What Conor McGregor can teach you about getting FIT

Im sure you saw the recent fight with Conor vs Cowboy. He came in the BEST hes ever been, strong, calculated, calm, confident, and destroyed his opponent in a mere 40 seconds of the first round.

Here is something maybe you might now know about Conor over the past few years.

He’s had a couple run in’s with the law. Punching an elderly gentleman at a bar. Hes been out of control since he became champ.

He has only had one UFC fight since 2016 and that was a submission in the 4th round to the current champ Khabib Nurmagomedov which ended in a massive brawl between the camps in the octagon.

He announced he was retiring in March 2019, but obviously didnt.

He is the subject of 2 sexual assault investigations.

He has had a history of being the party boy.

But if you looked at him in his 2020 debut you saw a very different Conor.

What was different?

He was still Conor, he was still the overly confident, trash talking Conor…

There was something extremely different.

His energy was different, his state was different, his confidence magnified, but after he destroyed his opponent you saw a very different Conor. He was humble, grateful, honored to share the ring with Cowboy, respected his opponent, you saw him even hug Cowboy and his Cowboys grandmother who came into the ring.

What was it that changed?


He hired someone to COACH him on his mindset. Nothing else changed…other than HOW HE THOUGHT. He has been working with non other than the famous personal development master Tony Robbins.

Robbins was even in the ring with him after he won the fight!

If you watch the post fight interviews you will see a few things that Conor has done which YOU MUST DO in order to truly succeed with your fitness goals.

#1. Accept responsibility.

Most of you play victim in life, you blame everything else as to why you dont have the body or health you want. You blame your parents, your spouse, your genetics, your friends, your work, your kids, the president, the holidays etc. You name it you play victim.

If you are making excuses you are playing victim to your circumstances.

You made yourself fat, noone else. You made the crappy food choices, you are the one who constantly over eats. You are the one who doesnt portion control or track your intake. You are the one who skips workouts. You are the one sleeping in instead of getting up earlier to create time to train.

You MADE yourself Fat, and unhealthy. YOU and only YOU. Its not your genes its your crappy lifestyle.

In order to succeed you must first do like Conor did and accept responsibility. In his interviews he admitted that he had been slacking on his training the past few years. He felt he disrespected the team that he had that was sacrificing their time with their families to train him and he wasnt even showing up. Wasnt taking it serious. Which led to him taking two losses, one to Khabib and the other to Mayweather.

But he accepted responsibility for his behaviors, learned his lessons as you must do. Which leads me to my next point.


He committed himself back into his rigorous training. Committed to NOT drinking and partying. Committed to doing the work that was necessary to achieve the goals he set for himself.

When it comes to your success in your fitness, transforming your physique, losing fat to get defined or ripped, you have to mentally COMMIT to the lifestyle.

That means you show up every day whether you want to or not. You make smart food choices. You change the way you behave on weekends when socializing. You do all the things you know you should do that you have been avoiding.

You commit to eating healthy.

You commit to tracking your food daily.

You commit to training every single day.

You commit to being disciplined when you are around your friends.

You commit to waking up early daily to create time for your workouts.

Whatever YOU need to do so YOU can get the body you want, you DO IT!!!

You do that every single day like you are supposed to and you to will CRUSH YOUR GOALS. It will be a knockout!!!

Just like Conor said “I started doing the things I know I should have been doing”

The body, life, confidence you want to feel is only going to come from you accepting responsibility for your actions, making a decision to COMMIT fully to building the NEW lifestyle.

Conor even said right after his Victory he was going to sip a bit of his whiskey, rest a day, then go right back into his training regimen to keep fine tuning and improving his skillset. Hes COMMITTED to becoming the best fighter of all time and being one whos name is in the history forever.

So just like Conor you must commit to making these things new HABITS.

What you want is found on the other side of doing all the things you DONT want to do. Do them anyway, every day.

Which brings me to my next point.

#3. Form Habits.

Science says it takes on average 66 days straight to form a habit but up to 180 days. If you miss a day that means you gotta start all over again.

But what you dont know is that forcing yourself to go 66 days straight or more and creating habits is KEY to your long term success. Once you have formed these things as a habit it is super easy to stay on course.

Heres some habits that you MUST do to succeed as fast as possible:

  1. Train first. Force yourself to wake up earlier and train first thing before work. This will create consistency because you know you will procrastinate going many times if you wait until after work. To succeed you have to make your fitness a priority so get it done FIRST! Sacrifice sleep. Youll naturally start getting in bed earlier.
  2. Hydrate. This is vital for every single function in your body. Most of you live chronically dehydrated and dont even know it. If you arent peeing clear/almost clear 2-3x per hour you are dehydrated AF. Ladies 1-2 gallons per day. Guys 2-3.
  3. Track your food. Creating a calorie deficit is KEY to burning fat. If you arent weighing portions or tracking intake, you have no clue how many calories you are eating and I guarantee most of you are eating 50-100% more than you think you are. Which is why you’re fat and not losing as fast as you should or at all.
  4. Eat clean. No processed bs. Protein, veggies, nuts, seeds, small amounts of fruit occasionally. This makes staying on track easier once you kick your sugar addiction. Because you have one taste of junk and you’re gonna binge or overeat the rest of the day and days after. If you had the discipline to stop you’d be ripped already, but you arent, which means you dont. So EAT clean.

Thats the basics. You make those things habits you will become one super sexy, fit, healthy machine that will be turning heads everywhere you go. Youll be so proud of yourself you’ll be gleaming with smiles and confidence.

  1. Take full responsibility
  2. Commit to the lifestyle and your goals
  3. Force yourself and build new habits.

You can do this, but its going to require your full effort. So suck it up, buckle down. Nothing of value ever comes easy.

The time is going to pass anyway so you might as well get rewarded from it.

If you like what you read then youll love this site so make sure you subscribe.

If you need a program or a plan I’ve written a couple books teaching you exactly how to eat, train, live. Or if you are a Socal Local and want to train with us in person we own a gym and train in person too.

You can find more info on those topics by simply reaching out to me personally on my facebook messenger. I personally respond to these not a bot, or an assistant, ME. https://www.facebook.com/daymondsewall

See you next time!

Daymond Sewall

Founder/CEO Phenomenal Fitness

Author of “The Shredded Executive” and “Booty Gains”

Father of 4 boys


  1. great article. You know I have been following you for 7 years now since i have left So Cal and yes, still working on my goals. I really needed this today. Thank you as always!

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