been dubbed the master hormone because its so vital to overall health. This is responsible for mood, bone health, immune health, hormones, metabolism, and tons of other things. Flu season isnt actually flu season, its vitamin D deficiency season. That tied in with the increase of garbage consumed from Halloween-NYE and thats a recipe for flu and heart attacks. You get vitamin D up from sunlight. You need 15-20 mins of sunlight on your skin daily to produce an adequate amount. So make sure you get some sun to pump your D up.
  • Iodine. This is another mineral thats vital to health, it plats a central role in mental health. It is also critical for a healthy thyroid, which is crucial for your mood and metabolism. Most people who get cancer are also extremely deficient in iodine. Seaweed, cod are good sources, but this is another you need to supplement to get your system replenished quick. My very favorite brand(i’ve tried tons) has been Survival Shield X2. Take 3-5 drops per day. Along with this one I would take some Selenium as well.
  • Vitamin C. Believe it or not people in 2021 still get Scurvy. Diets high in garbage and lacking good stuff like broccoli, lemons, strawberries, bell peppers, pineapple, etc. Lead to severe Vitamin C deficiency and this too can lead to depression. Best to get this from your veggies or supplement it, not from binging on fruit, you will get fat from binging on fruit just like you can binging on candy. So make sure you’re eating your broccoli and other veggies to get your vitamin C up.
  • B complex. This is another common deficiency that needs to be replenished. B vitamins are responsible for optimal metabolism and mental health. You get B complex from sources like nuts & seeds, dark green vegetables, legumes, eggs, fish, liver and meat. Noticing a trend here? A lot of your deficiencies come from you not eating Protein and Veggies. lol.

Now there are a few more honorable mentions like Iron(women), CoQ10, glutamine, manganese but these are bottom of the list. These ones I listed above take care of depression in literally 100% of the people who followed these directions.

#7. Workout daily

I know you dont feel like it, suck it up and do it anyway. There are two reasons for this, Endorphins and developing discipline. When you workout you create a happy chemical known as Endorphins, this stands for Endogenous Morphine. Yes, your body produces a natural MORPHINE. This is why you always feel good after an intense workout. This is why runners run, for the HIGH after. (Although I do not recommend distance running, it does produce a great runners high) The more intense you train the HIGHER you get. This is why I love pushing myself to near death when I train, do sprints, or run 1000 steps in Laguna beach, it feel AMAZING after. Even though I was suffering and dying during. lol

The other part is, you are training your subconscious that “you do what you intend to do”. You show up for yourself day after day, especially on days you dont feel like it, and you are sending a message to your subconscious mind that you always stick to your word. This builds belief in yourself, sense of pride, more self esteem, and makes you feel like you can do anything. Like stacking bricks to build a House(confidence)

When you DONT follow through its like taking a sledge hammer to that wall of your house or foundation.

Make sense? Yes or Yes?

So working out produces Endorphins that make you feel good, and showing up for yourself every single day makes you feel good about yourself. That sounds like a win win to me.

It will get even better as you start seeing that scale drop and those pants getting loose and some definition coming in.

So discipline yourself to show up for yourself and workout daily!

#8. Lose fat

Having high body fat levels is terrible for you health. There is no such thing as being overweight and healthy. The diseases are brewing guaranteed. You have to lose fat, being fat is hard on the body, hard on your joints, and your self esteem. The more fat you have the more estrogen your body produces (man boobs guys). This is not enjoyable.

So by following the nutritional recommendations above you will naturally start to drop weight from loss of the inflammation water weight, the water retention from you living off sugar for decades, and if you are working out daily, keeping calories in check, you will be dropping body fat.

Know this, FAT LOSS only occurs when you create a Calorie Deficit. No deficit, No loss. I wrote an entire blog on this topic learn more here. https://phenomenallyfit.com/10-reasons-why-i-just-cant-lose-any-weight/

#9. Deal with your hurt and your past.

Look, if you’re like me, and most people you’ve had some things that have hurt you in your past. Divorce of parents, a dad that never came around, a parent that verbally abused you, a parent that died, someone that abused you, an ex that cheated on you, a divorce yourself, loss of a child, a business partner that screwed you over, loss of a loved one that devastated you. Etc.

Theres some emotional work you need to do to deal with this to heal. If you dont, like me, living 40 years with anger/pain from an abandoned father, you will hold onto that pain FOREVER on subconscious level. It is affecting every single decision and action you are taking and making daily. And responsible for those terrible reactions you are having. These hurts are also one of the big reasons people are food addicts, drug addicts, severely obese, or alcoholics. These HAVE to be dealt with for you to truly be healthy.

So although all these other 8 tips I gave you will literally eliminate your depression naturally, to fully become your true, vibrant, peaceful, happy self, you have to do some emotional work and heal from all the things that have hurt you in your past.

The world is completely different when you do this I promise you. But like i said, the first 8 steps will eliminate you issue, Im just giving you extra credit so you can achieve ULTIMATE HAPPINESS.

#10. Share this with others!

The world is hurting, the world is depressed, the world needs help. So do your part by sharing this with others so they too can reverse this, heal and become their best versions of themselves. They arent going to hear this from their doctors, so you need to be the NEWS now and share this with them to help others THRIVE.

Along with that, when someone comes back to you in a few months and says “you saved my life” because they were on the brink of suicide until they read this, changed their lifestyle, and started wanting to LIVE again. This will absolutely CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

I know because this has happened to me TONS of times. Its often people you never expect too, they tend to look normal, happy, but inside they are dying, in pain, and want it to end. So you never know who it will be so share this with all your friends, on your social media, with your teen kids, with your spouses, with your parents. You can literally be saving their life.

Alright so those are the 10 steps but lets recap!

What do you need to do?

#1. Eliminate inflammation

#2. Eliminate Inflammatory foods.

#3. Eat Clean

#4. Heal Your gut

#5. Eat More Protein and Fats

#6. Replenish your deficiencies

#7. Workout daily

#8. Lose Fat

#9. Deal with your past

#10. Share this with others!

Thank you for reading this far, thank you for sharing, until next time!

Daymond Sewall

Additionally, check out some of the signs of low testosterone in a man as well. to broaden your knowledge. Follow me below on my social media handles for more help or information reach out to me below on one of my accounts, or text me 949-632-3458 (yes this is my actual cell not a bot)


Facebook https://www.facebook.com/day.wall.5203
instagram https://www.instagram.com/super_hero_strong_fit/
Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@daymondsewall

youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/FitnessDomination/videos